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Pranic energy healing and Reiki healing can cure skin problems. Though, it may seem strange but it is true. Before going into details how this works. Let’s first know about our skin.

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It is, in terms of both weight—between 3 and 5 Kgs pounds—and surface area—about 18 square feet. Your skin separates the inside of your body from the outside world. It protects you from bacteria and viruses, and regulates your body temperature.

It also bears the maximum impact of ailments as there are more than 3000 skin disorders that affect people worldwide. You must have also faced dry dull skin and lifeless skin. But you are not alone. More than 85 million people in the U.S. are affected by skin diseases.

Most of us have undergone multiple medications and application of creams, but still haven’t found a complete cure?

Well the answer lies in your body itself. You must have heard about miracles through pranic healing. Thus, it can work wonders for your skin too. Changes in color or texture can result from inflammation, infection, or allergic reactions anywhere in the body.

Pranic energy & Reiki healing

Energy healing has several techniques – Pranic and Reiki are two of the leading ones. First, let’s understand what is pranic healing. Pranic energy healing can help activate your body’s self-repair mechanism. It helps you to recover faster and solve the health conditions from within which will make sure that the problems don’t reoccur.

The issues to a large extent depend on the healthiness of the skin and the related chakras. One of the most persistent skin disorders is Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-communicable, painful, disfiguring and disabling disease for which there is no cure and with great negative impact on patients’ quality of life. Treatment of psoriasis is still based on controlling the symptoms. The need for treatment is usually lifelong and is aimed at remission.

Advanced Pranic healing suggests that in conditions like Psoriasis, patients have dirty energies stuck in their chakras. Could Psoriasis happen due to impure blood? Blood could be impure due to some infection or allergies. To purify the blood, we need to activate the energy of the body.

The chakras are energy centres of the body and they control the energies to heal the body. The solar plexus chakras through the liver, the spleen chakras through the physical spleen, the mengmein chakras through the kidneys, these purify the blood.

The Pranic healing treatment can be given to the patient to purify the blood three times a week till the patient recovers completely.

As psoriasis is emotional in origin, psychotherapy in combination with Pranic energy healing or Reiki could also be very effective.

Suffering from a skin disorder, consult with our counsellor on way forward.

Natural home remedies for a cough and cold

Cough cold are a very common illness which comes with every season change.

How to prevent it and how to fight it? That is the big question in everyone’s mind. Allopathy

medicines make us feel better for some time but alternative treatments give a permanent relief.

The common cold may lead to a runny nose, congestion, cough, body pain, fever, stomach infection. Flu

or common cold is an extremely noncritical disease but it makes the patient suffer a lot. An average

human gets affected by this disease three times in a year. It takes 7 to 8 days to cure. No medicines

can resolve it before 7 to 10 days.

Here are some remedies which will help in treating the common cold. These are the ancient

remedies which we do not practise anymore due to time constraint or modernisation, but they still

Steps to eradicate cold:

• Increase intake of warm water throughout the day, this will help in flushing toxins out of your

• Include Vitamin C rich food in your diet.

• Take hot ginger tea for relief from congestion.

• If you are a non-vegetarian, chicken clear soups just works best.

• Turmeric milk heals the body internally.

• Ginger and tulsi juice work great. Ginger also helps to keep the body warm, which is good so that

body can start perspiring and flush the toxins out.

• Honey relieves the throat. Honey is a soothing and healing agent. Raw honey from untainted

bees is the best honey which can boost immunity and treat cold symptoms.

• Boil ginger and turmeric in water and drink it twice a day.

• Inhale hot water steam, it works better than any nasal drop.

• A combination of garlic, lemon and honey also give relief.

• Gargle with salted warm water for relief from a sore throat.

Nothing beats the disease better than complete rest. Take a break from work and spend some time

relaxing and helping your body to recover completely. First, three days of common cold are when

infection can spread the most. So be at home and avoid spreading the disease.

If relief is not achieved and if a cough becomes chronic, visit a medical practitioner and get checked

Handwriting should be called”brainwriting.” It all starts in the brain. Your handwriting is an x-ray of your brain, to the trained Grapho-Therapist. Why not use your brain and hand to bring about positive changes in yourself by Graphotherapy? When you change, your writing changes, right? So reverse the process and change your writing on purpose to change your brain? It works.  Source

What does a Graphotherapist do?

A Graphotherapist can understand many aspects of your personality from the way your letters are formed, the direction of the lines and the way you use the space on the page. With these details, it is possible for them to design a therapy customised for you to change those aspects of your personality that are holding you back from achieving your life’s ambitions.

