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A recent study by WHO found that more than 75% of Indians under the age of 40 suffer from stress-related illnesses. They stem not only from poor lifestyle choices, but are also symptomatic of a stressful work environment. Increasing pressures of tight deadlines, team disharmony, project overload and work disengagement are just some of the daily challenges that characterize the modern workplace.

Employees suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels. It is imperative with such an epidemic to ensure the mental and emotional welfare of employees.

Truly enlightened businesses put holistic employee welfare first. They seek to address workplace tension head-on, creating a culture of harmony, engagement and creativity. This is the bedrock of all highly productive trailblazing companies. Companies such as Apple, Google, McKinsey etc., craft programs that embrace holistic well-being for their employees.

McKinsey partner and meditation aficionado Michael Rennie says, “What’s good for the spirit is good for the bottom line.”

Some of the techniques that are being used by corporate to empower their employees

What are they including in their corporate wellness programs? Embracing these 9 phenomenally powerful ‘New Age’ methods and training:

1. Meditation: The simplest and most transformative tool is a 15-minute meditation. From the United States Marines to high-performing companies such as Google and General Mills, the benefits of workplace meditation are universally praised. It helps reduce hypertension, increase clarity and improve interpersonal communication. Passive meditation calms the nervous system and brain, overcoming anxiety and stress. Active and mindful meditation brings the goal into focus, increasing positivity and creativity. Group meditations are especially powerful. The ‘Maharishi Effect’ is proof of its transformative power. They generate waves of vibrational flow that rapidly improve biology, collective culture and creativity.

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): NLP provides practical tools to gain clarity on goals as well asstrategies to achieve them easily and creatively. NLP uses 2 powerful forces that determine the very fabric of our lives — neural patterns in the brain, and language cues across all modes of communication. Through “trance” communication and imagination, the subconscious mind is focused on the desired results. NLP skills are especially highly valued in marketing, sales, client management and leadership development. The tools of NLP have helped countless people, from overcoming fears to improving strategic skills to devising market-disruptive technologies. In the words of Tony Robbins, “the only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”

3. Silva Mind Control Method: The Silva Method goes beyond the subconscious mind to activate and harness the power of higher brain functions. This method leads the brain into alpha and theta states that open up access to higher wisdom.Further techniques dramatically increase one’s intuition, focus and extra sensory abilities. And then goes a step further giving you the power to heal your body and manifest your vision. At the core of manifesting is your intent. When that intent is focused, extraordinary things can happen. Successful authors such as Jack Canfield and Richard Bach have experienced phenomenal breakthroughs in their writing using the Silva Method.

4. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping): How many times have you let fear stop you from doing something you love? Beliefs that you are incapable or people will criticise you can sabotage your efforts and happiness. EFT is a simple yet effective tool. Lightly tapping on specific acupressure points on the body immediately begin to helps release negative beliefs and past traumas from a cellular level. And when paired with affirmations, this process becomes extremely powerful. Recently, one of my clients who was visiting a prospective customer, tapped out her worries on the way to a meeting. When she sat for the meeting, she was so calm and confident with the customer that she was able to get the business.

5. Access Consciousness: With Access Consciousness, we foray into the world of ‘energy work’. Every thought, emotion and belief has a vibration. Even desired results such as revenue, customers, smooth operations have a vibration of their own. Access Consciousness primarily uses questions and statements that bring up these energies to have a profound cleansing. Through the ‘power of the question’, it further attracts the vibration of the desired results. One of my friends had a particularly difficult co-worker. Every time she had to interact with the colleague, she mentally used the simplest question-tool, “How does it get better than this?” Within two weeks, their team work had improved to such an extent that they were able to complete their project ahead of schedule.

6. Law of Attraction: Many books and articles have been written in recent years on the Law of Attraction. The most popular of course is ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. Through emotion-based visualisation, you raise your energy to vibrate at the frequency of what you want. But how this applies to an organisation is even more spectacular. Every corporation vibrates at a certain frequency. This attracts certain types of customers, employees and keeps it at a certain operational level. Many times, despite new strategies and action plans, the business does not grow. When employees come together and channel the law of attraction, the entire frequency of the business changes. With higher energies, come the right opportunities, cohesive operations and rapid business growth.

