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“My son is intelligent, and used to get good marks, but now has lost interest in studies.” “My daughter is a very good tennis player but in the recent past has lost the motivation to practice and win” seems familiar. Well most of us as parents have faced these issues sometimes or the other.

So, why is the child no longer interested in studies?  Or not motivated enough?

There can be multiple reasons, two of them being,

  1. Not challenging enough to stimulate the brain, so does not feel like putting in his best
  2. Too much pressure and hence can’t cope up, so decides to give up

We as parents are too invested in them to think beyond and keep getting into arguments and wondering how they can be more interested in Instagram, or the TV serial, and not their own future.

So what can be done to help our kids out of these challenges?

Reiki healing as a therapy is worth exploring to help children deal with these issues especially since it is non intrusive and can be done through distant healing. Most people are surprised, but yes Reiki for students works very well at all levels.

Reiki in such cases works by balancing the chakras. Two things happen,

This is just one aspect of healing. Also whenever there is an exam,the reiki master can balance the energy using reiki.

Read: How Reiki healing helps during exam times?

The child does not panic, is more focused and calm so he uses his brains in an optimum manner and in the right direction.

A reiki practitioner always gives reiki for the highest good of the client, and so anyone who enters the reiki protection, their energy is pumped up automatically. Example: Result of the reiki healing. The invigilators who are checking the papers will not bring forward their personal issues and block the child's growth.

Many a times it is noticed, that during reiki healing a clients healing occurs holistically covering all aspects of his life and not just the part for which they had approached the practitioner for healing. Reiki for students works really well when done under an experienced reiki master.

Read: What is Reiki therapy and how does it work and  What should I know before a Reiki session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients. Need guidance on next steps with your children, consult our healers.  Contact us

Yoga is a way of life. Today's academic pressure and stress put on by parents, teachers and peers lead to children having problems with memory,  concentration, focus and other related issues. We get many enquiries from parents asking to help their children especially during exams. They want simple solutions to overcome these problems. And the solution is  “Yoga for exams”. 

Alternative therapies help in such cases with wonderful results. And exam yoga is one such therapy.

Just as children go to school to be educated and to increase their knowledge/intellect, practicing yoga helps to increase their capacity to learn and retain more

Yoga is not just a physical or spiritual practice, but as tradition says it is a subject for dealing with the mind. Many times children find it difficult to concentrate or focus and remember things, and even after putting in a lot of effort with a lot of confidence they become blank in the examination hall. Through exam yoga, they can find a solution for these problems.

Some of the questions, which the children ask frequently,

Some of the techniques offered in yoga are suryanamaskar, pranayama  trataka and relaxation techniques.

Lets look at a few of them,

Suryanamaskar: is done to improve the circulation of blood to energise the different parts and organs of the body and to control the breath.

Pranayama: breath is the bridge between body and mind. Pranayama helps in regulating the breathing as a result the mind calms down and efficiency will increase.

Trataka: is eye exercise which when regularly practiced, improves memory and concentration. In a couple of days you will find that you are able to retain whatever you have read more easily.

Relaxation: is not watching tv, going for a walk, listening to music, chatting with friends etc. In yoga for exams there are different relaxation techniques where by doing this the awareness increases and you will have clarity, there will be no conflict, muscle tension is released and your efficiency in studies will increase.

I would like to say to all children, who have exams coming up, please make yoga a habit and call it yoga for exams. Practicing yoga under proper guidance can greatly help you with your studies. Ex: if you are studying one chapter in one hour with regular practice of exam yoga, it can be completed in half an hour.

Think of Exam yoga as a way to improve and develop the strength and quality of the brain and mind.

Read: How Reiki helps students

Need help for your children for their examinations. Contact us

Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-kee’) is commonly perceived to be a form of spiritual healing. How does a certified Reiki healer help students, lets understand this better? What does exam healing mean?

When exams are around the corner or during the exams, parents are hyperventilating as their kids either don’t show any interest in the studies, have poor sitting capacity, can’t concentrate, if they sit for studies they are not able to devote the time and if they pick the books they just fall asleep.

