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What is Tarot card reading meaning, can it be done online? Most of us visualise a Tarot card reader as someone with flowing coloured robes sitting with a fortune crystal. This clichéd image blinds us in not going deeper into understanding what tarot reading really is and in what way it can help us.

Simply put, Tarot cards are pictorial representations of energies and events that have and/or are about to happen to us. They also convey to us our joys, sorrows, new beginnings, future endeavours, heartaches and much more through pictures in a deck of cards.

The earliest use of Tarot cards can be traced to Italy where they were used like a regular deck of playing cards. But it wasn’t till the end of the 18th century that Tarot card was utilized as a therapy.

Most often we turn to Tarot when we are going through some major transition in our lives, be it in our career or in our personal life. But not many people are aware of the extensive assistance that an online tarot reading can provide to overburdened students. In recent times, students are under tremendous stress, they need a guide, not only with regards to their future education but also regarding how to give their best in their studies and on how to tackle the ‘Big Scary Exam Monster’.

As per our Tarot Reader, when students come to her for tarot card reading online session or offline one, they are already under tremendous amounts of stress. The first stage is to make them feel comfortable. Their strengths and weaknesses are assessed as they are asked to draw cards. The main intention behind this is to nurture their strengths and help them tackle their weaknesses without them losing confidence. Many of the students complain of difficulty in concentrating, low energy levels, wanting to give up and sometimes even depression. All these symptoms are first tackled by modifying the diet, low energy and difficulty concentrating can be attributed to lack of protein in the diet and one of the causes of depression could be lack of Vitamin D. In all of these cases, diet modifications are recommended.

Also Read: Reiki to the rescue of students

Many students say they get low marks in spite of them slogging out and studying through the night. When asked to pick cards, they usually pick the Sun as the dominating card which suggests that they would be able to concentrate more when the Sun’s up meaning daytime. Suggestion is made that the student has to study during the daytime for results.  Another example is when a student enters the exam hall with great energy; reads the paper happily and starts writing confidently but sees a dip in concentration and energy in the latter part of the exam and comes out with a feeling of guilt. This when analyzed can be due to loss of energy and can be easily rectified by eating a piece of chocolate for the sudden burst of energy.

Some students draw cards where it shows that they could be benefited by others helping them, in such cases combined studies are recommended. In some cases, readings show that money will have to be spent for more benefit, in such cases buying some study material or taking up tutions are suggested.

Exams can be a whirlwind of unpredictable emotions. These emotions can be tackled and guided in the right path through Tarot Card Readings.

In conclusion, we can say that in each and every moment in our life, we are armed with choices- choices that design and redefine our life. It is ultimately for us to decide how and in what way we handle the choices and pressures. Using the rich Imagery of Tarot, we find a counselor in Tarot which voices our concerns and helps us make those difficult choices easier, by opening up our sleeping conscience.

Read: Yoga and Exams

Feel like relationships with your spouse/sibling/parents/children are not going well or life at office is tough with your boss or colleagues. Need guidance on next steps or which belief pattern to break, consult our tarot readers.  

“About 3 months ago, I was feeling quite low. Things were not that great on the work front. Due to the constant worry about my career, I had niggling doubts about my capabilities and my self-belief. This led to a further downward spiral in my overall view of life. I was harbouring a pessimistic and gloomy world view and treated my colleagues and friends with skepticism. This pessimism also crept into my personal life and eroded my interactions with my family. I became irritable and frequently snapped at my wife and children. All this culminated into my deciding to finally seek professional help.

I got in touch with my friend Deepti who I knew had set up Healclinic and tarot card reading was one of the services. . She guided me to meet a tarot reader who is  registered with them  as a tarot reader. Initially I had some misgivings since I have had a slightly skeptical view of such esoteric tarot cards healing methods. Nevertheless, I decided to try it out, given that I had nothing to lose.

I was apprehensive since this was my first encounter with such a tarot card reader. However, the tarot reader welcomed me with a warm smile which put me at ease. The atmosphere within the room was very peaceful and the feeling of wellbeing was heightened by the soft chanting of slokas that was being played in the background.

She sensed my diffidence and reassured me that everything would be fine. She began the tarot reading session by sharing a personal example of how she had found a small flowering plant outside her house and had tended to the same, even when everyone else said that it would not flower. However, she persisted and visualised the plant as blooming, even when it was not. Sure enough, after a while the plant started blooming and this she quoted as a good example of how visualisation and positive vibes affect everything around us. We could use the same to enrich our lives and also those of our families and friends.

