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Tarot Masterclass in Kannada

Mar 12, 2025
Mar 12, 2025
7:00 pm
9:00 pm
99 INR
Healer Rajeshwari
Tarot Reading Masterclass in Kannada. Discover the Power of Tarot – Now in Your Language! Have you ever felt lost, searching for answers, or unsure about your next step? That’s where Tarot Reading comes in. And for the first time, we’re bringing it to you in your language - Kannada!
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Rewriting of Soul Records Basic Level - Akashic Reading

Mar 15, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
4:30 pm
9:30 pm
18600 INR
Healer Vidya Kaval
Akashic Records are a library of our vibrational energy, which contains all information from our past, present and future. Experience a Reading of your Akashic Records to understand why you are facing the challenge that you are and what can be done about it
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Tarot Reading in Kannada

Apr 7, 2025
Apr 11, 2025
7:00 pm
8:30 pm
3500 INR
Healer Rajeshwari
Tarot Cards Reading are good guidance tools to give you an idea on what is to happen in different areas of your life and what may and may not work. Unlock the mysteries of tarot - Join our Basic Tarot reading class. Introducing tarot classes in KANNADA.
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Upcoming Events

Online workshops which teach you tools and techniques in different therapies. We have facilitated 200+ workshops benefiting 1000's.

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Online Consultation

1000 INR
Deepti Arora (NLP Coach and Reiki Master)
You have questions around healing, therapy, counseling? What services would work best for you? You want to understand a particular therapy in detail? Confused about which therapy will work for you? Generally have questions around spirituality, tools and techniques that you practise or should practise? Talk to our experienced counselor and healer for 30 minutes and get all your questions answered.
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Money Speaks – Embrace the Manifestation & Abundance in You

May 10
May 31
11000 INR
Eshanye KP
Join this 21 day program to get over blocks and resistance, move towards manifesting abundance be it financial, relationships, health or professional. It consists of Daily Affirmations, Daily Meditations, Daily Redikal Money Guidance, Redikal Snakes and Ladders Game, Goal and Vision Setting and more.
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Family Constellation - Residential Retreat

Apr 19
Apr 20
15000 INR
Eshanye KP
2 days Residential Retreat to Heal, Transform, and Reconnect with multiple Family Constellation sessions. These sessions will help you to uncover subconscious patterns and heal family baggage. This retreat-style sessions are ideal for those seeking profound breakthroughs in relationships, personal growth, or emotional well-being.
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Theta Healing Advanced DNA Online

Mar 28
Mar 30
42000 INR
Ruchira Puri
ThetaHealing® techniques are rooted in the belief that thought is all-powerful. ThetaHealing® Advanced Course prepares you for faster healings and advances your connection to the divine by releasing Oaths, Vows & Commitments made on other planes. Prerequisite: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
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Theta Healing Basic DNA

Mar 21
Mar 23
42000 INR
Ruchira Puri
This 3 day course teaches you Basic ThetaHealing® Techniques and certifies you as a Theta Healer. It helps you live your best life; Manifest Abundance, Attract Soul Mates, Fill your life with Love and Joy. Through ThetaHealing® meditation, you can access parts of your subconscious mind, illuminating belief systems that drive patterns in your life.
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Tarot Reading

Apr 19
Jun 22
25000 INR
Anita Vallala
Tarot is an excellent guidance tool, which helps you understand about a situation, a person, upcoming possibilities, your strengths and weaknesses and so much more. Learn the Basics of Tarot along with intense practise in this workshop.
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Exclusive Healings!

Recorded Healing & Meditation

Want to heal, but lack of time or  value did not allow you. We bring to you pre recorded videos, choose which area you want to heal, do it at your own pace and at a much lesser price. 1000+ people have taken advantage of these recordings, when are you registering?

Manthan - Recordings

500 INR
"If someone wishes for good health one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then it is possible to help him" A full day online webinar with 6 Therapists discussing 6 different therapies and how they can help in identifying and healing physical health issues.
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Weight Loss through Self Hypnosis

1200 INR
Suresh Kumar Mahabal
Weight Loss need not be a difficult process. Use Hypnosis to reduce your weight through our pre recorded self hypnosis audio. Listen to this 40 minute guided hypnosis for 21 days and see the results as your mind modifies the messages being sent to your body.
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Power of Gratitude

1100 INR
Deepti Arora (NLP Coach and Reiki Master)
Benefits of practising gratitude are immense. This Workshop helps you go deeper within yourself to explore what gratitude means to you personally and increase your well-being by introducing it as a daily practice.
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Learn and Practise!