A Reiki infinite healer can help such students. There are several chakras which cause specific issues that a student goes through, while in stress there are many symptoms. Reiki master healer helps in attacking these issues helping the students to perform to his / her best capacity.

Also read: How a 10th grade student was helped by a Reiki healer during board exams? (Working)

Certain chakras which are worked on are –

Also Read: Reiki healing for students (Working)

Reiki healers can provide energy to the entire examination hall to reduce disturbances during writing exams.

Reiki can be given to all the instruments which are used for writing the exam – pen, pencil, calculator. Reiki before the exam helps in eliminating panic situations.

RegRegular pep up reiki is necessary especially for students at adolescent stage, the silent confidence and consistent energy boost gives the confidence and inner peace. Certified Reiki healers also offer personalized reiki for students as energy levels needed for each body is different.

Also Read: Precautions while using Reiki

Need help for your children for their examinations. Contact us

What is Tarot card reading meaning, can it be done online? Most of us visualise a Tarot card reader as someone with flowing coloured robes sitting with a fortune crystal. This clichéd image blinds us in not going deeper into understanding what tarot reading really is and in what way it can help us.

Simply put, Tarot cards are pictorial representations of energies and events that have and/or are about to happen to us. They also convey to us our joys, sorrows, new beginnings, future endeavours, heartaches and much more through pictures in a deck of cards.

The earliest use of Tarot cards can be traced to Italy where they were used like a regular deck of playing cards. But it wasn’t till the end of the 18th century that Tarot card was utilized as a therapy.

Most often we turn to Tarot when we are going through some major transition in our lives, be it in our career or in our personal life. But not many people are aware of the extensive assistance that an online tarot reading can provide to overburdened students. In recent times, students are under tremendous stress, they need a guide, not only with regards to their future education but also regarding how to give their best in their studies and on how to tackle the ‘Big Scary Exam Monster’.

As per our Tarot Reader, when students come to her for tarot card reading online session or offline one, they are already under tremendous amounts of stress. The first stage is to make them feel comfortable. Their strengths and weaknesses are assessed as they are asked to draw cards. The main intention behind this is to nurture their strengths and help them tackle their weaknesses without them losing confidence. Many of the students complain of difficulty in concentrating, low energy levels, wanting to give up and sometimes even depression. All these symptoms are first tackled by modifying the diet, low energy and difficulty concentrating can be attributed to lack of protein in the diet and one of the causes of depression could be lack of Vitamin D. In all of these cases, diet modifications are recommended.

Also Read: Reiki to the rescue of students

Many students say they get low marks in spite of them slogging out and studying through the night. When asked to pick cards, they usually pick the Sun as the dominating card which suggests that they would be able to concentrate more when the Sun’s up meaning daytime. Suggestion is made that the student has to study during the daytime for results.  Another example is when a student enters the exam hall with great energy; reads the paper happily and starts writing confidently but sees a dip in concentration and energy in the latter part of the exam and comes out with a feeling of guilt. This when analyzed can be due to loss of energy and can be easily rectified by eating a piece of chocolate for the sudden burst of energy.

Some students draw cards where it shows that they could be benefited by others helping them, in such cases combined studies are recommended. In some cases, readings show that money will have to be spent for more benefit, in such cases buying some study material or taking up tutions are suggested.

Exams can be a whirlwind of unpredictable emotions. These emotions can be tackled and guided in the right path through Tarot Card Readings.

In conclusion, we can say that in each and every moment in our life, we are armed with choices- choices that design and redefine our life. It is ultimately for us to decide how and in what way we handle the choices and pressures. Using the rich Imagery of Tarot, we find a counselor in Tarot which voices our concerns and helps us make those difficult choices easier, by opening up our sleeping conscience.

Read: Yoga and Exams

Feel like relationships with your spouse/sibling/parents/children are not going well or life at office is tough with your boss or colleagues. Need guidance on next steps or which belief pattern to break, consult our tarot readers.  

