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Reiki Healing: How to prepare for a Reiki session?

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Aug 26

Reiki healing is very simple yet it facilitates very powerful divine healing. Even though there are no side-effects, it is necessary for recipients to observe a certain level of discipline while receiving reiki energy healing. Some of the precautions to be followed while during reiki healing session,

❏ Recipient should honor the instructions given out by the Reiki channel.

❏ ReRecipient should always trust and acknowledge the flow of Reiki with utmost love and gratitude since it will always manifest the divine intention

❏ If the recipient is emotionally and or physically distressed, Reiki channel can engage in counselling / coaching sessions with the recipient to provide instant belief in Reiki healing.

❏ To accelerate healing recipient can practice affirmation, meditation and creative visualization 

Reiki energy healing complements other healing methods like Allopathy, Ayurveda.

❏ Since, Reiki healing session will scrub the soul of emotional debris, the recipient may witness emotional swirl or turbulence. It is requested that the recipient understand that these are the old emotions that are coming to surface and are getting released.

Read: What is Reiki energy healing and How does it work?

In short, Reiki is a holistic approach of healing that transcends the dimensions of time and space. During the course of a Reiki healing session, energy is channeled into the recipient and it is completely the interaction between the recipient and the energy resulting in a healing experience. The Reiki channel never transfers his own energy into the recipient's system. 

There are stories from the personal experiences of many individuals that Reiki healing has done wonders and improved the quality of their lives. It is an ancient methodology of healing and is devoid of any adverse effects.

Recipients should note that, reiki will facilitate healing only if they allow it to and hence should always trust and acknowledge the flow of reiki. In some cases, immediate results may not show up and hence the recipient needs to practice patience and trust.

They say that what you hold in your mind, the universe delivers it. So if your mind is loaded with negativity, the universe will manifest more of negativity. But, now if you start to reprogram your mind with positivity, the universe will mould your current situation into a positive one. Hence, one should never focus on the disease or healing. Reiki energy healing is a process that will walk you to a balanced state.

Many pioneers in energy healing like Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton have at some point of time have undergone physical pain and they worked on themselves

Read: What should I know before a Reiki healing session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients.

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