The curative offshoot of handwriting analysis, called graphotherapy, is all about reprogramming the subconscious mind and changing the personality through changing the handwriting strokes style by repeated practice. It delivers results most definitely and therefore it won’t be a hyperbole to say that it is the most easy way to bringing about changes in you personality. The handwriting therapy requires commitment and patience. You will surely get to see some positive results if you do the exercises as advised by an accomplished graphologist.

What kind of changes are possible with graphotherapy?

Temper: If you want to control your temper, just make sure you are never careless while writing t-bars. Also, i-dots should be correctly placed.

Confidence: To gain more confidence and to boost self-esteem, you can use graphotherapy. With increased confidence you will be able to rewrite your success story.

Shyness: If you feel shy and cannot face a large crowd, graphotherapy can come handy. With some changes in handwriting, you should be able to deal with your shyness and become frank.

For children: With graphotherapy, children can improve their communication skills and enhance their personal goals. Also, they can enhance their ability to concentrate.

Talent search: If you wish to know your children’s talent, you must consult a handwriting analyst. A graphotherapist can tell you how your children can work on their areas of strength to achieve desired success.

If you are going through any issues, or want to change some aspect of your personality, connect with us at +91 80500023237. Our experts do graphotherapy sessions online, so you can be located in any part of the world

how fathers can participate actively in improving child’s health

Fathers are every child’s superhero. Children believe that their fathers don’t have any limits. But when it comes to caring for they are inclined towards mothers. Today’s generation dads have to be aware of the care and knowledge required to take care of their young ones especially when they suffer from any health problems So fathers time to read on.

As per psychologist Eirine Flouri, “An involved father figure reads to his child, takes outings with his child, is interested in his child’s education, and takes a role equal to the mother’s in managing his child.” Children with these types of dads are more likely to get better grades in school and fared better overall.

The need for fathers to be involved has become very important in the last decade as in many cases both the parents work and need to be equally capable of handling a child’s needs. Tips to get involved in a child’s life –

A study has proven the fact that children, who have continuous involvement of fathers in their lives have lesser cases of behavioural disorders, overall wellbeing and feel less victimised by the society. The psychological study also reveals that fathers who are involved in their children life, health wise or other feel more satisfied with themselves, and are more to participate among the members of society.

This also makes their relationship with their spouses’ cordial as the feelings for each other deepens with empathy and mutual agreement when it comes to their child’s wellbeing. So in whole it’s a win – win situation for all.

Fathers don’t get left behind in the race, time to get involved with your child physical, mental and emotional growth. If you are finding it difficult as to how to get involved take relationship advice from our experts

Work is important but family comes first!

Five days a week (and in some cases, six), nine hours of sitting in a chair and staring at the computer is as discomforting as it sounds. And it can take a serious toll on your physical as well as mental well-being.

Since most of our waking hours are spent at work, a large majority of us end up leading a sedentary lifestyle that brings down your health to an all-time low. Stress, chronic neck and backaches, weight gain and most importantly, depression are few of the common reasons behind work-related ill-health. Do you feel fresh and energized for going to office the next day?

The worst part here though, is that your body over time doesn’t even seem to mind the occasional pains, sudden mood swings and tiredness. Until it burns out, gives up and leaves us wondering why!

Now we all know that getting up for a morning walk is impossible when we sleep past midnight, and equally impossible to fit in an hour of gym when you reach home at dinner time. So what if we could make just simple tweaks to your usual workday instead to stay fit and agile?

Yes, it is possible and here are a few great tips to maintain your health at work:

  1. Breathe deeply

People who are under stress take shorter breaths which sometime turns into desperate gasps. Over time, this becomes a habit and makes you feel stressed even when you’re not stressed. This is why one must make conscious efforts to take deep breaths not only while at work, but also while doing the daily chores.

Breathing deeply helps in getting higher quantity of oxygen reach the lungs and blood stream which in turn helps the brain function more efficiently. Meditation is an effective way to stay focused, incorporate deep breathing in your daily life and reduce stress at work.

Even though you may not have the time to get into meditation mode on a daily basis – sneaking in 10 deep breaths while you’re making your morning coffee or getting dressed will help.

Alternative medicine:

If you are extremely stressed, consider taking aromatherapy. It involves the application or inhalation of aromatic essential oils, extracted from plants to give your body a sense of relief.