7. Energy HealingReikiPranic Healing, Theta Healing etc., may not be new concepts to you. Receiving energy healing is a relaxing and uplifting experience. When medication or therapy is supplemented with energy work, people have experienced faster and deeper healing. Recipients enjoy holistic well-being at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The basic foundation to all energy work is that everything is naturally biased towards growth, well-being and expansion. The healer and healee simply facilitate this process. The body returns to health. The mind returns to stability. The heart returns to joy. Is there anything better than happy employees?

Angel Healing: What would your life and business be like if you have a team of angels managing everything? We all have Guides, Angels and Mentors in the subtle dimension. They’re waiting to help us and seek ways to communicate their happy presence to us. All we need do is ask for their help. With their higher wisdom and ability to assist in manifestation, they are a formidable team working on our side. Recently, I asked my team of “business development” angels to help me connect with the best client for me. A few days later I suddenly got the impulse to attend an informal meet-up. With the utmost ease and grace I was able to meet and sign on a client who was also attending the same event.

9. Power of Stories: Stories spark emotion. They are great healing tools that help us make sense of the world we live in. They inspire hope and passion, igniting us into creative action. Stories speak directly to the subconscious or what in academic circles is called the ‘psyche’. Jungian psychology explores the various archetypes and symbols that pervade every individual’s psyche. The right story can help us articulate how we feel and find creative solutions to challenges. Various agencies, from corporations to the military to prisons use the power of stories and storytelling. They are a powerful tool to initiate change.

Read: How healclinic can help you with customised holistic wellness workshops

“It is a burning issue in corporate India that everyone has to address. Our entire society creates stress, right from childhood exam results to making a career. Organisations must understand that there is this serious factor called stress and proactively deal with it,” said Harsh Mariwala, chairman of Marico. 

A study found that 43% of corporate employees with skewed BMI (body mass index), of which 30% with diabetic risk, 30% with hypertension risk and 46% high on stress.  

Corporates who are investing in wellness for their employees have been able to reap rewards. 9 new age tools being adopted for employee wellness are – Meditation, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Silva Mind Control Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, Access Consciousness, Law of attraction, Energy healing, Angel healing, Power of stories.

Share your stories of how you deal with stress or what is your company doing for stress management in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.

If you want to introduce stress management workshops in your company, or experience any of the above therapies, give us a call at +91 8050003237 or write in to us at consult@healclinic.in to start the partnership.

Many a times we are asked about how different modalities work and what can they expect when they go for a particular healing therapy. Our expert healers have given an insight into some of the therapies and healing modalities – Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Switch words and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.
A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

What is clinical Hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is an empowering state of consciousness. In clinical hypnotherapy process, the individuals are in a pleasant state of relaxation. In the process, the individuals allow themselves to enter so that desired, beneficial suggestions may be given directly to the part of the mind known as the subconscious. Under hypnosis, the conscious, rational part of the brain is temporarily less active, making the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions, more active and receptive to therapy.

What are Switch Words?

People are still new to switch words! They are no less than magic and are referred to as Modern Mantras.

Switch words are basically positive affirmations which are manifested by powerful frequencies, phrases and codes to attract what we want in our lives, be it happiness, health or wealth.

As you advance in your practice of Chanting SWITCHWORDS, you will notice many changes within.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a blend of Chinese acupressure and psychology and is used to clear emotional traumas, phobias and stress from the energetic body.

During a Tapping session, you use your finger tips to tap on these meridians or acupressure points, to help stimulate the flow of energy again.

As you tap on these special meridian points, you also use mantras or affirmations to help bring to the surface any unresolved emotions or stress that may be contributing to energy blockages. Take a look at common Tapping Points.

