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Reiki chakra healing: How does reiki work as an energy channel?

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Aug 25

Very often we are asked how reiki , a form of energy healing, works, and people tend to get confused when we speak about universal energy. Below we have explained with the help of everyday analogy what Reiki chakra healing is and how it works.

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed”. This Einsteinium principle of energy conservation is well-known. Energy is an abstract yet conscious principle. It can be perceived through the objects it affects/pervades or illumines and  is well proven by  modern science. A similar principle exists in spiritual science, illustrated as Consciousness, called Chetana in Sanskrit. 

For better understanding we can consider sunlight as an example. Sunlight  illuminates the whole world and in its light/prakasha we can view all the  worldly objects. And to view sunlight also we need the same sunlight.  Similarly,  consciousness which we can call as Self  is self illumined.  We cannot see Self from our eyes, but only perceive it through the actions of individuals and the universe as a whole.

Another example of the abstract nature of Energy, can be of  Electricity. The presence of Electric current is evident only when the bulb glows; otherwise not perceived by naked eyes.

Reiki chakra balancing, energy healing therapy works on the same  energy principle. The energy as stated above is perceived by a trained Reiki master, who identifies the energy imbalance in the patient and his/her individual organs.

Also read:  What is Reiki?

To be able to perceive and experience this abstract yet active life energy the healer is  attuned by a qualified Master. This is similar to a transmitter in physical sciences which can detect, amplify energy waves of certain frequencies and wavelengths only. So, reiki and chakra healing are also similar. A reiki healer who is attuned and linked to the universal source energy by the Masters’ energy loop, serves as a channel for easy flow of life energy, chi, through the body. This helps in healing of illnesses which are caused due to disharmony in the life energy, chi, in organs.

Also read:  How can Reiki help students?

As energy can be transmitted from one place to other through proper conductors connected across, even to distant places; healing through efficient channelizing of Reiki energy for distant remedies is also possible. More on distant healing will be discussed in further articles.

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