Read: How can Akashic Records help me

As the tarot reading session progressed, she explained what tarot reading was about and that I should be open and share my thoughts in a spontaneous manner to derive the full benefits of the exercise. Gradually I began to loosen up and discovered that it was more a process of self-realisation that she was leading me to. Anjana made a few comments that startled me with their prescience and I realised that she did possess some intuitive power that made my thoughts accessible to her. This gave way to my feeling more at ease and confident to answer her questions about various issues that were troubling me and I started connecting with her.

The entire tarot reading session lasted about an hour and at the end of the session, I felt light-hearted and assured that my way ahead was clearer now than before. I had sought some answers from her and she had astutely managed to elicit the answers from myself! This I think is a great knack that all healers, medical or spiritual, need to have. I came away from the tarot reading session in a much more confident, relaxed and positive frame of mind and resolved to put the suggestions of hers to practice.

Read: Tackle exams through Tarot

Overall, I feel the session helped me to gain my confidence and cast away the self-doubt and pessimism that was pervading my intellect. I would strongly encourage readers who have similar issues to reach out to Anjana and heal clinic tarot reading centers for a very positive and encouraging experience.” – As told by a client

He put in the effort to get his mojo and direction, what are you struggling with? We offer online tarot and astrological readings.

In most people’s minds, “Tarot card reading” means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. But that’s not the truth.

Tarot originally began as a game called Tarrochi sometime in the late 14th century. But lately Tarot reading has become a powerful tool to understand your inner strengths and options where your career or personal life will shape up soon.

This is the story of a 40-year-old woman Karishma (name changed) who is  working as a government teacher in Shimoga. Her husband who is also a government employee lives with her along with their 2 daughters. About 6 months back her husband got transferred to North Karnataka, it was a shock to them as her job was here and so was their extended family.

Karishma’s husband Amit was also unwilling to move but with a heavy heart joined the new post in North Karnataka. They managed the same for a couple of months but were really struggling.  Amit wanted to move back to Shimoga but as per government rules he needed to serve at least a year post which a mutual transfer could be a possibility.

Her friend recommended contacting Healclinic tarot reading , where they could possibly get some direction with the help of a reading.  Karishma contacted the heal clinic  and was suggested to try online tarot  reading.

Karishma took a tarot card reading online session with a senior Tarot Reader .  The tarot reader based on the session gave them switchwords and certain remedies which they needed to work on. Karishma and Amit started following the same religiously.

Also read: How Tarot reading helped in professional guidance

Amit couldn’t believe himself when his request for the re-transfer was approved in a few months, and he moved back to a location closer to his home.

In Karishma’s words “a big thanks to the Healclinic tarot card reading  team for guiding us to the correct path.”

When we spoke to our tarot reader how this happened, she said, “The reading showed that his chances of staying with his family were clearly indicated on the cards. All she did was through switchwords made their intention positive and powerful and through the remedies helped align the environment to become more conducive to a positive outcome. Also there was an indication in the tarot  cards as to which person he should approach for his transfer, so that also worked in his favour.”

Also Read: How tarot can help students in exams

We offer online tarot and astrological readings. 

We get many questions about tarot reading, from working professionals, housewives, student and parents. Questions can vary between,  how does it work, will it tell my future, will it give me specific dates on when I will get married or when I will get that job, will it help convince my boyfriend/girlfriend to commit to marriage, will it help me get over this troubled period…. To start with, tarot reading is not magic or a genie which will help solve your problems nor is it a crystal ball which will predict your future. Tarot reader uses the messages on the cards and their own intuitive guidance to tap into your subconscious energy and give possible scenarios and direction as to what can happen, what are some of the steps that you can take and what are some of the possible outcomes. Finally you have to take action and decide what to do in that area of your life. You can decide to pursue the direction given by the cards or at times you can go totally against it and decide that you want to do something totally different. In our experience, clients are happy with the reading if they come with– specific questions since the more specific the questions are, the closer to home the answers will be.– with the belief that they are coming for a direction and not an absolute– willing to take action post the reading 

Below is the first hand account of a young girl, on her first experience with tarot reading. “Yesterday, I had my first experience with tarot reading. To be honest, if I ever thought about tarot cards, I always imagined a movie scene where the parrot squawks and picks up a random card that tells you your future.  And I was one of the people who laughed at that scene. But yesterday, as I sat down to watch my mother get a session done, I was intrigued. The reader didn’t know my mother well, yet she gave answers that were seemingly perfect for my mom. I asked her how she picked out the cards because it seemed pretty random to me. She answered with a simple, “intuition“. After my mom was done, she asked me if I had something that I wanted clarification in. I thought about the question that I was really stressed about- My future. I am in my first year of college, so the thought of finalising a career bothered me the most. I asked her to give me direction on what to do in the next few years.  