Become a Healer

Learn Therapies from Experienced Healers, Practise extensively, Get Certified and Start Practising on self and others

Register for these  Workshops, Programs, and Courses

Energy Healing - Level 1

Learn how to heal yourself and others through energy. This course is an introduction into the world of spirituality, meditation, pranayama, and energy healing. Physical, and mental ailments are the outcome of imbalances in the energy body. Learn to tap into these energies and heal self and others
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Akashic Records Reading and Healing- Level 1

Meenakshi Srinath
Akashic Records are a library of our vibrational energy, which contains all information from our past, present and future. Experience a Reading of your Akashic Records to understand why you are facing the challenge that you are and what can be done about it
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Reiki Healing Level 1 and 2

Anita Khanna
Reiki Level 1 is an initiation into Reiki and is focused on self healing and opening channels to connect to the universal energy. Reiki Level 2, you get attuned to Reiki symbols and can practise distance healing and heal self and others. Register for the Reiki Level 1 and 2 classes and become a Reiki healer
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Theta Healing Advanced DNA Online

Mar 28
Mar 30
Ruchira Puri
ThetaHealing® techniques are rooted in the belief that thought is all-powerful. ThetaHealing® Advanced Course prepares you for faster healings and advances your connection to the divine by releasing Oaths, Vows & Commitments made on other planes. Prerequisite: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
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Theta Healing Basic DNA

Mar 21
Mar 23
Ruchira Puri
This 3 day course teaches you Basic ThetaHealing® Techniques and certifies you as a Theta Healer. It helps you live your best life; Manifest Abundance, Attract Soul Mates, Fill your life with Love and Joy. Through ThetaHealing® meditation, you can access parts of your subconscious mind, illuminating belief systems that drive patterns in your life.
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Tarot Reading

Apr 19
Jun 22
Anita Vallala
Tarot is an excellent guidance tool, which helps you understand about a situation, a person, upcoming possibilities, your strengths and weaknesses and so much more. Learn the Basics of Tarot along with intense practise in this workshop.
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Heal from Within

Healer Development Program

Are you a healer or therapist who wants to move their business to the next level?  As a healer or therapist do you feel stuck in your way forward? Check our Healer Development Programs  which can help you establish your healing business and work on your self development 

 Enrol, Heal and Live. 

Mentoring Program for Healers

7080 INR
Deepti Arora
Are you stuck at how to establish Healing as a business, how to scale to the next level, set up systems & processes and financial / legal requirements? Healclinic's 3 months Mentoring Program for new and experienced healers.
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Healing & Guidance for Soul Development

14750 INR
Dr Disha Ghosal
Many times we are at cross roads with our soul faced with multiple choices as it waits for us to make a choice that will determine the next path in this lifetime? Soul healing is a powerful system that works at the soul level and helps you in your soul development. It focuses on your soul purpose, your destiny and helps you align to your true self.
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Energy Scan Reading at Soul Level

5900 INR
Dr Disha Ghosal
Get an energetic scan and reading at a soul level. Where are you currently in your soul journey, what challenges are you facing, what is blocking you from moving ahead on your soul path, what are the choices that your soul is facing currently and much more. Get answers to these questions and more
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What Our Clients Say

This is an amazing course to help you dig deeper and work on your beliefs, fears, health and even your relationship struggles. I’ll never stop being amazed at how SIMPLE this is! In the last one month of doing all three levels of Theta Healing Workshops – Basic, Advanced and Dig Deeper – it is safe to say that my life has changed drastically! I’m more confident as a person, my life is full of hope and possibilities now.. I am so grateful to have met Ruchi, as have her as my guide. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m so thrilled I’m a Theta Healer now.  Thank you Ruchi for able hand holding, and being such a patient, compassionate and loving guide.


After attending the chakra meditation program I feel lighter, my sleep has improved drastically and I can feel my fears dissolving, something that I was working on for so long. Now I don’t feel the fear at all. Thank you so much


Family Constellation Session by Eshanye: Thank you Esha, I've had FCs done before but never had a chance to participate. It was really a wonderful experience. I love how u simplified and demystified the whole process. Thank you so much


Life Between Life by Eshanye: She opened up a new perspective of the role of the soul and the conscious...her method of explaining and interacting made the workshop very interesting


If you’re here then it’s meant to be. Theta healing opens you up to the magnificent dimensions of yourself, and be the best version of your Self.. something you must have been waiting for lifetimes! Ruchi is an AMAZING Theta Healer, easily one of the Best in the world! And it is always an honor to learn from her. Thank you Ruchi!


