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Reiki healing is very simple yet it facilitates very powerful divine healing. Even though there are no side-effects, it is necessary for recipients to observe a certain level of discipline while receiving reiki energy healing. Some of the precautions to be followed while during reiki healing session,

❏ Recipient should honor the instructions given out by the Reiki channel.

❏ ReRecipient should always trust and acknowledge the flow of Reiki with utmost love and gratitude since it will always manifest the divine intention

❏ If the recipient is emotionally and or physically distressed, Reiki channel can engage in counselling / coaching sessions with the recipient to provide instant belief in Reiki healing.

❏ To accelerate healing recipient can practice affirmation, meditation and creative visualization 

Reiki energy healing complements other healing methods like Allopathy, Ayurveda.

❏ Since, Reiki healing session will scrub the soul of emotional debris, the recipient may witness emotional swirl or turbulence. It is requested that the recipient understand that these are the old emotions that are coming to surface and are getting released.

Read: What is Reiki energy healing and How does it work?

In short, Reiki is a holistic approach of healing that transcends the dimensions of time and space. During the course of a Reiki healing session, energy is channeled into the recipient and it is completely the interaction between the recipient and the energy resulting in a healing experience. The Reiki channel never transfers his own energy into the recipient's system. 

There are stories from the personal experiences of many individuals that Reiki healing has done wonders and improved the quality of their lives. It is an ancient methodology of healing and is devoid of any adverse effects.

Recipients should note that, reiki will facilitate healing only if they allow it to and hence should always trust and acknowledge the flow of reiki. In some cases, immediate results may not show up and hence the recipient needs to practice patience and trust.

They say that what you hold in your mind, the universe delivers it. So if your mind is loaded with negativity, the universe will manifest more of negativity. But, now if you start to reprogram your mind with positivity, the universe will mould your current situation into a positive one. Hence, one should never focus on the disease or healing. Reiki energy healing is a process that will walk you to a balanced state.

Many pioneers in energy healing like Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton have at some point of time have undergone physical pain and they worked on themselves

Read: What should I know before a Reiki healing session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients.

How effective is reiki for depression and anxiety? Let’s understand through a patient journey.

Reiki has been around for decades but the general perception is that it is only useful for relieving pains and aches. Whereas in reality, it works at an energy level. It works on the philosophy that most illnesses occur based on emotional disturbances that our body has experienced either recently or in the past. Reiki practitioners work on the energy patterns and healing from the root cause. Reiki can help heal any illness at a physical, mental or emotional level.  Healing for depression is definitely a very good alternate option.

And this is what a young girl in her early thirties experienced when she turned to reiki for the depression of her mother. Sreelatha (name changed to protect privacy), as she recounted her story “My mother suffered a lot, she had been suffering from depression since my childhood days but we never knew about the same. We belong to a small town near Dehradun and there was no way we could have taken her to see a psychiatrist without her being labeled “mad woman”. I vividly remember even as a child that my mother was never like the other moms and always remained withdrawn. I hardly had conversations with her and she always complained of lethargy and tiredness. 

“Soon I graduated, got married and moved to Bangalore, but there was always this guilt that I carried with me of not taking care of my mother’s health. I started reading and researching about the symptoms which my mother had and still continued. And that is when I realized that she was suffering from depression her entire life.

Now knowing my mother, I knew that she would never go to a conventional psychologist, and bringing her to Bangalore for a long period of time was not an option. The only thing I was sure of in those days was that I had to get my mother healthy.

“I recalled having read somewhere that  reiki healing for depression can be given remotely. I came across Healclinic and they connected me to a reiki healer on their platform"

“The reiki healer convinced my mother to take reiki sessions for depression through distance healing

Read: What is Reiki and how does it work?

During her sessions for reiki healing for depression, The Reiki healer connected the source of the depression to an incident that had occurred when my mother was in my grandmother’s womb. My mom’s sister, when she was 5 years old, had fallen from the roof and died. Because of which my grandmother went into depression. Grandma’s depression passed on to my mother who was in her womb at that time. Over time since it was not addressed, depression became part of my mother’s life without anyone really knowing the reason.’