Read: Know more therapies

Healclinic has reiki masters and practitioners practising other therapies based in different locations. So if you are looking for treatment in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Be it healing depression, physical ailments or relationship issues, contact us

When noted British artist Adrian Hill was convalescing from tuberculosis, he discovered how therapeutic painting was to him. His mind and body were so engrossed while painting, that he for a while forgot about the illness that had weakened his body. He described it as “completely engrossing the mind (as well as the fingers)…..realizing the creative energy of the frequently inhibited patients which enables the patient to build up a strong defense against his misfortunes” .Hill found it so beneficial that he suggested art work while recovering to his fellow patients. Thus began his Art Therapy work which was documented in 1945 in his books. He is credited with coining the term Art Therapy

So, what is Art therapy? “Art therapy can be explained as a mental health profession, wherein clients with the help of an Art therapist express themselves using artwork to understand their feelings, solve any emotional conflicts, manage certain behavior and addictions, polish social skills, reduce anxiety and increase self esteem. The goal of Art therapy is to foster a sense of personal well being and can be expressed through any art form be it painting, sketching, sculpting etc. In short, Art therapy aims at promoting physical as well as psychological well being of an individual.

Art therapists are usually trained in both art and therapy and use art in treating, assessing and for the purpose of research. The main advantage of Art therapy is that it works with all age groups and can be conducted at the community level or at a family level or just as a couple or individually. Also there is no restriction in the settings where Art therapy can be conducted. It can happen at a medical or wellness centre, schools or at independent practices.

In a world where there are multiple forms of therapy to cater to every need Art therapy stands apart due to its unique nature. The main difference between art therapy and conventional talk therapy is that there are no boundaries like words or language which restrict expression but emotions are allowed to free flow freely using any medium be it drawing, sketching ,sculpting or photography.

The uses of Art Therapy are many. It has been found very useful in treating kids with PTSD, recovery from eating disorders, helps at-risk children deal with body imaging etc .It helps pre adolescents and adolescents freely express themselves with colors rather than conventional talk. This has led to children being more willing to participate in this form of therapy than talk with a therapist. Children who are autistic have found art therapy to be useful in bettering their social skills as it provides an outlet for their feeling rather than resorting to tantrums when communication proves too frustrating.

Read: Autism Awareness and Healing

Art therapy has been used as a coping mechanism among cancer patients especially when it comes to expressing pain, fear and altered social relationships. It not only helped them express their self worth but also enhance it symbolically especially when in chemotherapy.

Read: Alternative Therapy and Cancer

Art Therapy has proved especially helpful in tackling mental health issues like depression, dementia, schizophrenia etc .Research have proved that creative therapies like art therapy stimulates many areas of the brain at the same time thereby promoting healthy brain functioning. Due to reduction of stress and depression amongst mental health patients their overall well being is promoted.

Read: Depression and Healing

The therapeutic value of art is much underrated in our society. Drawing and paintings are seen as a waste of time rather than a way to express one self. Art therapy is definitely one of the most popular forms of therapy as the means to express is limitless. Also it helps clients bring in positive change and growth within a safe and comfortable environment.

healclinic has many expert practitioners in different therapies including art therapy. Want to know more about how it can help you, contact us

Statistics from WHO are staggering, nearly 350 million people around the world are depressed. 350 MILLION!! That’s nearly 5% of the world’s population. The statistics are much worse when it comes to women, 1 in every 8 woman is suffering from depression or would develop clinical depression in her lifetime. We lose nearly 800000 people to suicides due to depression every year. If these statistics does not jolt you awake then nothing will.

Jessica, aged 32 is a high powered executive, has always been a high achiever. She graduated with top honors in both school and college. She has very high standards for herself and can be very self-critical when she fails to meet them. She is slowly but surely breaking the glass ceiling in the otherwise male dominated company. At home, she is mother to two adorable girls aged 8 and 6 who are mirrors of their mum. Her husband is the city’s leading lawyers and their love story is the envy of the town. Her in-laws adore her and she is the apple of her parent’s eye. Jessica’s life is perfect and envious.

Not everything is as it seems. If you look closely you observe that the once ever smiling Jessica does not smile a lot, she has dark circles around her eyes. She, since a few months has not been able to concentrate on work and hence the company is on the verge of losing a major account. She gets irritated by her children quiet often and yesterday had slapped the elder one. Her in-laws too observe her lack of attention to them. Jessica’s husband has noticed changes as well. She’s shown little interest in sex and has had difficulties falling asleep at night. So, what is happening to Jessica???