Dolphin Healing Transmission is one of the unique opportunities for any living soul to experience the balance of water – the emotional and mental body in an individual.

Dolphins work both in ether (akashic space) just like Angels and in physical space to contribute to the ecological and energetic balance of the planet.

In order to do so, they also assist in raising vibrations of different individuals and helping them to be more in tune with their innermost expanded nature and create that in a physical reality.

Now you would wonder, how can they do so. The Dolphins work in the 6th and 7th plane of energies with the Universal law of Compassion, Unconditional love, Law of time, Law of Sacred geometry, Law of vibration , Law of sound and elements. They transmit a frequency of Unconditional love through sound and geometric structures that help in clearing ones deep emotional , mental blockages that affect one’s life in different ways.

To simplify it, everything is energy. A human field comprises of stuck patterns or dense energies of trauma, belief, oaths, vows, karmic structures from lifetimes and genetic lineages. This dense energetic patterns blocks them from manifesting or attracting what they truly are and can have. In more extreme cases, it starts reflecting as a physical, emotional, mental, financial, relationship or success disability or depression as well.

Dolphins help in identifying and clearing these blocks by going into the core of energy field and transmitting light and sound energies in a particular healing patterns that transforms the human energy field and opens it up to a larger possibility.

Everything is energy either light or dense in nature. Density blocks easy manifestation and flow of life. It blocks one from being truly joyful and being in the now. Dolphins comtribute beautifully to creating that space for an individual .

How do these transmissions work?

They can be done long distance for an individual and across time and space around the world. Two people don’t have to be necessarily connected to do these transmissions. They are done in person, online, over distance across time zones.

Who can benefit from them?
Everyone at each stage of life can benefit from them. Be it a sick person, or someone with relationship issues or financial or concentration issues or pregnancy or newborn, they work beautifully with everyone. As the objective is expansion and receive more light and allow Souls light to reflect better in each aspect of life. Even a joyful person can receive them and feel expanded.

I have done hundreds of transmissions across a spectrum of newborn, pregnant women, people in ICU , relationship issues, to expand people’s psychic and spiritual capacities, insomnia, fertility issues, wounds of abandonment, abuse wounds, self esteem issues, professional issues, financial blockages, intimacy issues, kidney and liver issues, heart problems, calcification in brain, muscle and joint problems over years, pcod, stress issues, family healings, bringing more harmony in relationships and life, expanding oneself spiritually and so on.

Also Read: How I rewrote my story through theta and dolphin healing

I myself have healed a lot of Soul and physical trauma in the body which medical diagnosis could not attend to and heal.

How many sessions are recommended?

It all depends on the nature of problem and desire of an individual to expand.

Is the result very problem specific?

Yes and no. Sometimes what we feel is the problem is just a tiny reflection of deeper root. Dolphins work on the root issues. It also depends on the person’s ability to trust the process and allow it to happen and be willing to engage and expand.

Anything else that one should know?
Dolphins balance the water element in the body. An imbalance of water element reflects in multiple dimensions and ways of ones life and can lead to diseases as well. Our body and everything in Universe is made up of five elements and water is a major constituent in the physical and emotional body.

Dolphin Healing transmissions in no way substitute the medical advice or medical treatment as prescribed by your doctor’s. It’s an alternative method to support the process of expansion.

All the information provided belongs to Anushree. Copyright© applies. 

What are you struggling with? Call us at 8050003237 Theta and Dolphin healing is done online, so you save time on travel.

Meditation is an excellent stress buster, but it scares us away. There are many myths around meditation, some of the objections which people often have to meditation,

Lets see where do people generally meditate, 

Let me tell you upfront that all of the above is not true of meditation, especially for the beginners when we are looking at it as a means to relax and calm our stressed mind and body.

