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When our ancestors were faced with danger, nature programmed them for 2 possibilities - either the problem was surmountable, which meant energising the body to fight the enemy, or the problem was too big, which meant energizing the body to run. Both options would immediate de-prioritise the digestive process, which is why some people can end up throwing out digested or undigested food or water through vomiting or passing urine or stools during stress. Also, now we have different challenges - we don't need to physically run towards or away from our boss or in laws, but the hormones are still released and can affect our health. Here's how.

Stress stored in our bodies

After the intensity of the fight or flight response, the body 'crashes' in energy and the focus is on getting back to normal. Since as a society we are focused on consistent performance, these phases are shunned and the body is never given time to recover. We then offer the body a new stressor, and over time we get addicted to functioning on that artificial 'high' of the stress hormones.

Persistent stress due to difficulties in health, relationships and jobs will damage the digestive system over a long time and this creates a lot of secondary problems. Here are the signs I've frequently seen among my clients.

Because people have gotten used to functioning only on the energy provided by stress hormones, most people experiencing chronic stress are rarely self-motivated, functioning only when things go too far or a deadline is looming. When the 'danger' of a missed deadline floods their system with stress hormones, they are finally able to function. So they fluctuate between super-charged when the hormones are pumping through the system or 'lazy' and exhausted.

Due to the lack of energy the rest of the times, there can often be this feeling of spacing out from the world, some people may use binge-watching, binge eating or addictive substances as tools for this escape.

Most people will end up either feeling too hungry or not hungry enough as the digestive process is affected. Sleep can change as well, crashing out when exhausted and difficulty sleeping or shallow sleep otherwise. People living in situations where the body doesn't feel safe for whatever reason (abusive relationships for eg) can wake up at every little disturbance.

And one of the most telling signs I observe is the person's sensitivity to sound. When people are greatly affected by noise, this is very frequently a sign of the body being in a state of constant alarm.

Some people can experience these things after a specific incident, like a breakup or the death of a loved one or even the sudden loss of a job. In these cases, some good therapy can help the body get back to a state of ease and wellbeing. In cases where people are stuck in abusive relationships or workplaces, a lot more work is needed.

In either case, if you experience these please pay attention, because it doesn't take long before this becomes physical, causing issues like headaches, chronic fatigue or pain, brain fog, palpitations, IBS, anxiety and the hardest one - auto immune disorders.

5 signs you are living in Fight or Flight Mode

If you have any of the signs above do consider therapy to identify and resolve the conflict

If you're a parent,

please watch out for these signs in your child as well. We don't need early interventions, no. We need parents who are working on themselves. Children model themselves after parents, and if parents are sorted, then they know better how to deal with children. This can change at any moment, but the core lesson is merely this - what do we value?

As a society we spend hours and hours earning money, that is a priority. Everything else is now secondary, that's the core issue. Spending 2% of our time on something that can improve our health, mind and relationships is too much of a burden. When we learn to prioritise the right things, our children follow suit, it really is that simple. Takes a few weeks or a few months, rarely ever more than that. Nature has designed children to biologically mimic parents.

We call them Reiki children, where parents practice Reiki from before conception or from the time the child is born or very young. It changes everything, the kids are very special. Even at this stage it isn't late for you. But the question is only - is it important enough yet?

Article by Ashwita Goel

What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is when a woman’s ovaries release either partially mature or immature eggs during menstruation. These eggs may eventually turn into cysts leading the ovaries to enlarge in size. With PCOD, your body may also secrete increased amounts of Androgens - male hormones; this is one of the main reasons many women with PCOD suffer from menstruation and fertility issues.


Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) produce higher androgen levels than usual; this would lead to interference with the ovaries releasing the eggs. Some of these eggs may become cysts instead of being released during ovulation.

We notice that people often confuse PCOD and PCOS since both are ovary-related issues and both have similar early symptoms. Our aim through this article is to shed some light on the issues so that you are well aware of what your body is going through.

PCOD/PCOS Symptoms

Also Read: Woman's fight against PCOD

Causes of PCOS

We now know that excess production of androgen is one of the main issues with PCOS. Let’s learn more about why your body could be producing increased levels of male hormones.

Healclinic is proud to be armed with healers that are pioneers in their field of healing and are able to help women fight their PCOD/PCOS and lead a healthy and fulfilled life. Connect with our healers to learn more about how we can help you.

Though Reiki is one of the most popular healing therapies, there are myths surrounding it. Many of us view reiki healing as some sort of non-scientific treatment. Some even go to the extent of seeing this as a magic and expect immediate results; that a reiki healer sends energy from one end and results would occur instantaneously at the other end. But this is not true, Reiki therapy is not only scientific like any other material sciences but also has dual properties of applying itself to healing of ailments of mankind, irrespective of physical, mental, emotional problems.

While studying in school, I’m sure many of us would have heard about Ernest Rutherford in Physics. He gave us the positive charged centric model of Atom by conducting an experiment of bombarding the gold foil by charged particles and found that the centre of the atom has a positive charge(as in Helium nucleus). But he failed to explain how the tiny negatively charged particles revolving around this positive centre remain in place. This was however later supplemented by Bohr, that electrons revolve in definite energy paths called orbits. They need an extra or additional amount of energy, in the form of Photons(packets of energy) if they have to cross from one energy level to another.