We are bombarded with images of superwomen wherever we see, be it movies or television. Advertisements with women who not only take care of house and family but are also the perfect career women. Such visuals look great in reel life but reality is different.  Women are constantly pressurized to do it all, if they are stay at home moms taking care of their families; they are constantly taunted for lacking ambition and if women are career oriented they are pressurized into settling down and starting a family. This puts paramount pressure on a woman and under this kind of stress even the high and mighty crumble.

Read: Bust Stress with Reiki

Jessica was slowly failing to meet the impossibly high standard that she herself and the society put on her. She was slowly loosing the delicate balance between family and work. She felt that she was not giving time to her children and was constantly reminded about it. The final nail was when Jessica’s younger daughter fell ill, the “mommy please, don’t go to office, I need you here” became her undoing. Jessica had to attend office as she had an important meeting. Though she came early that day, the feeling of not being there when needed began to eat her up. She began to get depressed; she started to suffer from low self esteem and insomnia. Consequently her job began to suffer which gave rise to more problems and she started undervaluing herself. The usually upbeat Jessica would hardly smile she would be irritable and withdrawn. Jessica was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.Jessicas husband accidentally happened to spot her researching on the web the ways to commit suicide. This was the final straw, her husband and family intervened and immediately sought medical intervention. Jessica was diagnosed as being clinically depressed.  Six months on, she is better. She was immediately put on medications. Jessica still visits her psychiatrist once a week.

Read: Depression healed through Reiki

Jessica’s story isn’t unique; if we look closely we will find Jessica in every corner. Women due to their anatomy are predisposed to depression. The hormonal changes that happen every month makes us especially vulnerable. The need of the hour is to talk about it, to communicate, to express ourselves. But we are busy hiding it. Mental illness like depression should not be brushed under the carpet, it has to be addressed. But there is hope. We are changing. Celebrities like Deepika Padukone have come out in the open about them combating depression; this has given the average woman more power to speak up. Also, we women have to stop pressuring ourselves into being perfect at all times. Sometimes it’s OK to let go and Breathe.

Healclinic has expert practitioners based in different locations. So if you want help with depression, reiki or yoga treatment in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Contact us

Life they say is a box full of colors and no one celebrates colors better than us Indians. From our clothes to our festivals, colour is celebrated in every phase of our lives. So, it would not be surprising that colors have been used as a medium for healing since centuries and finds its mention even in ayurvedic scriptures.

World renowned Scholar Avicenna in his book titled Canon of Medicine wrote that “color is an observable symptom of disease”. He also developed a chart that relates to the temperature and physical condition of the body. His view was that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it and yellow reduced muscular pain or inflammation. An Indian born American scientist named Dinshah P Ghadiali observed that by knowing the effects of different colors on different organs and systems of the body one can use it to restore the imbalance occurs in its condition or functioning.

Color therapy dates back to thousands of years as a holistic, non invasive and powerful therapy form, evidence of which can be found in scriptures of India, China and Egypt. Colors simply put are different wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particular wavelength and energy. Light energy affects all living cells and as we know without light all living things is affected. When used in the right way, these different frequencies of light i.e. colors have a profound and healing affect on all creations. Color therapy aims at restoring the balance in our chakras by using the colors of the light spectrum to stimulate and speed up the body’s healing mechanism.

According to our healer, “The seven spectrum colors namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and orange are associated with the seven energy centre’s or chakras in our bodies. There has to be a proper balance of these chakras in order to maintain health and well being in an individual. Red is associated with the base chakra, orange the sacral chakra, yellow the solar plexus chakra, green the heart chakra ,blue the throat chakra, indigo the brow chakra and violet the crown chakra. Colors are absorbed by the eyes, skin, our aura and the skull thereby affecting us emotionally, physically and spiritually. There are many different ways of giving color therapy including solarized water, light boxes or lamps with color filters, color silks and hands on healing using colors.”

We first experience colors as fetuses in our mother’s womb, where we are engulfed in nurturing and comforting pink. As we grow older, we tend to attach different feelings, memories both good and bad to certain color which gets set in our subconscious. We also build up prejudices against certain colors. Life gives us impressions and these in the form of experiences can be both positive as well as negative. Negative  experiences manifests itself into diseases over the years,Eg if, over the years one has been unable to speak his mind or express the truth, then this can manifest into disease related to the throat chakra as our self expression has been blocked thereby restricting flow of energy in this area.