This can be traced to a concept called Emotional Genealogy. It is the emotional traits that were handed down and the connection that we have to our ancestors. It can go back to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents…going back two, three, four, five and sometimes more generations. It can include any emotional trait within our family lineage like happiness, pain, grit, kindness, cruelty, avoidance, violence, tenderness, fear, depression, etc. And this is precisely what had happened with Sreelatha’s mother.  She used  Karuna Reiki technique to heal my mother.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism as well as Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as compassionate action. Karuna Reiki for depression is considered as an advanced form of Reiki. Healing energies and tools used during karuna reiki sessions can be used to heal a wide set of challenges that are quite complex in nature.  In Karuna reiki, instead of the energy transfer from the body and arms of the Reiki practitioner, it surrounds the whole body when transferring to the recipient.

Also Read: How Reiki helped a woman conceive with Reiki energy Healing?

Post the sessions, as per Sreelatha, “The healing sessions with meditation lasted for 31 days and today my mother is a changed woman. The depression has disappeared and she now leads a normal happy life, something which we had never imagined. This has reinforced my belief in energy healing as it helped solve my mother’s fifty year long suffering. A big thank you Healclinic”

Read: Reiki therapy and its simplicity in everyday life

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients. 

There are multiple problems that can be treated successfully with reiki and infertility is one of them. Let’s see how reiki and fertility treatments work.

Once while travelling in a train, our reiki healer had two other ladies to give her company. The ladies soon got chatting and were exchanging their life stories. It is a human tendency to share your ups and downs and personal stories with strangers rather than with known people.

Soon the conversation moved to family and kids. And realising that the first lady (Reena) even after 12 years of marriage did not have a kid, the second lady started cross-questioning her. She bombarded her with questions like, “kitne saal hue shaadi ko, abhi tak bachcha nahi hua, ilaj kyun nahi karaye…..” (how long have you been married? How come you didn’t have kids? Why haven’t you shown to a doctor?”) After a prolonged questioning session which left Reena squirming and embarrassed, the second lady went to sleep.

In the healers words,

Being a reiki grandmaster, I knew about reiki fertility success and that it could help her. So, I told her to contact a reiki practitioner to get reiki healing. She had two concerns, first that she did not know any reiki healer, and secondly her family may not support her in this. Understanding her situation, I offered to help. Reiki for fertility and pregnancy is as effective when done remotely as face to face.

Read: What is Reiki and how does it work?

However, one principle of reiki healing is that it cannot be done free. So I suggested that I will do reiki healing for her, and as an energy exchange, she should help poor and needy children. She happily agreed as she did not have to go anywhere especially nor did she have to inform anyone in her family.

After the journey, I started healing her regularly, remotely. I checked her chakras and found that the reason for her not conceiving was that her hormonal levels were imbalanced and they needed healing. So I started giving regular healing for almost one month specifically to her hormonal system and reproductory system. A couple of months after healing, she called me and told that she has conceived and is in her third month of pregnancy.

There are so many cases where medical science which cannot give any desired result, there Reiki and the Divine succeeds.”

Read: Reiki and its simplicity in everyday life

Healclinic has reiki masters based in different locations. So if you are looking for reiki for fertility near you or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Be it healing relationship issues with reiki or reiki for pets, or if you looking for distance reiki healing, Contact us

“My son is intelligent, and used to get good marks, but now has lost interest in studies.” “My daughter is a very good tennis player but in the recent past has lost the motivation to practice and win” seems familiar. Well most of us as parents have faced these issues sometimes or the other.

So, why is the child no longer interested in studies?  Or not motivated enough?

There can be multiple reasons, two of them being,

  1. Not challenging enough to stimulate the brain, so does not feel like putting in his best
  2. Too much pressure and hence can’t cope up, so decides to give up

We as parents are too invested in them to think beyond and keep getting into arguments and wondering how they can be more interested in Instagram, or the TV serial, and not their own future.

So what can be done to help our kids out of these challenges?

Reiki healing as a therapy is worth exploring to help children deal with these issues especially since it is non intrusive and can be done through distant healing. Most people are surprised, but yes Reiki for students works very well at all levels.