Now you may be thinking if this is a physics-Atomic lesson but its not. The fact i am trying to arrive at is- at micro level(micro cosmos or sukshma level) also energy follows a certain principle which is just extrapolated at the macro cosmos level. Whenever energy in any matter/being/organ gets disturbed, it leaves its original path and hence becomes unstable. On supplying the required amount of energy or channelizing the excess stability is again restored. Reiki, helps us in restoring this stability through channelizing the universal energy to flow through the attuned healer to the unstable one. This fact would be sufficient to disprove that Reiki is no form of hocus-pocus, abra ka dabra. Its purely energy science.

The other myth I would like to address is expectation about instant and miraculous results. So whoever is trying for a reiki treatment, if you cannot find results as you expected (within the time period initially reported by your reiki healer), there is no need to feel dejected or doubt the ability of your Reiki practitioner. I’m sure all of us would have doubly assured ourselves about our therapist, even before disclosing our problem to him/her. As any medical treatment has its pros and cons similarly reiki energy healing  too has. As explained several factors are involved in this therapeutic process too. At any given point of time, the cosmos is filled with different forms of energy waves but not all are caught by the transmitters. That means to say, energy of a specific form is caught by a specific receiver only.

Also read:  What is Reiki?

So while treating, though the universal source or the channel or the in between junctions may be sufficiently patent and manifest; sometimes the receiver itself may have blocked itself from receiving any form of energy. In such cases the treatment would delay as there is need to identify and diagnose the block, dissect the blockage and rectify the same. Whatsoever, Reiki therapy and healing is no magic but a logical form of remedy for many of our day to day problems.

Before concluding I would like to make this discussion a bit lighter by the note that “शक्ति ही शिवा का अस्तित्व हैं. और शिव ही सुन्दर हैं “ Energy may have different nomenclatures but the source is one and that One is beautiful, auspicious.

Other articles related to Reiki

Accessing Akashic Records

Akashic Records Reading takes place on the 6th plane, the plane of the Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters.  With the right intention and prayer, the keepers of the Records provide access to ours and those of others in a safe and uplifting manner. These records are described as a complete universal record of every thought, deed, action and emotion that has ever occurred, or for that matter, will ever occur.

While, it is not essential to dig into our past- at times past life can give us an insight into our recurring problems, themes, and issues. An important point to remember is that it is not just the negatives- the reading also shows us our talents and life purpose. The gentle energy provides clarity and guides us to aspects that are essential for growth.

For example, for one of the clients an empty table was shown and along the way it got clear that she wasn’t writing as much as she wanted too. For another client, who was going through a disturbing situation, a relaxing meditation was shown. One client was shown through a couple of lifetimes of being tortured in royalty and hence she shunned material gains. Yet another was shown the creative field is where she ought to focus as that is her gift to the world.

One of a fascinating aspects of the Reading is that Healing also happens during the Reading. A client with a troubled relation saw things shifting as the Healing had already begun in the Reading itself. As it is often said that if something is coming up- it is ready to be healed. It is then in our hands to do the needful.

We are often asked about the difference between PLR (Past Life Regression) and Akashic Records. The main being that in PLR, the client is guided by the healer into their past lives; whereas, in the Akashic Records, the Healer enters the Records guided by the Masters, and describes what is being shown. Also, the Records show the client’s state of mind, their inclinations and at times a peek into the future too. Therefore, it is much more than one’s Past-life. What is essential to the client is given access, what they need to know at that point of time which can help them move forward or heal a blockage is what is shown to them.

Watch our healer explain Akashik Readings

In an Akashik Reading, we don’t dwell on the future, as it is to do more with the past. However, it does provide an indication of the future akin to Tarot and Theta Healing. Akashic Records Reading is a great tool for those who want to understand themselves- their purpose, talents, life themes, current problems- then the Records beckon thee.

We offer online readings.


If you have answered any of the above with a yes, then Reiki energy therapy has a solution to all of these issues.

Reiki and energy healing is the most creative tool you have with you which can be  effectively used to  shield your house, protect your loved ones,  and create an atmosphere of love and joy. 

Most of our reiki healers  have worked with many cases where a house needed to be cleansed and blessed. There have been cases where a certain degree of dampness remains in the house — notwithstanding the best of civil engineering that has gone into the building’s construction. There have been instances where the inhabitants of the house never feel refreshed even after a good night’s sleep or  some houses which had cancer or other chronic patients residing in them.

In all such cases and more, Reiki energy healing works very well, to cleanse and balance the house energy and get the light and love back.

In addition there can sometimes be another factor which causes stress in the house. 

Your little, cuddly home that you so lovingly built may not remain one if some forces —  that you cannot easily comprehend — are at play. Even your daily routines could be infinitely thrown out of gear for no apparent fault.

Read: What is Reiki energy therapy and how does it work?

These instances are better understood by a concept called ‘Geopathic stress’. This is based on the widely-accepted premise that the Earth is a living entity and is governed by electromagnetic lines. Call them ‘Earth Grid’ for an easy understanding.