Reiki and pranic healing are energy healing techniques which can help you deal with stress and its related symptoms very effectively. Alternatively, you can choose practicing emotional freedom technique that combines psychotherapy and acupressure to tap your stress away.

  1. Drink lots of water

Most of us tend to forget drinking water as often as we should in a day. The reason being, half the time we’re so engrossed in work that it skips our mind completely and when we do find the time, we reach out for a cup of tea or coffee to keep going. And that’s exactly where we go wrong!

Your body ‘needs’ water to function. In fact, you are putting your body at risk by not staying hydrated enough. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water regularly to control weight gain, prevent headaches, keep the kidneys in order and maintain a happy mood.

Alternative medicine:

If you are averse to water, then you can always replace it with some fruits and vegetables which hydrate the body twice as effectively as a glass of water.  They make a refreshing snack option during the hot summer months. Top of the list are Watermelon, Cucumber, Strawberries, Grapes, Orange, Cranberries, Blueberries, Plums, Apples, Pears, Lettuce, Celery, Zucchini, Radish, Tomato, Cabbage and many more. There are expert nutritionists who can help you prepare your diet chart along with recipes depending on your life style and day schedule

3. Take a walk post-lunch

Having your lunch and immediately getting back to work is still unhealthy. This will make you lethargic and decrease your mental activity in the latter half of the day. So the next time you have lunch in office, ensure you take a short stroll before getting back to your seat and going through the daily grind.

These short walks will regulate your blood sugar, burn fat, build muscle and keep your body weight under check.

Alternative medicine:

nutritional therapy can help you plan your diet depending on your daily schedule and ensuring that the food you intake in energizing and invigorating

Please remember that this is your body and you’re responsible for it much longer than your current job’s requirement. While performing at work is becoming increasing important with the rising competition, it is also a fact that an unhealthy body is not going to take you anywhere. Being healthy and happy leads to a productive and efficient employee.

Make convenient and conscious changes that will steer you in the direction of a healthy, balanced and a successful life. Watch out for some more tips in the part 2

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Imagine how incomplete our lives would be, if you could not smell food, enjoy the smell of flowers, and experience the fresh scents of nature, the sweet smell of a baby…yes!! that’s right they are too good to miss. Our nose provides us with a sense of smell, which is one of the five senses that a body experiences. Smell or aroma plays a significant role in our lives.

The aroma can also be used in a therapeutic way to heal and provide relief from a number of causes, be it beating stress, aiding peace & calm, inducing sleep, relaxation, cold or boosting the immune systems to name a few. Aromatherapy is an interesting approach to alternative healing. It requires little or no intervention from health practitioners and can be practised on your own.

Health benefits of aromatherapy include managing depression, reducing stress, beating anxiety, promoting peace & calm, pain management, migraine/headache reduction, aiding digestion and increase in blood circulation. Aromatherapy has been around for long, do you remember when our mother’s and grandmother’s used to make us inhale a few drops of eucalyptus oil for beating cold with or the use of incense sticks for prayers thereby creating a sense of calm or use of herbs for keeping the house free of insects and flies. That’s use of aromatherapy in our daily lives.

The advancement of science and technology has seen a tremendous facelift in the area of aromatherapy as well, oils and extracts of exotic plants and trees are now easily available in the markets. Aromatherapy has been used in India, parts of Europe, USAbut is now gaining popularity all over the world. The oils available in the market today are researched, patented and tested safe for use. They reach the markets after much deliberations and certificates of approval from the health & wellness government bodies.

Some benefits of aromatherapy in the following conditions:

  1. Inducing sleep: A working day might seem endless when you are sleep deprived. People who get sound sleep are more energetic, high-spirited and zestful. For aiding sleep, one can use lavender oil, ylang-ylang oil, sandalwood oil, jasmine, chamomile oil.
  2. Anti-stress: Stress is the most common complaint of people who have strenuous jobs or lives. It is a great relief that there is a range of anti-stress oils that are simple to use and very effective. Some oils that help in stress relieving are lemon, lavender, bergamot, peppermint, vetiver, ylang-ylang.
  3. Headaches: Waking up with a headache or sinus induced headache, migraine, stress related headache are causes of great discomforts. Almond, avocado, coconut, sesame oils work wonders to treat a headache.
  4. Memory booster: A good memory not just gets you good grades but is also helpful in building self-esteem. In grown-ups, Dementia and Alzheimer’s are more serious problems where recalling the smallest details becomes a difficulty. Aroma oils aid in boosting memory capacity and slowing the process of forgetfulness. Sage and almond oils are beneficial for memory.
  5. Pain relief: Pain relief finds significant results in aromatherapy. Lavender, chamomile, clary sage, juniper, eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint are very effective in combatting pain.