Reiki in such cases works by balancing the chakras. Two things happen,

This is just one aspect of healing. Also whenever there is an exam,the reiki master can balance the energy using reiki.

Read: How Reiki healing helps during exam times?

The child does not panic, is more focused and calm so he uses his brains in an optimum manner and in the right direction.

A reiki practitioner always gives reiki for the highest good of the client, and so anyone who enters the reiki protection, their energy is pumped up automatically. Example: Result of the reiki healing. The invigilators who are checking the papers will not bring forward their personal issues and block the child's growth.

Many a times it is noticed, that during reiki healing a clients healing occurs holistically covering all aspects of his life and not just the part for which they had approached the practitioner for healing. Reiki for students works really well when done under an experienced reiki master.

Read: What is Reiki therapy and how does it work and  What should I know before a Reiki session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients. Need guidance on next steps with your children, consult our healers.  Contact us

Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-kee’) is commonly perceived to be a form of spiritual healing. How does a certified Reiki healer help students, lets understand this better? What does exam healing mean?

When exams are around the corner or during the exams, parents are hyperventilating as their kids either don’t show any interest in the studies, have poor sitting capacity, can’t concentrate, if they sit for studies they are not able to devote the time and if they pick the books they just fall asleep.

A Reiki infinite healer can help such students. There are several chakras which cause specific issues that a student goes through, while in stress there are many symptoms. Reiki master healer helps in attacking these issues helping the students to perform to his / her best capacity.

Also read: How a 10th grade student was helped by a Reiki healer during board exams? (Working)

Certain chakras which are worked on are –

Also Read: Reiki healing for students (Working)

Reiki healers can provide energy to the entire examination hall to reduce disturbances during writing exams.

Reiki can be given to all the instruments which are used for writing the exam – pen, pencil, calculator. Reiki before the exam helps in eliminating panic situations.

RegRegular pep up reiki is necessary especially for students at adolescent stage, the silent confidence and consistent energy boost gives the confidence and inner peace. Certified Reiki healers also offer personalized reiki for students as energy levels needed for each body is different.

Also Read: Precautions while using Reiki

Need help for your children for their examinations. Contact us

It is said motherhood is close to divinity, giving a feeling of great honor and privilege.  A woman, some say, is complete only when she becomes a mother. Globally many women struggle to gain this privilege, of being pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. Reiki for fertility and pregnancy can help such women in conceiving and correcting hormonal imbalances.

Take the case of Rhea who had complications during pregnancy, her sister Shalini approached our Reiki healer. Rhea lived in Hyderabad and was expecting twins.

Lately she was feeling dejected and depressed, as during her last doctor’s visit, she was told that her womb was quite weak and that the heart beat of the babies was feeble. The doctor also cautioned that if the heartbeats were not stabilized in the next couple of days, medical termination would have to be considered. Rhea who already had a history of miscarriages was devastated.

Shalini requested the healer to heal Rhea through Reiki during pregnancy.

The healer spoke with Rhea and took upon the task of healing Rhea. She was given distance reiki for pregnancy and asked to chant prayers to the babies till the next visit to the doctor. Reiki started showing its effect as in the next checkup the heartbeats were stable, though still weak. An emotionally vulnerable Rhea was asked to chant positive affirmations whenever she was tense or nervous.

For the next seven months the healing process continued. When the time for delivery came, Rhea  delivered the twins and was doing fine. Though the twins were healthy and active, both were under weight and had to be monitored quite closely. Rhea asked  the healer to heal the babies so that they could be welcomed back home at the earliest.

Rhea was a happy mom when one of the babies was discharged and brought home and in a few days the other baby followed. Rhea is content now and owes all her happiness to the healer and for receiving Reiki while pregnant .

So, what is Reiki and how is it different? Unlike modern medicine which only treats the physical aspect of an individual, Reiki heals the entire human form which not only includes the physical being but also the emotional and spiritual well being of a person. In short, Reiki heals the body, mind, the emotions and feelings of a human. When a person as a whole is being treated, this leads to a well rounded entity that is relaxed, peaceful with a sense of security and well being.