Thank you so much to Healclinic for the different classes and paving way to such amazing healers into my life. I have been able to start my journey as a healer thanks to them and the different healers / classes that they introduced me to. Besides the classes they have also guided me as to what next whenever i got stuck. Immense gratitude. 💚❤️


The journey was amazing..It was all about how a one degree shift in our thoughts and awareness create such huge changes in our life..Right from meditation, to daily guidance through a reading and journaling ... Everything had a beautiful impact on life... So much awareness came...There was an amazing handholding by Eshanye, the facilitator and the activities and sharing in zoom every week was awesome and fun-filled...

I strongly recommend people to join this workshop and explore and experience yourself the wonderful journey that we are set on.

Thank you so much Eshanye and Deepti for designing and sharing this with us through this workshop.🙏


The session conducted by Anita based on communicating with nature and animals opened a whole new world for me. I realised that both plants and animals are so so highly evolved. We as humans are no where near close to them.
The way Anita connected with my labrador Bruno, and his messages resonated with many areas of my own life which I only knew. This made me feel even more stronger and determined to telepathically connect with animals and nature.
I got to learn so much from everyone's experience and observation and I am looking forward to hone my telepathic skills and attend more of these workshops.
Thank you so much 💜

Bhavna Rao

Light Healing Frequencies are blessings of my Master's to me, it's Awesome ( By my teacher, friend, Guru and my Mentor Vidhya ji ) . Miracle happened in my life and in few months every thing change. These frequencies gives me new birth. Introduce myself to me. My life totally changed and love, peace and happiness comes in my family life. My relationship become lovable with everyone. It's raises my vibration.  Vidya ji, you are Divine blessing in my life.
Thanks for this Divine Frequencies and connecting me to Star council of light. Lots of love and blessings to you and to my whole group. Because we all are connected with each other with these frequencies
Love you all

Suman Setia

Hi all...i m bhoomi,i attended one of the workshop taken by Anita on how to communicate with your pets..plants...nature...i m new to this but having deep desire to actually talk and understand them...and want to connect with them...Anita is having lots of Knowledge n experience in this area....she asked us to do all practical...i swear you guys u ll be able to connect...when u know how to do...by practice and gradually u ll become master in that art of connect ing with everyone....i learnt so much new things in this workshop which I dnt have clue about omg wat is that.....Thnkyou so much for sharing all your beautiful insights and wisdom with us....it's worth spending n doing workshop if u are really serious about getting authentic learning and all deep knowledge...My heartful gratitude for teaching us all knowledge,....Thnks a lot to healclinic for organizing such an amazing n awesome workshops.

Bhoomi Agarwal

I have been a part of lots of workshops with Heal Clinic.Its been a wonderful learning journey with all the various topics and therapists.
Thank you Deepti for your wonderful passion for this work.
Wishing you lots of success.


Always a pleasure to learn from Neelu.In this workshop,I got to understand how soul Contracts work with souls in our group;how we can 'terminate' a contract, if our wise higher self opts to learn similar lessons from other places/souls making this lifetime an easier and fulfilling one.Neelu's hands-on approach makes it easier to internalize the concept.Will always be grateful, Neelu.🙏

Madhu Ram

WOW….totally different from what I expected. My whole experience and understanding of Chakras has changed. The way each meditation took me to each organ and the affirmations to release all that I have holding there was so long was mind blowing. I feel so relaxed, calm and refreshed. The 7 days got over even before i realised”


Wanted to share something. I found out that my fear of losing someone arose from one childhood incident. I saw my grandmother died when I was 5 years and since that time it was suppressed untill during heart chakra meditation I understood the root cause/ incident. After that I am doing much much better after releasing all the pain. So I am well better than before 😇 😇 😇 😇 🙏


I had a very lovely experience with Meenakshi got much more clarity on myself and my career option through her Graphotheraphy..I felt she overdelivers the value of service for amount which we paid.

Rachana Pai

This is my second course with Ruchira and it has been a great exploration.
This course has many learnings and is actually digging deeper into the beliefs and learning the downloads. The topics covered are beautiful and intense.
It has been a journey of boundless explorations and possibilities.
Thank you, Ruchira for being our guide and teacher through this soulful journey.
Love and light


A great empowering workshop which shatters your hindering beliefs about money and abundance and sets you free to manifest your desires. Must do this Worksop at least once in your life. Esha is a great healer and teacher. I have learnt to take control of my life and new opportunities have finally opened up for me!