Color therapy can be used safely and effectively as a standard form of therapy or along with other forms of therapy. If has been found extremely successful not only with adults but also with children and non humans. Color therapy acts as a catalyst for our healing process and encourages normal and healthy workings of the body.

Colors are all around us, we just have to sit back and reap its advantages. Mother Nature is full of colors; we just have to increase our awareness of the energy within the colors to help transform our lives.

Colour therapy is used in isolation or as part of other therapies depending on what works for you. Healclinic has colour therapists who can help you in different areas of your life, be it personal or professional. Contact us

When I look back at my life, I have always felt that it has been good, in retrospective nothing felt like a struggle. But recently courtesy my outbursts, I realized that there are certain incidents and behaviours of people which are bothering me.

When I did a session with the theta healer, it came out that during my difficult times in the last 10 years my family had not stepped up in terms of physical and emotional support that I had needed, and at a subconscious level I carried that hurt. That hurt had resulted in a fear of abandonment which was influencing my life and the decisions that I was taking today. Before taking any decision, I ensured that the consequences were something that could be managed by me alone and soon the responsibility of doing everything on my own, started stressing me leading to anxiety and frustration. I felt as if I was carrying the load of the entire world on my shoulders. I forgot how to laugh, how to have fun and most importantly how to be spontaneous in my actions.

She made me go through those years to understand what had really happened and how I could change my story so that I could write my future story from a place of strength instead of hurt and need. This process helped me put certain things in perspective, like

This helped me understand myself better and rewrite my story in a way I want to and not from a place of victimhood. Today I feel lighter as I am not carrying round that hurt or its burden and believe me I am calmer and happier. My personal and professional decisions have better outcomes as they are more matured since they are not taken from a place of fear.

Read: How Akashic Records help us unfold life patterns

This is just one part of my life in which Anushree has helped me, over the last few months through sessions of theta healing she has helped me uncover many disempowering beliefs which were running my life and empowered me with moving forward abundantly.

Read: Success stories of other clients

She empowered herself through theta healing, and bettered all aspects of her life, what are you struggling with? Call us at 8050003237 We offer online plans, so you save time on travel.

Are you single?

This question can be hard hitting for a person who actually isn’t single by choice.

Basis the available statistics, more than 70 percent of people who are single today aren’t single because they have chosen bigger missions to be achieved and stayed away from marriage or a relationship as it could have been a limiting affair for them. If probed, the answer to the above of most of the singles would be that they couldn’t find the right person. There is another category of singles. These singles got into relationships initially however walked out and later concluded that relationships weren’t meant for them and hence eventually chose to be single for the rest of their life. Well, out of the population of over 7 billion people how is it possible that they couldn’t find one person who was good enough for them or vice versa.

WHAT is the truth behind such choices?

Every person has a free will and the right to choose for himself. Any choice that a person makes in his life is driven by the circumstances he has faced. We can leave out those people here who have made a conscious decision to remain single. Lets talk about people who have chosen to be single because they couldn’t find the right one or felt that relationships weren’t meant for them. Also, we would like to throw light here on those couples who remain married because of society pressure, financial decency or for their children despite the fact that their relationship is no less than a big compromise. On the surface, if we analyse, these stressed relationships or singledom can be personal choices but energetically when we unlayer them, there are deeper reasons to such choices like childhood trauma, beliefs about relationships, past life connections, energetic blocks around chakras, parental issues etc.