Read: Tips to follow while receiving reiki

Reiki is based on the ancient Japanese technique that says that an unseen life force energy flows through us and when the life forces are low, it causes sickness and stress whereas when life force is high, we are content and happy. Our life force is directly related to our thoughts and emotions. When either consciously or subconsciously our thoughts turn disruptive or negative our life force gets depleted leading to disease and stress. When Reiki healing is conducted, the life force which moves into our bodies through chakras and nadis blows away all negative energies and our body gets nourished with positivity and contentment. Thus, Reiki and pregnancy also go hand-in-hand as it offers a holistic approach during pregnancy. Reiki during pregnancy helps would-be-mothers in dissolving emotional blocks, fears, and emotional blocks.

In conclusion, as we, an evolved society, search for alternate methods of healing, Reiki will play an important role as it is already being accepted as one of the most valued healing practices.

Read: Myths and Facts about Reiki

We offer distance reiki healing for different issues. Be it healing depression with reiki or reiki for dogs, or if you are looking to learn reiki, give us a call.

Stress is a normal part of our lives. However, exposure  for longer periods of time can have negative effects on our health. Long working hours, family obligations, financial issues etc can all lead to a high level of stress in our lives, which  eventually creates imbalances in our emotional, mental, and physical health. Therefore, it is essential to manage stress effectively to reduce its negative effect. This can be done through regularly exercising, yoga or techniques such as reiki for stress reduction. Let’s see how one of our patients has used reiki for stress relief.

In this big competitive world we live in, life has become so fast paced and cut throat that we hardly have the time to relax especially in the case of women. Take the example of Seema, a well educated mother of two with a doting high powered executive husband. It looks like she is living the dream life but Seema is highly stressed and often suffers from anxiety attacks.

Seema was a career focused woman before her marriage but post two kids  she took a break from her career and concentrated on her family. Seema believed that this was a right decision, but internally she was devastated. Seema had been a sensitive child who had grown up to be a sensitive adult, she felt worthless and a burden after meeting some of her colleagues who were successfully climbing the corporate ladder. She started suffering from low self-esteem and a feeling of inadequacy.
Her current life vis-a-vis previous life was on her mind constantly. The more she thought about it the more stressed out she became. She soon started suffering from difficulty in breathing, muscle contraction, and excessive sweating. These were all signs of panic attacks due to extreme stress. When adrenaline glands go into fight mode they release stress hormones which gives us extra energy to deal with or run away from a stressful situation. Imagine this happening on a regular basis, our adrenaline gland gets overworked, our system feels the pressure and fatigue sets in. This results in panic attacks and sometimes manifests itself into physical pain. This too happened with Seema; she started experiencing excruciating back pain. When a battery of tests failed to diagnose it, a family friend recommended Reiki healing for stress relief.

Read: How reiki for stress and anxiety helps during exams?

So, how does Reiki stress relief help in such a situation? Reiki is an energy healing technique which helps relieve any negative energies or blocks from our bodies and restores the body balance through energy centers or chakras. Reiki for stress, using natural processes, restores balance in flow of energy through our bodies by removing all blocks and residue thereby facilitating our bodies and minds to relax and heal. Stress makes our bodies go rigid and stiff but after undergoing a session of Reiki our cells, muscles, tissues, nerve endings all relax completely and get recharged. Some have also described it as stress being removed like steam from their bodies and could feel their entire body relax and energy flows through their bodies like a river. In other words, stress is the unwanted baggage that is stored in our body making it stiff. Practicing Reiki tosses out the baggage and our body is lighter. This is the reason clients start seeing results with just one session of Reiki for stress and anxiety.

Read: What is Reiki?

After a few months of regular Reiki sessions for stress, Seema is a whole new person. She is more relaxed and stress free. The insecurities and low self esteem are a thing of the past. According to Seema, being stress free has also helped her banish negative thoughts from her head. She credits her new happy self to Reiki for stress.

