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Graphotherapy is a technique which assists you to bring about the desired changes in your personality by making alterations in the way you write, i.e. your handwriting.

A Graphotherapist is able to understand many aspects of your personality from the way you write, it could be the way the letters are formed, the direction of the lines, the loops in the letters or the way you use the space on the page. The therapist takes into account all these details, and then helps you by pointing out the changes that you need to make in your handwriting to change those aspects of your personality that are holding you back from achieving what you wish.

To ensure that the changes become a part of your normal handwriting, you will need to practise for the next 21 to 30 days.

An expert graphotherapist explains us to the science behind graphology.

“As a science this therapy helps to send signals to the brain which enable in building appropriate personality traits. In order for a client / patient to positively get impacted they ought to for starters, be in a receptive state of mind in order for any kind of therapy to help /enable them to improve their life.

Clients suffering from depression, stress, pain, students who want to work on their self-esteem or having issues with concentration and personality development, people with psychosomatic issues or people having issues like fear of public speaking, shy in front of people, concentration issues, etc can be addressed by Graphotherapy.”

Shobha also recommends this therapy for people who have suffered abuse in their lifetime. It helps them to come out of trauma.

Another area where graphotherapy is used very extensively is in corporates, where based on the personality traits required for a specific role, our graphotherapist recommends changes to be made in each individals handwriting. For example; if an employee from either Sales or Marketing team need to upskill their communication and/or public speaking or a management employees needs to upgrade her/his planning and organising skills, graphotherapy can help.

Her message to all is that “you can come out of your pain, improve your personality and health by practising writing in a recommended way. If there are instances in your life where your subconscious mind gets struck which hamper progress in the particular area, Graphotherapy can help you to overcome all these concerns and build a better & brighter future”.

Shobha started her career as a consultant for Tupperware and Oriflame, and was doing an excellent job but felt something amiss.

This wasn’t her calling!! She wanted to make a greater impact to her family as well as her society.

Nearly a decade back when both her children went through a public speaking course, Shobha fondly remembers was when she was first introduced to handwriting analysis.

She sorted many of her issues through graphotherapy and seeing the benefits, learnt and is now a practicing graphotherapist along with other modalities like astrology, crystal healing, vastu and numerology.

Looking to explore graphotherapy as a means to making changes in your personality, or for your employees to work more effectively, contact us at +91 8050003237

The most common thing I have noticed in people is the lack of actual awareness about PCOD. How many of us actually know what PCOD is and how it can be treated with homeopathy? Let me help you understand this a bit in detail.

PCOS is reflected by increased androgen hormones, irregular Ovulatory cycles, and a metabolic derangement including glucose intolerance and increased insulin secretion. Here woman’s levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance Overproduction of the hormone androgen may be another contributing factor. Androgen is a male sex hormone that women’s bodies also produce. Women with PCOS often produce higher-than-normal levels of androgen. This can affect the development and release of eggs during ovulation. Excess insulin (a hormone that helps convert sugars and starches into energy) may cause high androgen levels.

Hormonal abnormality in women with PCOD is excessive production of the hormone LH, which is involved in stimulating the ovaries to produce hormones and is released from the pituitary gland in the brain.

Excess insulin. Insulin is the hormone produced in the pancreas that allows cells to use sugar (glucose) — your body’s primary energy supply. If you have insulin resistance, your ability to use insulin effectively is impaired, and your pancreas has to secrete more insulin to make glucose available to cells. Excess insulin might also affect the ovaries by increasing androgen production, which may interfere with the ovaries’ ability to ovulate.

Heredity. If your mother or sister has PCOS, you might have a greater chance of having it, too. Researchers also are looking into the possibility that certain genes are linked to PCOS.


Women without PCOS tend to be a ‘pear’ shape, with weight concentrated around the hips, buttocks and thighs. For PCOS women ,excess weight is more likely to be concentrated around the abdominal (stomach) region . Being over weight leads to higher risk of insulin resistance, problems with infertility , higher risk of type 2 diabetes , higher risk of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and heart disease.

Scope of Homoeopathy in PCOD:

Homeopathic approach towards management of PCOD is constitutional, taking into account the presenting complaints along with physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualizes a person. It involves prescribing “Constitutional Medicine”, which is also capable for working on the Ovaries and the entire Endocrine system. The treatment logic varies depending on the presence of any genetic predisposition, physical makeup (obesity), peculiarities of your menstrual, etc. In Homoeopathy, medicines are given to induce ovulation in a natural way, which would improve and regularize your menstrual cycle and also helps in the prevention or minimization of cyst formation.

We always treat the EFFECT, than giving importance to the CAUSE of the disease, since the person is treated and not the illness.

PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is not new to Indian women. Nearly 18% of Indian women and over 30% of Indian girls are affected by PCOS which leads to infertility apart from hormonal imbalances.

Some of the conventional treatments include –

But the above treatments largely induce side effects. There is an option of using alternate therapy like homeopathy which doesn’t have any / limited side effects. Take the case of Sheetal, a 28 year old woman She had been suffering from bilateral PCOD, since past 4 years.

She had complaints of irregular menses with the periods coming once in 4 to 5 months, with severe cramp pain in her lower abdomen during menses. Her gynecologist gave her hormonal treatment for the initial few months, but she developed several side-effects. She infact developed other health issues and complained of severe continuous bleeding. The situation turned so worse that she was recommended surgery. A friend referred her to a homeopathy doctor.

She discontinued hormonal treatment and started homoeopathy treatment. On account of PCOD she had also developed severe obesity since past 3 years and was weighing 82 kg when she started homeopathy. PCOD and homeopathy go well together as can be seen in Sheetal’s case.

Sheetal was taken through the classical homeopathic method and did Constitutional treatment. For the initial 2 months she did not respond to medications, but from 3rd month onwards she started showing signs of ovulation and there on menses appeared. It took another 3 months for her to regularize her periods. After 8 months of treatment her cysts completely disappeared with regular cycle and controlled menstruation.

A lot of women are now leading lives which are free from PCOD and infertility which is an effect of PCOD; all thanks to the homeopathic treatment. Most of the cases respond within 3 months of getting the treatment but others may take as long as 1 year before they start the path to recovery. Read about the symptoms and day to day tips on how you can control PCOD here.

Let’s fight this draconian four letter disease which is making life miserable for women in India and across the globe.

Depending on your comfort level, PCOD can also be cured through pranic healing, yoga, diet and many other natural methods.

Read: How to fight PCOD without medicines

Need help with PCOS/PCOD, talk to our counselor and decide which therapy best works for you. Since we offer online consultation, location does not matter.

PCOD is a problem faced by many women globally. One in every ten women are thought to be affected by PCOD. PCOD is a serious genetic, hormonal, metabolic and reproductive disorder. The leading cause of female infertility, it also leads to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and endometrial cancer.

PCOD has symptoms like menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and obesity etc. If treatment is not taken on time this might girl rise to hormonal imbalance and infertility also.

Most doctors prescribe birth control pills and hormonal treatment, but these have side effects like excessive and unnatural weight gain, infertility etc.

Read how Sheetal got cured of PCOS through alternate treatment.

Pranic healing has been helpful in treating PCOD. It comes from two words: Prana, which means vital energy, and Healing. Pranic Healing is a no-touch, no-drug complementary therapy system that uses prana to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments.

As per pranic healing, the reproductive system is controlled and energized by the sex chakras. The sex chakra is located about 2 inches below the navel and is often called the Belly Chakra or the Sacral Chakra. It is also controlled by Ajna chakras which controls the endocrine system.

Pranic healers work on regulating the function of the sacral, ajna and sometimes even the throat chakras through methods like breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation techniques. In combination with diet and exercise regime is also recommended by the practitioner.

Pranic psychotherapy is also sometimes done for better results. By working on one chakra, we also affect the entire chakra system’s balance emotionally, and spiritually.

A typical treatment plan will consist of treatment done 3 times a week for physical, mental and spiritual healing till the patient is cured.

Read: How to fight PCOD without medicines

Need help with PCOS/PCOD, talk to our counselor and decide which therapy best works for you.

Past life memories are like an autobiography of your eternal soul, personal stories that explain who you are now and why you’re here on earth. Past Life Regression or popularly known as PLR is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly.

Many people who undergo a regression and successfully remember a past life are able to watch the scenes unfold like a movie, witnessing the life in a linear fashion from birth to death.

The start of the journey

Vasavi started on this journey 24 years back. She was undergoing a lot of work and personal stress and had constant headaches. To get over her stress she practiced yoga and pranayama, also tried her hand at a counselling session. All these efforts helped her to some extent, but she never reached an optimum health condition.

When a friend recommended her to meet a famous PLR healer, she underwent regression and found the reasons for her health challenges post which she got healed. She was so impressed with this therapy that she took this up as a profession. She trained under several gurus including famous American PLR practitioner Bruce Goldberg and has now become an accomplished practitioner.

We asked her to clarify certain queries, which clients normally have on PLR.

Hypnotherapy and PLR

There is a lot of confusion between hypnotherapy and PLR; Hypnotherapy is a process, a technique which is used to regress a client to access the past. The practitioner uses hypnotherapy techniques to give suggestions to the subconscious mind, though ultimately it is up to the client to accept it or not.