She tapped her deck, shuffle the cards and pulled out five cards. She placed the cards to form a Cross and looked at them for awhile.  Quite suddenly she said, “Arts and Media“. I have been exploring journalism as an option, and was somewhere relieved that the cards said the same thing. Next, she said, “You’re moving out of the house soon and you are going to have loads of fun”.  Whew, that was a relief as I was a bit apprehensive about moving out of house. This statement was also quite true as I was going to shift to my college hostel soon. Then, she said, “You have to play around with what you want to do, especially with your creativity. Express yourself in the form of art- whether it is painting, writing or poetry”. This sounded a bit vague to me, but she also said that you will soon realise what I am talking about. So I am going to wait to figure out this bit. I looked at the cards, and found them beautiful and really aesthetically pleasing. It was a surreal experience. I loved the reading I got even if it didn’t help me get definitive answers, but somehow I felt happy and more confident about my future. I felt like I am on the right path and things have a way of working out.   And it definitely helped change my perspective on tarot reading. So, I maybe tempted to go for a full reading when I am stuck at something.” 

Well this was her experience, if you wish to get a reading done,  give us a call at +91 80500023237

We have found that when people schedule their tarot reading sessions, they are not very clear as to how to go about having an effective session or how much to disclose to the reader or how to get the most of a session.

So we asked our Tarot Reader Shweta Kapoor to throw some light on how clients can ensure that the reading sessions are effective and they get what they are looking for.

Here’s what she has to say,

80% of people ask one or more of the above questions when they book or come for their first session. In this article I will tell you six things that you can do to get an effective session.

Tarot is a very personal, intuitive and healing experience. It uses our intuition to guide us to the unknown areas of our life. Each card in a tarot deck has an image that invokes emotions and feelings in us. The purpose of all sessions is to help you get clarity of thoughts by removing ambiguity. A great experience is the one where you discover more about yourself and get the confidence to change or create the life you want.

Also Read: My first experience with tarot reading

Here are the six things that you should do to have a great tarot experience.

Tarot Reading is a tool that can enable you to take charge of your life by uncovering your hidden potential.

if you wish to get a reading done, contact us at +91 8050003237

As part of our #Wellnessstories, a client who had taken a tarot reading before deciding her college choices, writes this of her experience,

“Choosing one university where I would spend the next four years of my life seemed like a make or break decision when I was in 12th grade filling in my college applications. This decision was made even tougher for the 2020 batch due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the worldwide shutdown.

There were so many questions and choices in my mind; should I take a gap year? Will it be safe to go abroad? Should I stay at home or in another city?

My mom came across a Heal Clinics tarot post on Facebook that claimed to give mental clarity on any questions. I almost scoffed at the idea of a tarot deck of cards determining my future. After many eye rolls and my mom’s constant reassurance that it wasn’t too expensive, I gave in and thought there would be no harm in checking out the tarot card reading online.

I spoke to the tarot  reader on the phone and explained my situation and the confusion that I was in. She asked me specific questions about the situation. We narrowed down my thought spiral into three definite problems. I was pretty surprised when after taking out multiple cards (which I saw through the video) she explained to me what my different options would mean to me, in terms of my future life. She showed me the tarot cards she had removed for my questions, explained what each of them meant to me, and then related them to my situation. It was like listening to someone telling me multiple stories about how my life would be if I took each of the options.

So it was not like she told me which college/option to go for, or which choice to make, but her explanation of what each choice would involve for me, helped me make the decision. Her guidance was definitely a deciding factor that helped me make my decision easier. I am now part of a college that I’m pretty sure is the right fit for me and I have online tarot reading and Healclinic to thank for that!’

Read: How to make a tarot reading session an effective one?

Read: How to tackle exams through Tarot?

Tarot Reading can be done for any area of your life. It is a tool much beyond predictive purposes, it can help in guidance,  problem solving, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, life purpose, relationships in your life, be it personal or professional. We offer online tarot and astrological readings.

We get many questions about tarot reading, from working professionals, housewives, student and parents

Questions can vary between,  how does tarot card reading work, will it tell my future, will it give me specific dates on when I will get married or when I will get that job, will it help convince my boyfriend/girlfriend to commit to marriage, will it help me get over this troubled period.

To start with, tarot reading is not magic or a genie which will help solve your problems nor is tarot reading a crystal ball which will predict your future.

Tarot reader uses the messages on the cards and their own intuitive guidance to tap into your subconscious energy and give possible scenarios and direction as to what can happen, what are some of the steps that you can take and what are some of the possible outcomes.

Finally you have to take action and decide what to do in that area of your life. You can decide to pursue the direction given by the cards or at times you can go totally against it and decide that you want to do something totally different.

In our experience, clients are happy with the tarot card reading if they come with
– specific questions since the more specific the questions are, the closer to home the answers will be.
– with the belief that they are coming for a direction and not an absolute
– willing to take action post the reading

Below is the first hand account of a young girl, on her first experience with tarot reading.

