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Yoga is normally associated with exercise and well-being and meditation. But yoga therapy can go far beyond and heal or manage many women with their pregnancy related challenges, if undertaken by an expert.

Client Story 1: mental & emotional trauma during IVF treatment

Here is a story where Yoga therapy helped as a supporting therapy in the case of IVF (In vitro fertilization) – process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus.

Anitha (name changed for privacy) successfully underwent the combination treatment and was delighted in sharing her story of her experience

Anitha was 28 when she first started planning for a family. She and her husband tried in vain for almost 4 years but she could not conceive. She consulted several specialist doctors and was finally advised IVF as a last resort. The doctors recommended that it may not be possible for her to conceive naturally. She was 32 already and her biological clock was ticking.

Anitha’s best friend Seema recommended to her that she consult with yoga practitioner. Anitha was suggested that yoga therapy could be helpful for her in her condition. Reluctantly she contacted healclinic and thus started her journey of counseling and Yoga. In Anitha’s words, “The yoga therapist counseled me and her yoga therapy helped me overcome the mental trauma that I had been through and come to terms with the fact that I would be unable to conceive naturally.”

The yoga sessions helped her to be better prepared and face the side effects of the IVF treatment while undergoing the treatment. She underwent the yoga as well as IVF treatment for about 2 years and today is nine months pregnant expecting her baby soon.

Anitha has become a huge fan of yoga for helping her to become mentally, emotionally and physically fit, to endure the IVF and carry her pregnancy successfully.

Client Story 2: Conceive after a miscarriage

Sunitha (name changed for privacy) is a 33 years old woman living in Bangalore. She started her journey towards planning a family way back in 2010.

She and her husband were very happy when they discovered that she was pregnant. But just 6 weeks into her pregnancy found that she had an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the womb, typically in a fallopian tube). She had to terminate her pregnancy and also had to remove the right fallopian tube during the surgery.

Post this surgery, Sunitha was under heavy medications and couldn’t conceive for the next 4 years. A colleague referred Sunitha to healclinic and said they could help her through Yoga therapy.

 Our therapist had a detailed discussion and diagnosis of Sunitha’s medical situation, along with her physical and emotional state. She went through her medical records in details to understand the entire medical history and then designed a yoga program specific for Sunitha to follow.

She was taught a specific Yoga program for the next 15 days and asked Sunitha to continue practicing the therapy at home for the next six months. Sunitha followed her advice till she conceived naturally once again.

Sunitha’s tips for other women is that you have to believe in this therapy and diligently practice what has been suggested. There is no reason that you will not benefit from yoga.

There are multiple problems that can be treated successfully with reiki and infertility is one of them. Let’s see how reiki and fertility treatments work.

Once while travelling in a train, our reiki healer had two other ladies to give her company. The ladies soon got chatting and were exchanging their life stories. It is a human tendency to share your ups and downs and personal stories with strangers rather than with known people.

Soon the conversation moved to family and kids. And realising that the first lady (Reena) even after 12 years of marriage did not have a kid, the second lady started cross-questioning her. She bombarded her with questions like, “kitne saal hue shaadi ko, abhi tak bachcha nahi hua, ilaj kyun nahi karaye…..” (how long have you been married? How come you didn’t have kids? Why haven’t you shown to a doctor?”) After a prolonged questioning session which left Reena squirming and embarrassed, the second lady went to sleep.

In the healers words,

Being a reiki grandmaster, I knew about reiki fertility success and that it could help her. So, I told her to contact a reiki practitioner to get reiki healing. She had two concerns, first that she did not know any reiki healer, and secondly her family may not support her in this. Understanding her situation, I offered to help. Reiki for fertility and pregnancy is as effective when done remotely as face to face.

Read: What is Reiki and how does it work?

However, one principle of reiki healing is that it cannot be done free. So I suggested that I will do reiki healing for her, and as an energy exchange, she should help poor and needy children. She happily agreed as she did not have to go anywhere especially nor did she have to inform anyone in her family.

After the journey, I started healing her regularly, remotely. I checked her chakras and found that the reason for her not conceiving was that her hormonal levels were imbalanced and they needed healing. So I started giving regular healing for almost one month specifically to her hormonal system and reproductory system. A couple of months after healing, she called me and told that she has conceived and is in her third month of pregnancy.

There are so many cases where medical science which cannot give any desired result, there Reiki and the Divine succeeds.”

Read: Reiki and its simplicity in everyday life

Healclinic has reiki masters based in different locations. So if you are looking for reiki for fertility near you or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Be it healing relationship issues with reiki or reiki for pets, or if you looking for distance reiki healing, Contact us

It is said motherhood is close to divinity, giving a feeling of great honor and privilege.  A woman, some say, is complete only when she becomes a mother. Globally many women struggle to gain this privilege, of being pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. Reiki for fertility and pregnancy can help such women in conceiving and correcting hormonal imbalances.