While PLR is a procedure, the entire session where the client regresses to relive his past emotions, actions, relations, beliefs which have led to the current situation. Some of the techniques used during the session are hypnotherapy, are age regression, inter life regression which takes you through different past lives trying to pinpoint which life was the source of your current issue.

When a person comes out of the trance, they generally remember what they had seen or felt. In her experience only 1% of the clients don’t remember what they had gone through the session.

Learn the difference between Akashic Records and PLR

PLR and children

PLR sessions are possible with children over 12 years. In case of younger children, its better to teach relaxation and meditation techniques to the parents, and guide them on how to take their kids through it.

Health issues resolved through PLR

PLR is very useful to solve behavioural and relationship issues, conflict situations, fears and phobias, feelings of anger, panic, depression, and other emotional issues. PLR has been also helpful in chronic diseases like cancer in trying to find the root cause, i.e. why has it originated?

Read the story of a young boy whom Vasavi helped from a heart disorder through PLR

Root cause found, what next?

Once the reason for the issue has been identified, techniques like imagery, visualisations, meditations, affirmations, relaxation techniques, and many more are done to heal the issue. Though a lot depends on the client, to what extent she is willing to work on herself and let go.

A to Z – PLR techniques

PLR has many different modalities, depending on the situation and client condition, the practitioner will decide which modality should be used. Practitioners use their intuition and sixth sense to decided during a session which combination of techniques to use for best results.

Bruce Goldenberg, the famous PLR practitioner, talks from his own experiences and not from any definitions.

“PLR has been also helpful in chronic diseases like cancer in trying to find the root cause.”

Side effects: this is a non-invasive therapy

There are no side effects of PLR, in case the therapist is unable to handle the situation, at the most the client will sleep for some time and get up without remembering much of what happened. PLR helps bridge conscious and sub conscious mind. During the session the clients are generally aware of what is happening. In some cases, where they are not, it is like getting up after a long sleep.

PLR = supernatural

Some people expect to get supernatural powers, development of some 6th sense, but that is not possible.

How much time does it take?

Not easy to predict. It depends on the client, how much they are willing to discuss and open about their issues, the severity of the issue and the depth of the past emotion affecting the present situation.

Example, for a client undergoing depression treatment for the last couple of years or a serious ailment like cancer it may take around 3 months, starting with one session a week, to one session in 15 days and finally one session a month. As compared to someone with a knee pain who will get healed within 1 to 3 sessions.

Are Karma and PLR related?

Karma is our thoughts, our actions and the outcome of what we are doing. Removing karma means ‘paschathapa’. In PLR sessions, clients become aware about the reasons of their issues, become aware of the solution or change that is needed to resolve their issue. Then it is upto them, if they wish to make that change or not. After knowing all, someone may still continue doing what they were doing expecting different results. That is not possible.

PLR has helped millions of clients worldwide, healclinic has a panel of PLR practitioners who can help resolve different issues.

If you are interested in PLR healing, contact us at +91 80500023237

PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) or the Stein-Leventhal syndrome refer to the same disease which is not new to Indian women. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that prevents the ovaries from working properly. Symptoms include irregular periods, reduced fertility, excessive hair growth, acne and weight problems.

The symptoms are typically seen between their late teens and early 20s. Though not all the symptoms occur in everybody, for example some women may experience extremely irregular periods, whereas others may have normal cycles but find excess body hair. Irregular periods could include, total absence, to heavy flow to highly irregular, to even spotting in between periods. Hence it becomes necessary to get a diagnoses done when faced with any of the symptoms and not dismiss it as a part of life.

PCOD Diet and related exercise can play an important part in managing PCOS. This is because young women with PCOS often have higher levels of insulin (a hormone) in their blood, and hence have issues with maintaining a healthy weight. The right diet and what foods to eat and what not can help you manage and improve the way you feel, besides helping you lose weight. Eating well, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight can improve PCOS symptoms.