How can these oils be used?

Aromatherapy is a branch of science which combines the essence of different plants, roots, flowers, herbs in the form of essential oils. These oils can be used to heal and treat a lot of common ailments or simply for relaxation.

Healing tip by Dr.Disha Ghosal

World over conflicts and fights are increasing. Unrest in the cities are on a rise. People are deviating from the path of peace and love. Our practitioner Dr Disha Ghosal believes that as healers we should come together and do our bit in healing the imbalances. Help calm the mob fury and bring about peace and harmony. Here is a message to all the healers and meditators to get together and use their gifts to heal the mobs of unrest and maintain the balance of peace and love.

Distance healing method OR Visualization technique for Meditators

1) Grounding: most of the healers have their personal kind of grounding technique like tree visualization, water flow visualization.
This grounding is very important because the energy that’s given to the Universe is at a high speed.

2)Affirmations that can be used
a)For highest good
b)Affirmation for people to take ownership for their actions and bring clarity in thoughts and actions
c)Heal Mother Earth

3) Post-healing does a gratitudinal prayer is necessary.Thanking Mother Earth, parents, teachers , self and anyone you feel connected to.

4) Frequency : I am personally sending healing every 15 minutes for 3 minutes each. Since MOB’s are dynamic and their energy keeps fluctuating, the frequency is the key to keeping the balance.

Please Note :
1) No footwear while healing

2)  Stop sending healing if u feel giddy, nausea, emotionally drained, mentally uncomfortable. This clearly shows that your grounding isn’t enough. Please reground if need be.

3) MOB mentality is fear based, Do remember : where fear exists love is disconnected. All healings should be love based.

Healing for your beloved Pets- Animal Reiki Healing

Is your pet unwell?
Having an infection or dealing with allergies?
Has a troubled stomach and has been refusing to eat?

Well for all above issues and more with your pet, Animal Reiki is the answer. Now you can treat your beloved pets from home, without troubling them with endless vet visits and medicines. Animal Reiki healing is an intriguing subject for many and here we make it easier to understand the doubts and questions around the subject.

What is Animal Reiki?

Animal Reiki healing is very similar to the concept of Reiki. Reiki is the healing methodology where a healer uses universal energy, “Qi” to energise the body which increases body capacity of healing. Reiki healing can be given by touch method or from a distance. Touch method is where the person is physically present with the healer, Distant Reiki is where the healer and patient are at different locations.

In Animal Reiki, a similar approach is used. Healer uses universal energy to energise the body, concentrating on the problem areas to induce healing. Wondering how well Reiki and animals go together? Well, Animals are better recipients of this type of healing as their instincts are stronger.

What is the process of Animal Reiki?

Whether you are looking for Reiki for dogs, or Reiki for cats, or Reiki for horses, the process remains the same. The healer will scan the animal using reiki energy, to identify the problem/ disease. This is also known as medical intuitive scans. In a case of Distant Reiki, the healer might want a picture of the animal to establish a connection. Once all this is set up, the healer will channelize the energy to the animal and energise the whole body while concentrating on the problematic areas.

Does it work?

Animal Reiki healing is a very effective method. Humans have a tendency to seek a logical explanation for how, when and what whereas the animals are very accepting of the healing energies given to them. You will often find the animal being very compassionate towards the healer.

Read: What is Reiki healing and how does it work?

What does my pet experience during an animal reiki session?

The immediate effects as mentioned by several pet owners is that they find there is a feeling of calm and peace in the animals after a reiki session. Soon into the session, the animal usually finds a relaxing spot where it lies or goes into a reiki nap during or just after the session.

In what ways can pet reiki help?

How many animal reiki healing sessions will my pet require?

You might begin to see good effects of healing straight away but the total number of sessions required can be determined by the healer accessing the condition of the animal.

Some Examples of animal healing done by our healers

Reiki is done for all living beings and does not discriminate.Dr.Ghosal says..

  1. I do a lot of reiki healing for dogs and there was this one time when I noticed the stray dog in my locality was limping and crying out of pain. I reached out to it to provide healing by touch, but the dog was vulnerable and made whimpering sounds. I chose to give it to Distance Reiki instead.

While doing so, I could sense a sensation of pricking and a throbbing pain that was caused by it. I had a veterinarian take a look at the dog, and as it had been, there was a thorn in the dog’s paw that was giving a problem.