Stress disconnects us from our true self and self love. Reiki stress relief releases the debris from our chakras and helps us find our true self and thereby realize the destructive pattern we are holding on to. It helps us release the destruction and teaches us self love. Reiki and stress are the opposite of one another; when we practice Reiki, stress disappears. They cannot co-exist together. So, choose Reiki and enjoy a stress free and relaxed life.

Read: Yoga nidra to combat stress

Stressed out and don’t know why? Want to lead a calm and peaceful life, connect with our counselors.

Incidence of diabetes is increasing rapidly among urban women in India. Prevalence of the disease condition is over 18% among urban middle class women. How do we stop this epidemic, and save our brethren?

This is a classic case where Reiki for diabetes helped a middle-class woman in Shimoga.

Geetha is a 58-year-old woman, suffering from diabetes from the past 10 years. Her diabetes was under control and was maintained by regular medicine intake. Around four months back she went for a routine checkup and measured her sugar levels. The results were scary, as they had shot past 500 (normal levels are between 100- 120) for that age bracket.

Her family rushed her to the hospital where the doctor suggested for admission and insulin infusion by IV. Geetha’s daughter who has been a strong proponent of alternate therapy treatment, did not want her mother to get addicted to insulin. She decided to explore other therapies. She found Healclinic through google search and spoke to our counselor. 

Our counselor recommended Reiki healing  bringing in their reiki practitioner for diabetes. The reiki healing started and within a week results started coming; Geetha’s sugar levels came down to 240 from 500. She went for a checkup post a week and the doctor was surprised by the results. The reiki master diagnosed that Geetha was suffering from multiple emotional issues which needed balancing. She continued the reiki treatment for diabetes for 2 months, which also  helped in balancing the chakras.

She was also suffering from the symptoms of menopause, emotional unrest due to certain family members and loneliness which is common amongst women whose kids have left home. Looking for a solution for all the issues, after talking to a few senior healers  and as recommended by the reiki master,we  recommended a tarot reading session and a session of PLR (Past Life Regression). This was to help her identify the root cause of all the issues, and heal all the emotional stress and trauma that she was carrying within. These sessions also worked on her belief systems.

In Geetha’s words – “it’s been almost 4 months now I feel so relaxed and confident. My body is healthy and I feel healthy and more energetic. The good part of my healing was I did not have to spend hours searching for the right practitioners. One call and healclinic team recommended, created and implemented the integrated plan what was suitable to me”

There are many more Geetha’s out there who are suffering from Diabetes, thyroid or other women oriented disorders.Connect with our counselors and get a customised reiki healing plan

Women physiology is curiously complex. This is because it is dynamic and changes with different phases of her life. Women have to undergo physiological stresses in addition to environmental ones affecting men and women and all other creatures. Certain conditions like menstruation, pregnancy, abortions or menopause all are instances of physiological stresses as they put more pressure on her energy demands, calorie intake, vital readings, micro nutrient uptake etc.

We have options wherein we don’t have to live with the issues which we deem to have become a normal part of our monthly cycles. In Fact  reiki for irregular periods can help women to deal with monthly changes they go through.

Menstruation which heralds the fertile life of a female, is to be dealt carefully. Many teenage girls experience psychological and physical problems during menstrual beginning. This is a  new phase and in this phase the girl may feel discomfort with the engorgement of breasts, pain in the breasts and lower back, puffiness of face and hot flashes.

This is a new feeling and hence lays psychological stress on her mind. Some girls also experience premenstrual syndrome which presents symptomatically as rise in temperature, fullness in breasts and pain over the nipple and areola, puffiness of face and pimples, swelling in the legs, pain in the lower back, calf and inguinal regions, craving for chocolates, spicy food, headaches, constipation, acute episodes of depression and so on.

Also Read: How Reiki helped with emotional healing post hysterectomy?

Experiencing all of these symptoms or any one or in sets, at the onset of monthly periods is mentally taxing and physically exhausting as well. Many students and teenagers complain of irregularities in their monthly cycle. Usually this cycle is of 24-28 days but it's very rare that all women experience monthly periods at exactly a months’ period or completion of 28 days. The cycle varies with individual women and also the symptoms are subjective depending on the physiology and hormonal balance.