All you need is a few minutes a day and you can do it anywhere anytime.  Lets look at 4 easy meditation techniques for beginners,

  1. The simplest form of meditation is to sit still for a few minutes and concentrate on your breath. That’s it, just concentrate on your inhales and exhales. Don’t worry about the thoughts that come into your mind, let them flow. As soon as you feel distracted get your attention back to the breath. You can do this even for 1 minute a day while travelling, in between meetings, while walking, or anytime you have a few minutes to spare.
  2. If concentrating on the breadth is difficult for you, chant. Chant any mantra or a word that you believe in. Just chant it for 11/15/21 any number of times that you feel comfortable.
  3. Sit and observe your thoughts which wander in your mind. Don’t get attached to any thought, simple observe as each thought comes and goes.

If you find all of the above difficult then,

  1. Simply sit without doing anything or any gadgets. If you feel you can only sit for 10 minutes or even 5 minutes, and not 25 or 30, then go with that. You don’t have to meditate, just get into a meditative posture daily for a few minutes and sit silently.

You do all or any of the above regularly you will find that slowly

Meditation is a very powerful tool, which can be life altering over a period of time. You have your own meditation routine, share it in comments so others can learn from it.

Want to learn meditation, call us at +91 8050003237 or write in to us at consult@healclinic.in

Achieving a state of calm requires nothing special, complicated or expensive. Just breathe and feel all stress and anxiety melt away. From this natural state of calm and balance, the answers to your problems will become clear.

Read: How stressed are you?

A simple technique: Breath Meditation which you can practice anywhere anytime.

Rate how you feel now on a scale of 1-10 (‘1′: awful, ’10’: raring to go). Remember, the transformation of stress to relaxation starts with 2 simple words:

Stop resisting! Stop resisting what is, who you are, what others do, how life is right now. Stop putting all your energies into wishing and wanting things to be different — to be as you want them to be. Stop running images in your head of how others “should” behave, what your life “should” look like, how much happier you think you would be if everything were your brand of “perfect”.

Just stop… and breathe. Breathe deep and full. Breathe and fill your lungs. Breathe and fill your abdomen. Breathe from your toes. Breathe into the middle of your forehead. Breathe into every cell of your being. Allow your body to breathe… in and out… in and out… in and out.

Isn’t breathing such a wonderful activity? It’s automatic and yet lends itself to a certain measure of control. Its gentle rhythm soothes an agitated mind. Its depth connects the soul with the cosmic flow of energy. With its ebb and flow, it reminds us of the Universal cycles that play out in our lives — cycles of winter and spring, rest and action, giving and receiving.

Notice the several connections that breath communicates to you. Allow it to draw your attention to the knowledge and wisdom it wishes to impart to you. What does it want you to know in this moment? Draw this knowledge into your being and let it spread throughout your body.

As you go deeper, become aware of the stillness between breaths — between an in-breath and an out-breath, between an out-breath and an in-breath… Relax into this stillness. Allow it to gently embrace you. What does this stillness mean to you? What is this stillness communicating to you? Who are you in this stillness?

From this new awareness that flows from your breath and from the stillness, what do you now understand about your life? What more is possible for you in this moment that you now choose? From this moment forward, who do you now choose to be?

How do you feel now? Where are you now on the scale of 1-10?  Use this meditation on your breath anywhere, anytime — on a commute, in a queue, in the bathroom :).

Also Read: 7 myths of meditation

Share your experience with this breath meditation, we would love to hear from you.

You are looking for managing stress through meditation, breadth work or any other healing modality, contact us at 8050003237

Very often we are asked how reiki , a form of energy healing, works, and people tend to get confused when we speak about universal energy. Below we have explained with the help of everyday analogy what Reiki chakra healing is and how it works.

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed”. This Einsteinium principle of energy conservation is well-known. Energy is an abstract yet conscious principle. It can be perceived through the objects it affects/pervades or illumines and  is well proven by  modern science. A similar principle exists in spiritual science, illustrated as Consciousness, called Chetana in Sanskrit. 

For better understanding we can consider sunlight as an example. Sunlight  illuminates the whole world and in its light/prakasha we can view all the  worldly objects. And to view sunlight also we need the same sunlight.  Similarly,  consciousness which we can call as Self  is self illumined.  We cannot see Self from our eyes, but only perceive it through the actions of individuals and the universe as a whole.