When suffering from this condition, food used well can be like your very own pharmacy

Some PCOD diet tips to follow which can help manage the condition well,

Foods to avoid while preparing meal plans,

– Processed and Refined foods such as maida

– Whole milk dairy, red meat, fried foods and bread

– Refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners

– Artificial colours, trans fat and high saturated fat

– Packaged foods and junk foods, basically any product with a long ingredient list

– Alcohol

Similarly preferable list of food which should be eaten as part of your meal plans are as follows, 

– Gluten free grains like oatmeal, brown rice, millets (jowar, bajra, ragi, sorghum, amarnath)

– Green leafy vegetables (lettuce, kale, chard, spinach, beet greens, dandelions, basil, parsley are some of them)

– Coloured Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, Carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, and other root vegetables, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Bell Peppers, and Eggplant)

– Fruits (Berries, apricots, peaches, plums)

– Nuts and seeds (Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamia nuts, flax, chia, and hemp seeds)

– Drink ample water daily to keep yourself hydrated and flush out the toxins

– Water can be flavoured or infused with fresh citrus, cucumber, mint or berries

– Consume food which has all natural ingredients

– preferable to have 5 to 6 meals a day, every 3 to 4 hours

– Combine lean protein and complex carb at every meal/snack

Also remember that besides eating the right food, how much you eat also affects your insulin. Example, your insulin will go up much more if you have 3 cups of pasta than if you have 1 cup of pasta. So it is important to restrict yourself to smaller meals than have few big ones. This helps you keep your insulin level lower throughout the day and manage your symptoms well. Hence PCOD diet forms a very important part of managing your condition.

Fasting is another tool besides PCOD diet which many use for weight loss and detoxification, and it is known for its many benefits.  However, it comes with its fair share of health risks, hence always advisable to do it under an expert guidance. Because if pre and post fasting is not taken care of as required it can lead to certain risks like dehydration, low blood pressure, dizziness, insomnia, etc.

There are many other ways besides diet plans which can help you manage PCOS without medicines.

Also Read: How to fight PCOD without medicines

The second thing is exercise which will help bring your insulin levels down. Slowly start increasing your physical activity be it any form, yoga, zumba, gym, running, etc to at least 5 days a week for an hour daily.

Lets read the story of Sheetal, a 28 year old woman who has been suffering from bilateral PCOD, since past 4 years. She had complaints of irregular menses with the periods coming once in 4 to 5 months, with severe cramp pain in her lower abdomen during menses. Her gynecologist gave her hormonal treatment for the initial few months, but she developed several side-effects. Read her story of how homeopathy helped her deal with her condition.

Past life memories are like the autobiography of your eternal soul, personal stories that explain who you are now and why you’re here on earth.

There are many myths and misconecptions surrounding PLR, and people have formed their opinions based on the many TV programs and how it is depicted in the movies.

So what exactly is PLR, or why should anybody go for one.

What issues can be resolved through PLR? What is involved in a PLR session?

We understand that when we make a choice, it has a consequence. But do you know that the consequences can be over live times. Past Life Regression (PLR) Therapy helps you understand and resolve patterns, behaviors, habits or beliefs that may have originated sometime earlier in this life or even before this life

PLR works very well in uncovering the Why’s of your phobias, fears, anxiety, belief patterns, habits, physical illness and emotions. It can help you understand why certain relations are strained or not a per how you would want them to be. Why do you have some habits which you find it very difficult to break.

Once you understand the reasons and become aware of the Why’s, it becomes easier to handle them and heal them.

Once we decide to go for a PLR session, the next question that bothers us  is “Will this work for me?”  Remember, PLR session is like reading a book or watching a movie. It is upto you how much you allow yourself to get into the flow or involved with the characters. A few tips to remember while going in for a PLR session,

The more relaxed and open you are, the most effective the session will be. PLR sessions have helped people resolve some of their biggest issues.

Read how a young boy was helped in resolved in a heart ailment through PLR

Akashic Records is another modality that gives you a peep into your previous life times and identify your patterns and beliefs. Read what is Akashic records and how is it different from PLR 

Reach us at 8050003237

What is Reiki energy healing?

Reiki is a Japanese word which means Universal (Rei) Energy (Ki). There are multiple versions of stories about how the practice of reiki healing evolved. It is believed that everything in the environment exists due to Universal Energy and it is this energy that births and empowers us.

Have you seen an age old, nearly collapsed, unattended facade which needs to be repaired and restored. What do you do, first remove the debris, strengthen the base, fortify the damaged walls and then plaster it.  Right, we don’t straight away start plastering the walls.

So, what is reiki energy healing? It works on our body on a physical, mental and emotional level to restore it. Reiki healing is a divine, intention based, balanced and ultimate relaxing practice wherein the Reiki channel (Reiki practitioner) directs the flow of energy to the recipient. It can be administered hands on or via distance healing, the effectiveness remains the same.

Since it is the same energy that builds us, it has the intelligence to reach the root cause of the issue and restore the balanced state. The Reiki master does not control the volume and flow of the energy, since the energy follows and manifests divine intention. Reiki can be channeled to the respective ailing body parts or can be used to treat the energy vortices (chakras) within the body. Since every individual is unique, the flavor and Reiki healing experience can vary from person to person.