Read: How tarot reading helped him gain back confidence

What has been observed is that most of the beliefs a person carries around relationships are either pertaining to childhood or past lives. Beliefs from childhood get developed between the age of 3-5 specially when a child observes his parents closely and forms an opinion about the relationships. If a child has seen his parents fighting always, he would form an opinion that relationships are quarrelsome and hence would either end up in a similar relationship or would always avoid getting into one. He may find manifesting relationships difficult. He may get attracted to someone but would not be able to survive in the relationship for long as the reality that he holds about relationships would come to surface. Beliefs from past lives are more solidified & engrained and carried over many lifetimes. These beliefs & opinions form blocks around the heart, sacral, throat or the root chakra. We all are aware that our memory is like a storehouse of beliefs based on which our whole life operates. Whatever lives we have lived so far and whatever opinions or conclusions we have formed in those lives are carried over to the current life which impacts various aspects of our lives today like financial, health, relationships, spirituality etc. A lot of people have gone through traumatic relationships in past lives, with their parents or children or spouses. The essence of those relationships are stored in their energy body or mind or in cases of physical abuse in their physical body too. Such people find it difficult to be in close relationships, do not feel a connection with anyone and despite having people around, always complain of being lonely.

The opinions or beliefs that we carry from our current life or our previous lives is like a reality for us. This reality that gets created in our minds because of our experience and observation forms the basis of our lives.

How can one heal the relationship wounds from past lives or childhood and make choices basis here and now?

It is possible to identify these energetic blocks that a person beholds through channeling wherein the channeler extracts information about the blocks and past life traumas that are locking the potential in his current life. Once these blocks are identified, with the help of different healing modalities, the therapist works with the person to change this reality that is governing his life to the reality he consciously wants to create. So basically when a person is seeking a life partner however is not able to find the right one for himself, the first step is to identify the energetic blocks which could be in the form of memories, beliefs, past life contracts or curses. Then with the help of therapies remove these blocks and if required an alternate reality chosen by the person is planted in his conscious mind.

Read: How reiki can help in relationship healing

Is it all too good to be true?

I really believe that if a person wishes to be in a relationship or be married, it’s absolutely possible. If despite all efforts this need is not fulfilled, then there is a deeper truth which lies in the subconscious beliefs of the person that determine his patterns. Once these subconscious beliefs are identified and changed, the person can gain a whole new perspective and with this new perspective his physical life starts to show changes gradually.

Healclinic offers tarot, angel, soul and channel readings. So if you are looking for a general reading or a customised reading in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Unblock your blocks and live a full life, Contact us at +91 8050003237

Stress stems not only from poor lifestyle choices, but are also symptomatic of a stressful work environment – increase pressures of deadlines, team disharmony, project overload and work disengagement. 

Employees suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels. It is imperative to ensure the mental and emotional welfare of employees.

“It is a burning issue in corporate India that everyone has to address. Our entire society creates stress, right from childhood exam results to making a career. Organisations must understand that there is this serious factor called stress and proactively deal with it,” said Harsh Mariwala, chairman of Marico. 

Corporates who are investing in wellness for their employees have been able to reap rewards. 9 new age tools being adopted for employee wellness are – Meditation, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Silva Mind Control Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, Access Consciousness, Law of attraction, Energy healing, Angel healing, Power of stories.

Check these 9 New Age Tools that are being embraced by corporate world wide. 

At healclinic, having a team of practitioners across different modalities and areas, proficient in different languages and belonging to different locations and exposure (local, national, international), it is easy for us to understand the employee requirements and customise a holistic wellness workshop which can go a long way in helping the employees. We work more as your wellness partners in your journey to making your employees happy and lead a balanced life.

What are you waiting for, give us a call at +91 8050003237 or write in to us at consult@healclinic.in to start the partnership.

Share your stories of how you deal with stress or what is your company doing for stress management in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.

The Dreaded “D” Word

Imagine yourself being trapped in a room where the only voice you hear, constantly screams at you saying how hopeless, helpless and unworthy you are. The voice possesses such confidence that it is impossible for you to ignore it. Imagine your entire life without color, just shades of Black and Grey, while this voice is constantly trying to convince you that life isn’t worth living.

Imagine you trying very hard to fight it but it finds more and improved ways to attack you. This is DEPRESSION. Depression is that dark cloud that convinces you how bad things are and no matter how hard you fight it, it defeats you, it wears you down.

Depression – decoded

It is human nature to feel down sometimes. To feel as though nothing’s going your way, a sense of gloom like a dark rainy day surrounds you, the world seems dull, everything makes you sad, but we mostly snap out of it within a day or two and the world seems bright and colorful as it should be.