Another example of the abstract nature of Energy, can be of  Electricity. The presence of Electric current is evident only when the bulb glows; otherwise not perceived by naked eyes.

Reiki chakra balancing, energy healing therapy works on the same  energy principle. The energy as stated above is perceived by a trained Reiki master, who identifies the energy imbalance in the patient and his/her individual organs.

Also read:  What is Reiki?

To be able to perceive and experience this abstract yet active life energy the healer is  attuned by a qualified Master. This is similar to a transmitter in physical sciences which can detect, amplify energy waves of certain frequencies and wavelengths only. So, reiki and chakra healing are also similar. A reiki healer who is attuned and linked to the universal source energy by the Masters’ energy loop, serves as a channel for easy flow of life energy, chi, through the body. This helps in healing of illnesses which are caused due to disharmony in the life energy, chi, in organs.

Also read:  How can Reiki help students?

As energy can be transmitted from one place to other through proper conductors connected across, even to distant places; healing through efficient channelizing of Reiki energy for distant remedies is also possible. More on distant healing will be discussed in further articles.

Other articles related to Reiki

Soul Purpose Reading are extensive readings that go into the Core Reason for your Birth in this lifetime, What are the Areas you have chosen to master and learn, where are you on your Soul Journey at this point of time, where would your Soul want to head forward, what are the contracts, oaths, vows that need to be cleared, what are your hidden Soul Capacities and what can you co-create in this world

Most of us are disconnected from the Core reason for this birth. We keep moving from one space to another space feeling lost inside. A Soul Purpose Reading is designed to give you deep insight into your Souls mission, capacities and qualities and how can you best master in this lifetime. These readings are transmitted in a highly purified state from the highest realms of unconditional love and carry high vibration energy to activate your potential and energies. They have immensely helped people in the past and give a clear understanding of what they have come here for and how can they best live a Soul Empowered Life.

These readings are deep and extensive and carry a lot of information about your Soul. A Soul is working across time and space and has a definite mission to be mastered before it comes on the planet. For those who are caught between existential and spiritual needs also, these readings can give a deeper insight to the core. These readings can also contribute to your kids if booked for them, as you can understand their potential in depth from the beginning and align things or decisions as it resonates accordingly. A lot of people incarnate on this planet to contribute to the society, and are not able to find their real purpose till the end of their lives. A Soul purpose led life is a life of the Brave and gives an immensely deep satisfaction and fulfillment both to the Soul and contributes to the planet.

A small Extract from a recent Soul Purpose,  “This Soul is an accomplished Soul who came on to the planet with prime objective of awakening humanity. By awakening humanity we mean assisting others in moving to a space of Inner light within and project it outwards. The Core and Sole aim of its existence on this planet is AWAKENING OTHERS and in the process awaken ONESELF. She has started on the path last year and is moving forward in that direction and is yet unclear on what to do, hence the limbo. This path is not easy and will have its own set of challenges. Past patterns and ways of working will have to be let go of and a new set of Consciousness will have to arise. The Consciousness to which she originally belongs and has come here to transmit. The energy body of this soul now is filled with patterns that have come up as part of cleansing process to be cleared so that the path for new can begin. It’s a change of a lifetime. Never before in this lifetime has she experienced change of this magnitude. This will continue for a year or can shorten depending upon her Sadhna. By Sadhna, it is indicated that she goes deep in her meditation for more hours roughly 3-4 and even more at this point. This will give her the strength she needs in her energy body and stillness required to move forward. The depth of clearance required can only be attained by attaining the strength and stillness within. And that’s what she needs to focus on at this point. Single pointed sadhna that helps her clear and move higher in consciousness. The hours will reduce as she moves on in further years, but this year is critical for the changes she is undergoing both from cosmic and physical perspective. She is yet not accustomed to the idea of going deep within. Her subconscious blocks her at moment, but when has it been easy for Soul to dive deep within without overcoming the Maya or Illusion of thoughts, restlessness or priorities. Mind will play games, we suggest go within. “ 

Always felt restless or confused about what am I doing in this lifetime, or wondered what was the purpose of my birth, Soul Purpose Reading or Mokshpath Reading can help.