In some areas of the property you are staying on, the electromagnetic lines may have been distorted or disruptive.The natural frequency of the Earth may have been disturbed by high levels of pollution , winding railway tracks, electricity, water lines and mineral deposits, among other reasons. These are often reasons  why inhabitants of a certain house or a certain area sense or feel strange events and occurrences happening around them. . This is called Geopathic Stress

Is there a solution to this or do we accept the reality as it is? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, and there is, indeed, a lasting solution - Reiki energy shielding.

The effects of Geopathic Stress lines can be eased or completely removed by the power of Reiki and its symbols. Some of the Reiki energy tools that could be used to remove the stress and negative lines are Pyramids, Reiki box and Reiki prisms. Reiki pyramid or prism technique can be used to visualise the well-being of the house and its inhabitants. This can be done by visualising the sketch of the house inside a large pyramid and showering it with light. Alongside, draw powerful symbols on all sides of the house so that your sweet house has a powerful shield around it.

Also, it’s effective to have a rough sketch of the house and work around, using it to bless and shower divine light on it. The Reiki energy Master symbol works wonders in such situations. In some cases, we seek the assistance of Archangels to bless and protect the family. Reiki and energy healing programming can be used to ensure Reiki is sent to the house round the clock. Programming as a method is abundantly helpful for healer and healer as it allows  sending and receiving Reiki at odd hours and for long duration. 

Read: How Reiki energy principles can help you simplify your life?

When you approach a Reiki energy healer for this, make sure you have a powerful intent to resolve these issues and feel safe. Nothing is more powerful than your thoughts and intent.

Statistics from WHO are staggering, nearly 350 million people around the world are depressed. 350 MILLION!! That’s nearly 5% of the world’s population. The statistics are much worse when it comes to women, 1 in every 8 woman is suffering from depression or would develop clinical depression in her lifetime. We lose nearly 800000 people to suicides due to depression every year. If these statistics does not jolt you awake then nothing will.

Jessica, aged 32 is a high powered executive, has always been a high achiever. She graduated with top honors in both school and college. She has very high standards for herself and can be very self-critical when she fails to meet them. She is slowly but surely breaking the glass ceiling in the otherwise male dominated company. At home, she is mother to two adorable girls aged 8 and 6 who are mirrors of their mum. Her husband is the city’s leading lawyers and their love story is the envy of the town. Her in-laws adore her and she is the apple of her parent’s eye. Jessica’s life is perfect and envious.

Not everything is as it seems. If you look closely you observe that the once ever smiling Jessica does not smile a lot, she has dark circles around her eyes. She, since a few months has not been able to concentrate on work and hence the company is on the verge of losing a major account. She gets irritated by her children quiet often and yesterday had slapped the elder one. Her in-laws too observe her lack of attention to them. Jessica’s husband has noticed changes as well. She’s shown little interest in sex and has had difficulties falling asleep at night. So, what is happening to Jessica???

We are bombarded with images of superwomen wherever we see, be it movies or television. Advertisements with women who not only take care of house and family but are also the perfect career women. Such visuals look great in reel life but reality is different.  Women are constantly pressurized to do it all, if they are stay at home moms taking care of their families; they are constantly taunted for lacking ambition and if women are career oriented they are pressurized into settling down and starting a family. This puts paramount pressure on a woman and under this kind of stress even the high and mighty crumble.

Read: Bust Stress with Reiki

Jessica was slowly failing to meet the impossibly high standard that she herself and the society put on her. She was slowly loosing the delicate balance between family and work. She felt that she was not giving time to her children and was constantly reminded about it. The final nail was when Jessica’s younger daughter fell ill, the “mommy please, don’t go to office, I need you here” became her undoing. Jessica had to attend office as she had an important meeting. Though she came early that day, the feeling of not being there when needed began to eat her up. She began to get depressed; she started to suffer from low self esteem and insomnia. Consequently her job began to suffer which gave rise to more problems and she started undervaluing herself. The usually upbeat Jessica would hardly smile she would be irritable and withdrawn. Jessica was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.Jessicas husband accidentally happened to spot her researching on the web the ways to commit suicide. This was the final straw, her husband and family intervened and immediately sought medical intervention. Jessica was diagnosed as being clinically depressed.  Six months on, she is better. She was immediately put on medications. Jessica still visits her psychiatrist once a week.

Read: Depression healed through Reiki

Jessica’s story isn’t unique; if we look closely we will find Jessica in every corner. Women due to their anatomy are predisposed to depression. The hormonal changes that happen every month makes us especially vulnerable. The need of the hour is to talk about it, to communicate, to express ourselves. But we are busy hiding it. Mental illness like depression should not be brushed under the carpet, it has to be addressed. But there is hope. We are changing. Celebrities like Deepika Padukone have come out in the open about them combating depression; this has given the average woman more power to speak up. Also, we women have to stop pressuring ourselves into being perfect at all times. Sometimes it’s OK to let go and Breathe.

Healclinic has expert practitioners based in different locations. So if you want help with depression, reiki or yoga treatment in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Contact us

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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