But imagine feeling this gloom all the time, every single day. Forcing yourself to do things that brought you so much enjoyment earlier. Mundane things like getting out of bed is a humungous effort.

Depression is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain hence difficult to predict the trigger element. One moment you are happy and having fun and the very next minute you feel your whole world crumbling. You desperately are crying for help.

Don’t worry: Depression can be treated

Your loved ones book an appointment with a psychiatrist, but why a psychiatrist??? Am I mad?? Will I be locked away in the mad house like the people we see in the movies??

The doctor is kind and say he just wants to talk, speaks to you about the changes in you. He wants you to relax and communicate with him. He asks you some questions which are easy to answer. It is before several of these sittings with a psychiatrist that you are diagnosed with having Clinical Depression.  A bunch of tests are ordered to test your physiological well being.  The kind doctor recommends antidepressants and counseling.

Amongst the many people you meet, you are most influenced by a woman called Kanta. She was a share broker before depression which ruined her career and her relationships. She always recommends her therapist named Sanjana, who helped her in recovering from depression. Kanta talks about how taking too many antidepressants are dangerous in the long run.


It’s a known fact that long term usage of antidepressants is associated with seizures and other heart rhythm abnormalities. Also, many patients suffer from a phenomenon called the “Prozac Pop Out” wherein initially the patients respond well to treatment but as time passes they see a return of symptoms even though they are on full term medication. Risk of Type 2 diabetes is increased with the use of antidepressant medication.

Natural Ways of beating depression

 Success Stories: 

Lets read about two women who though apparently had everything going for them, were still diagonised with depression  

 The depression fighters emerge, who treat and who get treated

Sanjana: the corporate challenger

Sanjana is a practitioner of alternative therapies and has worked on integrative therapies to treat depression.

Sanjana was once diagnosed as being Clinically Depressed. A high-ranking officer in the corporate world, Sanjana’s life was picture perfect. She had it all, intelligence, beauty, doting and encouraging parents. Though she worked as a techie, her main passion in life was writing. She loved to weave magic through her writing. But lately, Sanjana’s pretty smile seem to be strained.

There was darkness beneath her eyes suggesting lack of sleep, the spark in her eyes were missing. Sanjana herself had no clue as to what was wrong with her, she felt lost.

The mood swings had started to take a toll on her work as well as family life. The final straw was when Sanjana felt burdened while indulging in her favorite hobby –writing.  Writing had always brought her so much joy and happiness was now nothing but a burden. This scared her and she decided to seek professional help. 

Sanjana was diagnosed with Depression. This was a jolt out of the blue but since Sanjana was a strong girl she decided to take control of her life. She started the long journey of self-help and healing. The first step was to let go the stress of the corporate world. She quit her job. She discovered the benefits of meditation and Reiki to heal herself.

Sanjana is cured of depression now. Not only has she started writing but has also found a new passion in painting. It helps her calm down and gives her inner peace. She has become an energy healer who now helps others who are in a similar situation as her.

Kanta: the Braveheart

Kanta’s story starts from her childhood. She came from a broken home. Her mother was abandoned by her father when Kanta was a little girl. Kanta was bullied throughout her school and college. This had a very big impact on her psyche. She hated her life and blamed her father for all the troubles that she went through.

Despite all of this happening to her, Kanta was an exceptionally good student; she passed with flying colors and was immediately offered a high-powered job in a reputed Trading Company. Kanta kept climbing the corporate ladder but with it came a great deal of stress and pressure. Slowly signs of depression began to show up in Kanta. Loss of appetite, weight loss, a sense of gloom, extreme fatigue – she started to be withdrawn and unsociable. The situation got so worse that she even attempted suicide but was thankfully saved at the last minute by her fiancé. She was diagnosed with major depression. 

Kanta started to take therapy from Sanjana. Within a couple of sessions, Sanjana could find out that the root cause of her depression was the pent-up anger and grief that she suffered due to her father’s abandonment.

Kanta was taught how to deal with her anger issues through Counselling, Reiki and Yoga. This helped her get the passion back in her life and helped forgive her father so that she can move on with her life.

Depression for Adam or Eve?