This is an example to showcase that Reiki can be used for animals/ people who are vulnerable or in pain or hesitant to see a doctor. Reiki can be an effective First Aid Kit.

  1. There was this dog, a Labrador (Bruno), who was very playful and naughty. Always very active and chirpy, never dull. To Bruno’s owner's surprise, Bruno became absolutely dull and limped after taking a fall. Although there wasn’t an injury, Bruno refused to revert to his usual playful self. The biggest challenge every pet owner faces is the inaccessibility of vet clinics and house calls. Since I gave Bruno regular healing, the owner approached me.

I did not feel that there was any fracture, during the healing session but I did feel there was an emotional fear. Upon an x-ray, it was known there was no fracture of any kind but Bruno had gone into shock, due to the cultivation of fear. With regular healings for 3 days, Bruno returned to his happy self like nothing had happened.

How long is the treatment for pet reiki?

A typical session would range anywhere from 20-45 minutes.

Can I continue to administer the medications prescribed by the Vet?

Yes, animal reiki healing can be taken along with the ongoing treatment. Although reiki is a very strong medium of healing, and can provide wellness to the animal. Please consult with the reiki healer for details.

How does Distant Reiki work for animals?

Distant Reiki is especially beneficial for pet owners or animals who find it difficult to visit the healer. A mutual time can be agreed where the healer can give reiki.

How will the reiki healer know who is to receive healing?

Every living being transmits a different energy. Reiki healers  establish a connection with this unique energy transition. Sometimes the healer gives reiki with intent or a photograph or medium to represent the animal (can be the pet owner).

Animal Reiki is gaining a lot of popularity worldwide as it is non-invasive, gentle and has no side effects whatsoever. It doesn’t cause any stress, trauma, discomfort or any pain and yet gives powerful results. Also, reiki works for all types of pets. Even cats and reiki go together very well. Reiki helps in providing energy to the body to heal itself. And when physical healing is not possible, reiki can bring peace and comfort.

Also Read: How is Reiki energy healing helpful for students?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges. . 

In this article we get a close perspective on Reiki by certified reiki grandmaster Dr Disha.

Healclinic: How did you get into Reiki? When did you start?

Dr.Disha : I was initiated into Reiki at the age of 8 years old.  Initially when I started learning about Reiki, it was purely out of curiosity, no one spoke about Reiki then. Initially I would practice Reiki for self-healing and self-awareness. It will be 28 years this December when I first started doing Reiki.

Healclinic: How did you get into Healing?

Dr.Disha: Though I was practising Reiki for self-healing purposes, the feeling of providing healing to others was always there. In-fact it was a driving force for me to start as a reiki master practitioner.The satisfaction of trust that a person places in you for healing them is a powerful means of guidance.

Healclinic: As a certified Reiki master teacher how do you initiate Reiki Healing?

Dr.Disha: I connect with the person through their energy. Every living being has a unique energy; I harness on this unique energy to be able to help them. The person need not be in front of me, Reiki done by distance is equally effective and I have had profound results.

Healclinic: How does it work?

Dr.Disha: Reiki is a holistic approach towards dealing with the problems a person has. I get a feeling of warmth, whilst sending Reiki. As a certified reiki healer, first I focus on analyzing their chakras and then on cleaning the channels for receiving energy. People fall ill when their chakras are out of balance or blocked. Reiki unblocks the energy channels and fills the body with positive energy.

Speaking practically for connecting with the logical minds – two people speak over a mobile phone irrespective of the make of phone, network, without any physical presence. This would have sounded bizarre a few decades ago but in today’s age it isn’t. Reiki works the same way. We are all connected to universal energy, we only need to be aware of it. Each living body is a miracle in its own self. I, as a certified Reiki practitioner can guide you through it, but it's your own belief and trust that will make it work.

Healclinic: Can you give us some examples?

Dr.Disha: Yes, there are so many but some have touched my heart and I will share those with you. Reiki is done for all living beings be it animals or humans and does not discriminate.

  1. I do a lot of Animal HealingThere is a Labrador dog called Bruno in my neighborhood, whom I give regular healing, always very active and chirpy, never dull. To Bruno’s owner surprise, Bruno became absolute dull and limped after taking a fall. Although there wasn’t an injury, Bruno refused to revert to his usual playful self. The biggest challenge every pet owner faces, is the inaccessibility of vet clinics and house calls.