Read: Reiki and its simplicity in everyday life

How Reiki Healing Works?

Reiki healing works beyond the paradigms of time and space and works on all the layers that constitute us – mind, body and soul. Once the energy is channeled, it will cross the barrier of time and space and will address the root of the issue – which can be from the current or previous life times.

On its course, it will heal each and every aspect that needs to be resolved and released, peeling out the layers of emotional and mental scars that have accumulated so far.

As every individual and manifestation of disease is different, the course and nature of treatment of any illness will vary. In general, the Reiki channel (Reiki practitioner) may start with balancing the 7 chakras. The channel may even directly target the affected part(s).

Irrespective of the method of treatment, Reiki with its own divine intelligence will take its own divine course to bring relief to the recipient. Since Reiki is very soothing and relaxing, recipients may experience altered state of relaxation and may sleep during the course.

Reiki on its course will help the recipient by balancing the emotions. It will scrub the soul of all the emotional debris it has accumulated from ages. As the soul releases emotional debris, the mind will experience a change in belief pattern. It is very important for the recipient to have faith. It will always honour the intention of the recipient, if the recipient doubts the course, it is considered as a barrier that Reiki respects and will not flow through.

Hence, it is important for the channel to understand if the recipient has any mental barriers and help clearing the barriers so that the recipient accepts the flow of reiki with utmost love and gratitude. As the energy flows, the recipient will witness tremendous downpour of spiritual guidance which further accelerates healing.

Read: What should I know before a Reiki session?

Read: What should I keep in mind before receiving Reiki energy?

Thanks to ground breaking explorations in the field of Quantum Physics, now even science has proved that our belief pattern plays a significant role in structuring our physical realities. Thus, if one’s mind and soul are balanced, the resonance will be echoed as the physically fit body.

Read: Do’s and Dont of Reiki healing

Reiki healing is very simple yet it facilitates very powerful divine healing. Even though there are no side-effects, it is necessary for recipients to observe a certain level of discipline while receiving reiki energy healing. Some of the precautions to be followed while during reiki healing session,

❏ Recipient should honor the instructions given out by the Reiki channel.

❏ ReRecipient should always trust and acknowledge the flow of Reiki with utmost love and gratitude since it will always manifest the divine intention

❏ If the recipient is emotionally and or physically distressed, Reiki channel can engage in counselling / coaching sessions with the recipient to provide instant belief in Reiki healing.

❏ To accelerate healing recipient can practice affirmation, meditation and creative visualization 

Reiki energy healing complements other healing methods like Allopathy, Ayurveda.

❏ Since, Reiki healing session will scrub the soul of emotional debris, the recipient may witness emotional swirl or turbulence. It is requested that the recipient understand that these are the old emotions that are coming to surface and are getting released.

Read: What is Reiki energy healing and How does it work?

In short, Reiki is a holistic approach of healing that transcends the dimensions of time and space. During the course of a Reiki healing session, energy is channeled into the recipient and it is completely the interaction between the recipient and the energy resulting in a healing experience. The Reiki channel never transfers his own energy into the recipient's system. 

There are stories from the personal experiences of many individuals that Reiki healing has done wonders and improved the quality of their lives. It is an ancient methodology of healing and is devoid of any adverse effects.

Recipients should note that, reiki will facilitate healing only if they allow it to and hence should always trust and acknowledge the flow of reiki. In some cases, immediate results may not show up and hence the recipient needs to practice patience and trust.

They say that what you hold in your mind, the universe delivers it. So if your mind is loaded with negativity, the universe will manifest more of negativity. But, now if you start to reprogram your mind with positivity, the universe will mould your current situation into a positive one. Hence, one should never focus on the disease or healing. Reiki energy healing is a process that will walk you to a balanced state.

Many pioneers in energy healing like Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton have at some point of time have undergone physical pain and they worked on themselves

Read: What should I know before a Reiki healing session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients.

What is Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. It may range from mild to severe conditions. It is difficult to diagnose in the initial period of life upto 2 years.

Parents start noticing changes such as awkward social interactions, non-responsive behaviour along with losing that little amount of speech. Autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development.

ASD can be associated with intellectual disability, difficulties in motor coordination, attention and physical health issues such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances. Some persons with ASD excel in visual skills, music, math and art.

What causes Autism?

Most cases of autism appear to be caused by a combination of autism risk genes and environmental factors influencing early brain development.

What are the symptoms of Autism?

How can you differentiate between ADHD & hyperactive kid?

Read: What is ADHD and its causes?

How can Parents help their children?

Read: How homeoapthy can help in managing autism

Read: How Yoga helped a child manage ADHD

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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