Depression strikes both men and women equally hard. Although studies have shown that women are more prone to depression than men.

Women while depressed tend to rehash negative feelings from long ago, this leads to negative self talk, crying for no reason and blaming one self. Whereas men tend to distract themselves when depressed. This helps ease the depression. Men tend to substance abuse such as drinking, gambling, and engaging in reckless behavior prior to the onset of depression whereas women tend to indulge in such behavior after the onset of depression especially when anxiety levels increase.

Women are more likely to get depressed in response to stressful situations; they also tend to respond in such a way that prolongs their feelings of stress more so than men.

Depression is more common than we think, but not untreatable as many of us perceive. Nor are antidepressants the only solution. 

Take our depression test to check the likelihood of you having any of the symptoms or encourage those around you to  take it. Prevention is always better than cure. 

Need help with getting your life back, call us at +91 8050003237 or write in to us at consult@healclinic.in

How effective is reiki for depression and anxiety? Let’s understand through a patient journey.

Reiki has been around for decades but the general perception is that it is only useful for relieving pains and aches. Whereas in reality, it works at an energy level. It works on the philosophy that most illnesses occur based on emotional disturbances that our body has experienced either recently or in the past. Reiki practitioners work on the energy patterns and healing from the root cause. Reiki can help heal any illness at a physical, mental or emotional level.  Healing for depression is definitely a very good alternate option.

And this is what a young girl in her early thirties experienced when she turned to reiki for the depression of her mother. Sreelatha (name changed to protect privacy), as she recounted her story “My mother suffered a lot, she had been suffering from depression since my childhood days but we never knew about the same. We belong to a small town near Dehradun and there was no way we could have taken her to see a psychiatrist without her being labeled “mad woman”. I vividly remember even as a child that my mother was never like the other moms and always remained withdrawn. I hardly had conversations with her and she always complained of lethargy and tiredness. 

“Soon I graduated, got married and moved to Bangalore, but there was always this guilt that I carried with me of not taking care of my mother’s health. I started reading and researching about the symptoms which my mother had and still continued. And that is when I realized that she was suffering from depression her entire life.

Now knowing my mother, I knew that she would never go to a conventional psychologist, and bringing her to Bangalore for a long period of time was not an option. The only thing I was sure of in those days was that I had to get my mother healthy.

“I recalled having read somewhere that  reiki healing for depression can be given remotely. I came across Healclinic and they connected me to a reiki healer on their platform"

“The reiki healer convinced my mother to take reiki sessions for depression through distance healing

Read: What is Reiki and how does it work?

During her sessions for reiki healing for depression, The Reiki healer connected the source of the depression to an incident that had occurred when my mother was in my grandmother’s womb. My mom’s sister, when she was 5 years old, had fallen from the roof and died. Because of which my grandmother went into depression. Grandma’s depression passed on to my mother who was in her womb at that time. Over time since it was not addressed, depression became part of my mother’s life without anyone really knowing the reason.’

This can be traced to a concept called Emotional Genealogy. It is the emotional traits that were handed down and the connection that we have to our ancestors. It can go back to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents…going back two, three, four, five and sometimes more generations. It can include any emotional trait within our family lineage like happiness, pain, grit, kindness, cruelty, avoidance, violence, tenderness, fear, depression, etc. And this is precisely what had happened with Sreelatha’s mother.  She used  Karuna Reiki technique to heal my mother.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism as well as Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as compassionate action. Karuna Reiki for depression is considered as an advanced form of Reiki. Healing energies and tools used during karuna reiki sessions can be used to heal a wide set of challenges that are quite complex in nature.  In Karuna reiki, instead of the energy transfer from the body and arms of the Reiki practitioner, it surrounds the whole body when transferring to the recipient.

Also Read: How Reiki helped a woman conceive with Reiki energy Healing?

Post the sessions, as per Sreelatha, “The healing sessions with meditation lasted for 31 days and today my mother is a changed woman. The depression has disappeared and she now leads a normal happy life, something which we had never imagined. This has reinforced my belief in energy healing as it helped solve my mother’s fifty year long suffering. A big thank you Healclinic”

Read: Reiki therapy and its simplicity in everyday life

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients. 

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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