When the owner approached me, I did not feel that there was any fracture, during the healing session,  instead felt there was an emotional fear. Upon an x-ray, it was known there was no fracture of any kind but Bruno had gone into shock, due to fear. With regular healings for 3 days, Bruno returned to his happy self as if nothing had happened.

2. I was once approached by parents whose baby was born insulin deficient. through reiki healing I was able to balance out the sugar levels in her. She later became a reiki channel herself and learnt to balance her sugar levels herself.

Reiki is useful in all types of illnesses. Some of the other cases that I have handled as a reiki master healer  are managing depression without medications, channeling the energy of ADHD and other special kids towards a better creative outlet, to reduce medication under supervision of a doctor for an ongoing cancer patient by 70%.

Reiki is also used to manage and impart life skills to students to help them with exam anxiety, lost concentration and focus, etc.

Healclinic: You insist on “Living Beings”, is there a difference how each living being accepts healing?

Dr.Disha: Yes. Animals and children are great receptors to healing. Their minds are not cluttered with thoughts and processes. The complexity of life, which we have created for ourselves, does not exist in their world. They absorb everything coming their way. Everyone is born with Reiki, as it’s our connection with universal energy.

With growing years, our chakras become imbalanced with negative energies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Weaker parts of the body become the trigger points for portrayal of these negative energies as diseases or ailments. For example: In Cancer, the damage reaches the cellular level in the body and starts to spread rapidly. Threshold of every person is different and hence how an imbalance affects each individual is different. Reiki is given with the intention of higher good and hence an immense positive effect.

Healclinic: Being a Reiki master what is your message to the world?

Dr.Disha: I would personally ask people to be more receptive to the idea of energy healing . Although awareness is growing in society/ people than before, which is very positive but not enough. Every living body is capable of healing on its own, which is a sign that our body is our own doctor. In chronic illness, there is an absence of self-healing. This is a sign that symptoms that our body repeatedly gives us should not be ignored. There is a lot of good in the world, our problems are our own manifestations. So let go of the past, or of thoughts that bring you discomfort. Manifest on the good, let go of the bad.

Simplify your life with Reiki energy therapy and take control of your life back.

Life is simple. Haven’t we heard this statement quite often and from many people? Can life be simple when we have deadlines to meet, goals to achieve, people to compete with, stay healthy, look pretty and do all this within 24 hours? Phew, that is tough.

Amidst all the chaos, we lose sight of our health to a set of ugly emotions called criticism, anger, anxiety, stress, frustration and irritation. Can life be ever simple? “It can never be.”  That was my conclusion a few years back.

Over a period of time working with Reiki therapy and other similar healing modalities, I have come to a deeper understanding of what life is or, what life can be.

Life is being in the now. Most importantly, life is all about being happy and loving yourself. Life, for me, is giving myself the breathing space to pursue what I like, do what I love and spend quality time with people I love. With this definition, it did feel life is simple.

Being a Reiki therapy channel, I have always believed in the inner wisdom or gut feeling that each of us have. This inner wisdom has given me the strength, responsibility and, most of all, the freedom to choose. Sometimes, we tend to choose what might be best for others or what is socially acceptable. In all this, we tend to brush aside the little voice in us which is the true identity of what our soul desires.

Reiki founder Dr Mikao Usui has taught very simple but truly governing principles for humankind.  When we learn Level 1 of Reiki energy therapy, it’s very easy for a Reiki channel to brush aside these five principles..However, the minute a Reiki channel starts to see the value of these principles, they are on a divine path of enlightenment and, more so, on a path of eternal happiness. 

However, the minute a Reiki channel starts to see the value of these principles, they are on a divine path of enlightenment and, more so, on a path of eternal happiness. These principles form the core of a happy life. These principles are profound, can be used by everyone. These five principles can form a true essence of one’s life.

Read: What is Reiki therapy and how it works?

While Reiki taught me how to heal myself and others, these five principles have taught me how to lead a simple and happy life. I have also come to realise that the minute we have a quiet mind, we have easily launched ourselves into a life of easy manifestations and vibrancy. A clear mind works very effective in perceiving situations better. Hence, we have better relationships. A clear mind can vibrate and attract all that we aspire. The list is endless.

So what’s stopping us from venturing into the world of Reiki energy therapy? It’s the mind again. How would this world be if we parked our egos and our analytical minds aside and simply embraced all of this ancient wisdom?  

Read: What should I know before a Reiki therapy session?

Read: What should I keep in mind before receiving Reiki energy therapy?

Read: What should I know before a Reiki therapy session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki therapy for different challenges faced by clients.

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
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