The girl with menstrual irregularities may face a variety of symptoms like excessive body hair growth, androgenic features, pimples, stunted uterine development, improper growth of secondary sexual characters. All these may at later stage lead to infertility, PCOS, thyroid and other hormonal disorders. In addition this may harm the self image of the female itself, which is depressive.

Reiki for irregular periods, as a healing therapy has proved to be a successful treatment by itself,  as well as when integrated with other  therapies. Clinically menstrual irregularities are amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia, which are no bleeding, scanty flow and excessive flow respectively. As a Reiki healer, we need to recognise the cause and form of irregularity and channelize the energy in the problem area.

We once had a teenage client  who suffered from oligomenorrhea, scanty blood flow since her menstruation. Also she used to get her periods once in 2 or 3 months and had visited a couple of doctors.  Her mother was a staunch follower of Indian systems of medicine and was reluctant to undergo any form of allopathic remedy. On examining the girl the reiki healer could see that she had associated secondary problems of excessive hairiness and improper breast growth too. She started with daily sessions of reiki for an irregular period of an hour each for a month and told the mother to review her  menstrual cycle. Along with reiki for menstrual cramps she was also  suggested certain naturopathic food restrictions and dietary changes.

Also Read: How Yoga Helped in PCOS?

After 15 days when the girl had her 20 days of the cycle completed she was started with oil massage and fomentations over the lower abdominal region  The result being she got her periods on the 31st day and later we  reduced her reiki sittings for period pains to ¾ hour and gradually tapered the reiki and naturopathic remedies by the end of the 3 months period. However, we continued to give distant reiki healing for women to the girl on the request of the mother every month from her 21st day until she got her periods for the next 6 months until she regularly got her periods. During this phase we could evidently see the difference in her breast size as well and by the end of 6 months her facial hair had also considerably reduced.

The stimulation of the pituitary gland by channelizing reiki energy and in turn flow of vital energy to the parts of the uterus help in solving menstrual abnormalities of amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea. However the duration and frequency of the reiki sittings for irregular periods depends on individual conditions.

Check our integrated plans specifically designed for PCOD

Need help with PCOS/PCOD, talk to our counselor and decide which therapy best works for you. 

Very often we are asked how reiki , a form of energy healing, works, and people tend to get confused when we speak about universal energy. Below we have explained with the help of everyday analogy what Reiki chakra healing is and how it works.

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed”. This Einsteinium principle of energy conservation is well-known. Energy is an abstract yet conscious principle. It can be perceived through the objects it affects/pervades or illumines and  is well proven by  modern science. A similar principle exists in spiritual science, illustrated as Consciousness, called Chetana in Sanskrit. 

For better understanding we can consider sunlight as an example. Sunlight  illuminates the whole world and in its light/prakasha we can view all the  worldly objects. And to view sunlight also we need the same sunlight.  Similarly,  consciousness which we can call as Self  is self illumined.  We cannot see Self from our eyes, but only perceive it through the actions of individuals and the universe as a whole.

Another example of the abstract nature of Energy, can be of  Electricity. The presence of Electric current is evident only when the bulb glows; otherwise not perceived by naked eyes.

Reiki chakra balancing, energy healing therapy works on the same  energy principle. The energy as stated above is perceived by a trained Reiki master, who identifies the energy imbalance in the patient and his/her individual organs.

Also read:  What is Reiki?

To be able to perceive and experience this abstract yet active life energy the healer is  attuned by a qualified Master. This is similar to a transmitter in physical sciences which can detect, amplify energy waves of certain frequencies and wavelengths only. So, reiki and chakra healing are also similar. A reiki healer who is attuned and linked to the universal source energy by the Masters’ energy loop, serves as a channel for easy flow of life energy, chi, through the body. This helps in healing of illnesses which are caused due to disharmony in the life energy, chi, in organs.

Also read:  How can Reiki help students?

As energy can be transmitted from one place to other through proper conductors connected across, even to distant places; healing through efficient channelizing of Reiki energy for distant remedies is also possible. More on distant healing will be discussed in further articles.

Other articles related to Reiki

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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