Most of our healers believe that it was self love that  jump-started their healing journey many years ago.

Mainly because  we are always  out of touch with our love for ourselves. One of the most powerful ways was through working with crystals.

What is Crystal healing?

Crystal healing is an holistic and vibrational energy-based system of healing. It is therapeutic and deeply relaxing. Crystals have the ability to hold and emit energy vibrations. Crystals absorb, focus, direct and diffuse our energy fields to enable a out of balance body to find it’s natural energetic rhythm once again.They are mother nature’s “natural healers.”

Enhancing self love with the healing powers of crystals

So because self love and inner growth go hand in hand and you can’t have one without the other, I have chosen some stones and crystals that can help you relate to an all encompassing love of oneself. the earth is abundant with so many various types, carrying with them tons of different healing energies. In crystal healing whichever crystal(s) is right for you in the moment will draw itself to you.

Also Watch: Why loving yourself is important?

Crystals for Self Love and Inner Growth

Agate –  is believed in crystal healing to encourage acceptance of love and of self.

Amethyst – is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength, encourage self love, positive self image and bring clarity so that you become more in tune with your feelings and get to know yourself on a deeper level. Amethyst is believed to promote self expression, openness to others, and empowerment.

Aquamarine – is believed to encourage self love and inner peace by helping you to realize your inner truth and release self defeating beliefs.

Rhodochrosite – is believed to emit one of the most tender and loving energies of any stone. That love is directed first toward the self for the purpose of emotional healing, 

Rose Quartz -i s the best crystal for self love. A list of self love crystals would be incomplete without talking about rose quartz. This is the Big Mama of love crystals. Self love, tenderness, compassion and inner peace and forgiveness.

Rose quartz is believed to be a crystal of unconditional love, it teaches the true essence of love, purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self love. Helps you to nurture yourself and learn to trust, value, and forgive yourself. Only after learning to love yourself is it possible to truly love others.

Rose quartz guides you to look within yourself and understand the ways you need to love yourself and the many, many ways you can be kind to yourself.

How to use crystals for self love

Infuse them with your intention and  program your crystal. That simply entails you holding the stone, and asking it to assist you in healing your Heart, opening your Heart, clearing your Heart, or whatever special intention you may have.

Wear your crystals around your neck, allowing them to fall close to your heart. Let your crystal be a personal talisman to help remind you that you’re worthy.

Place your crystal on your office desk at work, or throughout the rooms in your home to serve as a visual reminder that you are worthy and confident.

Also watch: Am I enough for myself 

Carry your crystals  with you in your purse or pocket to connect with their energy throughout the day. Each time you touch your crystal, visualize it bringing you luck and raising your spirits and self-worth

Right before you do your nightly meditations and affirmations, place a crystal of your choice under your pillow Focus your attention on the energy you wish to experience in your sleep. Set your intentions on loving yourself, and clearing any negative energy in your body overnight. You will most definitely wake up feeling blissful.

Love yourself first. Begin and end each day with a self-love ritual to surround yourself with loving energy. Each morning, hold a rose quartz crystal in your dominant hand. Breathe in and out deeply. Affirm out loud, “I choose love.” Say this affirmation as many times as you need to, until your heart and your head feel that these words are true.

You may choose any of these affirmations :

“I accept self love as a way of life”

“Self love comes to me with ease”

” I love and accept myself unconditionally”

Simplest and best affirmation :

‘I love you” Look into the mirror and say it several times.

Also Read: Healing through Crystals

If you are interested in crystal healing or buying crystals, contact us or give us a call at +91 80500023237

We also offer online Reiki healing for different challenges, consult our healers.  Or if you are looking for learning Reiki, Contact us

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
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