Payal Kumar

Power of Gratitude by Deepti: loving it. She has so beautifully combined so many different things with the gratitude thread. It’s awesome ! Pure genius. Especially the meditations are so soothing and take you to another world


These three days just went by in a jiffy! Ruchira has all the qualities it takes to be an excellent teacher. Downloads are a massive part of this program. From Basic to Advanced, she makes it super easy for students to bridge the gap and imparts the advanced level skills with much ease and confidence.


What's very special about Neelu's workshops is that it is all relatable.' Guide to Clairvoyance ' was no exception. Exploring, developing and acknowledging the gifts ,that we are all endowed with, under the guidance of a gentle Master like Neelu is a fantastic experience!🙏
Thank you Deepti, for making this possible. 🙏

Madhu R

The 3 day Guide to Clairvoyance workshop was a fantastic learning experience for me. Learnt new concepts that were reinforced by Neelu's anecdotes and examples from her own practice and life.Enriching takeaways! Thank you Neelu for this beautiful experience! Thank you Deepti for organizing this.

Madhu Ram

Power of Gratitude by Deepti: I felt blessed. And also next time I feel demotivated or dejected , I know I have this list to feel better and motivated. And also when I was writing. I felt there are so many small things that I felt grateful for, but somehow didn’t pay attention to those. It was an enriching experience


I loved the Redikal game to 'manifest possibilities and opportunities in 2023'. Eshanye's interpretation and the reading she does at the end is absolutely bang on. In my case, it has been pretty consistent as well, which means i still have some more work to do.
Looking forward to joining the next game..

Gauri Jain

Eshanye opened up a new perspective of the role of the soul and the conscious...her method of explaining and interacting made the session very interesting.

Smitha Rajesh

Vidya is an amazing teacher! She is insightful, very patient guiding everyone to learn. Always ready to share her knowledge, she is very approachable. Makes it easy for people to understand the concepts

Thank you Neelu for such a wonderful insight on Soul Contracts. I found your workshop detailed and with a very simple approach...not only did you explain it well, you also made every participant practice it in the class...As a Soul Psychology facilitator I found this workshop informative and useful...Your honest approach to your craft is commendable..
Loads of love and light to you my dear Neelu..this is one workshop everybody must enroll.

Rakshha mahtani

Soul Contract by Neelu: The workshop answered many questions which were present as a question for many years, of my spiritual journey. It was a relief..I am sure I can use the technique for many probabilities


Thank you Daisy and Deepti for this wonderful program. It has been a profound experience.
Initially i was unsure if i should do this program and on the morning of day 1 , I woke up and decided to just go with the flow and signed up.

The first few days were difficult, I couldn't set my intention, with Daisy's help I was able to set my intention. It took a few more days to get into my rhythm because I was facing some resistance. Once I was able to let go of that resistance things started to flow. Over the next few days many IC's came up and I was able to address them(Thank you Eshanye). I've experienced many positive changes which aligns with my intention in the last 4 weeks and I'm grateful for this experience. Thank you.


During the money workshop Eshanye taught us how to manifest . Looking back at the last two months I'm realising I'm manifesting things easily. Once I set the intention , things flow to me. Not immediately but a couple of weeks or a month down the line. It's magical.


Dig deeper is a very important course in the repertoire of a theta healer. Whether to do healing on oneself or clients, It is very important for the healer to dig for base beliefs and to complete them with downloads. In this course Ruchira took us through 10 effective methods of digging deeper with which we can easily uncover the underlying base belief and perform the necessary healing. This is a must for serious Theta healers. Please do attend it and benefit. Ruchira is amazing instructor who navigates through the methods and explains them easily and effectively. Thank you Ruchira for this. This is really life changing.

FC Partcipant for FC session on ancestral property

Guide to clairvoyance conducted by Neelu was a complete eye opener for me … she not only made us realize our strengthens but also provided various exercises to work on every aspect of being a clairvoyant … she is very helpful in terms of asking any number of doubts .. she has immense knowledge on what she is teaching us … thank you for providing me with such an amazing course ,Neelu and Deepti .

Rakshitha reddy

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channel has a full range of videos which talks about therapies, issues, meditations, and techniques 

Our mission is to create a global community of healers and people who want to take the path of healthy living.  By exploring their emotions, beliefs, memories, patterns, habits, with the support of energy healing therapies. 

You can find sessions, workshops, talks, discussions and resources to handhold you in your journey.

About us
Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
Annual Guidance for 2025 using the tools of Astrology, Numerology or Tarot Cards
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