“Yesterday, I had my first experience with tarot reading. To be honest, if I ever thought about tarot cards, I always imagined a movie scene where the parrot squawks and picks up a random card that tells you your future. And I was one of the people who laughed at that scene.

But yesterday, as I sat down to watch my mother get a session done, I was intrigued.

The reader didn’t know my mother well, yet she gave answers that were seemingly perfect for my mom. I asked her how she picked out the cards because it seemed pretty random to me. She answered with a simple, “intuition“.

After my mom was done, she asked me if I had something that I wanted clarification on. I thought about the question that I was really stressed about- My future.

I am in my first year of college, so the thought of finalising a career bothered me the most. I asked her to give me direction on what to do in the next few years. She tapped her deck, shuffled the tarot cards and pulled out five cards.

She placed the tarot  cards to form a Cross and looked at them for a while. Quite suddenly she said, “Arts and Media“.

I have been exploring journalism as an option, and was somewhere relieved that the tarot cards said the same thing.

Next, she said, “You’re moving out of the house soon and you are going to have loads of fun”. Whew, that was a relief as I was a bit apprehensive about moving out of the house.

This statement was also quite true as I was going to shift to my college hostel soon. Then, she said, “You have to play around with what you want to do, especially with your creativity. Express yourself in the form of art- whether it is painting, writing or poetry”. This sounded a bit vague to me, but she also said that you will soon realise what I am talking about. So I am going to wait to figure out this bit.

I looked at the tarot cards, and found them beautiful and really aesthetically pleasing. It was a surreal experience. I loved the tarot reading I got even if it didn’t help me get definitive answers, but somehow I felt happy and more confident about my future. I felt like I am on the right path and things have a way of working out.

And it definitely helped change my perspective on tarot reading. So, I may be tempted to go for a full reading when I am stuck at something.”

Well this was her experience, we offer online tarot and astrological readings. 

We have found that when people schedule their tarot reading sessions, they are not very clear as to how to go about having an effective session or how much to disclose to the reader or how to get the most of a session.

So we asked our Tarot Reader Shweta Kapoor to throw some light on how clients can ensure that the reading sessions are effective and they get what they are looking for.

Here's what she has to say,

80% of people ask one or more of the above questions when they book or come for their first session. In this article I will tell you six things that you can do to get an effective session.

Tarot reading is a very personal, intuitive and healing experience. It uses our intuition to guide us to the unknown areas of our life. Each tarot card in a tarot deck has an image that evokes emotions and feelings in us. The purpose of all sessions is to help you get clarity of thoughts by removing ambiguity. A great experience is the one where you discover more about yourself and get the confidence to change or create the life you want.

Also Read: My first experience with tarot card reading

Here are the six things that you should do to have a great tarot card reading experience.

Tarot Reading is a tool that can enable you to take charge of your life by uncovering your hidden potential. WE offer online Tarot and Astrological Readings

As part of our #Wellnessstories, a client who had taken a tarot reading before deciding her college choices, writes this of her experience,

"Choosing one university where I would spend the next four years of my life seemed like a make or break decision when I was in 12th grade filling in my college applications. This decision was made even tougher for the 2020 batch due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the worldwide shutdown.

There were so many questions and choices in my mind; should I take a gap year? Will it be safe to go abroad? Should I stay at home or in another city?

My mom came across a Healclinic tarot guide post on Facebook that claimed to give mental clarity on any questions. I almost scoffed at the idea of a deck of cards determining my future. After many eye rolls and my mom's constant reassurance that it wasn't too expensive, I gave in and thought there would be no harm in checking out the online tarot guide.

I spoke to the tarot card reader on the phone and explained my situation and the confusion that I was in. She asked me specific questions about the situation. We narrowed down my thought spiral into three definite problems. I was pretty surprised when after taking out multiple tarot cards (which I saw through the video) she explained to me what my different options would mean to me, in terms of my future life. She showed me the tarot cards she had removed for my questions, explained what each of them meant to me, and then related them to my situation. It was like listening to someone telling me multiple stories about how my life would be if I took each of the options.

So it was not like she told me which college/option to go for, or which choice to make, but her explanation of what each choice would involve for me, helped me make the decision after tarot reading. Her guidance was definitely a deciding factor that helped me make my decision easier. I am now part of a college that I'm pretty sure is the right fit for me and I have Tarot reading and Heal Clinic to thank for that!'

Read: How to make a tarot reading session an effective one

Read: How to tackle exams through Tarot

Tarot Reading can be done for any area of your life. It is a tool much beyond predictive purposes, it can help in guidance, problem-solving, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, life purpose, relationships in your life, be it personal or professional. If you wish to get a reading done, contact us 

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
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