Take the case of Rhea who had complications during pregnancy, her sister Shalini approached our Reiki healer. Rhea lived in Hyderabad and was expecting twins.

Lately she was feeling dejected and depressed, as during her last doctor’s visit, she was told that her womb was quite weak and that the heart beat of the babies was feeble. The doctor also cautioned that if the heartbeats were not stabilized in the next couple of days, medical termination would have to be considered. Rhea who already had a history of miscarriages was devastated.

Shalini requested the healer to heal Rhea through Reiki during pregnancy.

The healer spoke with Rhea and took upon the task of healing Rhea. She was given distance reiki for pregnancy and asked to chant prayers to the babies till the next visit to the doctor. Reiki started showing its effect as in the next checkup the heartbeats were stable, though still weak. An emotionally vulnerable Rhea was asked to chant positive affirmations whenever she was tense or nervous.

For the next seven months the healing process continued. When the time for delivery came, Rhea  delivered the twins and was doing fine. Though the twins were healthy and active, both were under weight and had to be monitored quite closely. Rhea asked  the healer to heal the babies so that they could be welcomed back home at the earliest.

Rhea was a happy mom when one of the babies was discharged and brought home and in a few days the other baby followed. Rhea is content now and owes all her happiness to the healer and for receiving Reiki while pregnant .

So, what is Reiki and how is it different? Unlike modern medicine which only treats the physical aspect of an individual, Reiki heals the entire human form which not only includes the physical being but also the emotional and spiritual well being of a person. In short, Reiki heals the body, mind, the emotions and feelings of a human. When a person as a whole is being treated, this leads to a well rounded entity that is relaxed, peaceful with a sense of security and well being.

Read: Tips to follow while receiving reiki

Reiki is based on the ancient Japanese technique that says that an unseen life force energy flows through us and when the life forces are low, it causes sickness and stress whereas when life force is high, we are content and happy. Our life force is directly related to our thoughts and emotions. When either consciously or subconsciously our thoughts turn disruptive or negative our life force gets depleted leading to disease and stress. When Reiki healing is conducted, the life force which moves into our bodies through chakras and nadis blows away all negative energies and our body gets nourished with positivity and contentment. Thus, Reiki and pregnancy also go hand-in-hand as it offers a holistic approach during pregnancy. Reiki during pregnancy helps would-be-mothers in dissolving emotional blocks, fears, and emotional blocks.

In conclusion, as we, an evolved society, search for alternate methods of healing, Reiki will play an important role as it is already being accepted as one of the most valued healing practices.

Read: Myths and Facts about Reiki

We offer distance reiki healing for different issues. Be it healing depression with reiki or reiki for dogs, or if you are looking to learn reiki, give us a call.

Struggling with infertility, Sunitha met a yoga therapist at an infertility hospital, where she was suggested to practise yoga for infertility. This was the first time she got introduced to Yoga to enhance fertility and other  healing methodology for severe health issues.

When she went for consultation, the therapist first understood her case details, the various health issues she was facing and her lifestyle. Based on the discussion, she customized a sequence of fertility yoga poses and asanas including breathing techniques especially for Sunitha keeping in mind her health issues.

As per Sunitha, “She gave me an introduction to this method of healing and helped me understand how it is connected to our inner wellbeing. The warm up yoga followed by dynamics slowly not only made me flexible and active but I felt a sense of wellbeing and being positive. I lost 5 kgs in the span of one month of doing yoga after which the issue of PCOD was also resolved.

Also Read: How Endometriosis was cured through energy healing 

With the introduction of surya namaskara, these positive effects only multiplied, my mind was in a state of bliss and my body agile. I felt like I had the energy to take on anything. I practiced 108 surya-namaskar everyday for a month. Before practising yoga for conceiving, a couple of IVF sessions had failed. This time I was more positive. While practising yoga fertility poses I underwent one more IVF and the subsequent cycle I conceived naturally, it was a miracle made possible with help of yoga The therapist  always instilled confidence in yoga to increase fertility and motivated many in the class to continue to do the practise at home and would encourage others by mentioning the success stories of those who conceived naturally after practising yoga for fertility and conception

Also Read: Emotional Healing post Hysterectomy

We, at Healclinic, have been Discussing the Menstrual Cycle & women’s health on our Facebook page Hear from experts, join our activities, be a part of the conversation, receive & show support to women from all over.

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Sandhya (name changed on request) came to me one day with the following symptoms,

When I started taking her case study, it came to light that 8 months back she had gone through a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) after a prolonged issue with her periods being irregular and other associated problems.

These days it is very common for doctors to recommend hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Infact it is one of the most common surgeries for women living in the United States and the instances are increasing in India too.

As per Sandhya, “I was advised to remove my uterus due to prolonged history of irregular periods, cramps, constant fatigue, anger issues and many other symptoms which indicated the necessity of the operation. I underwent the operation and felt like shit as removal of an organ, though internal, felt like a big part of me was missing. And post the operation it was not like I did not have any issues, as it led to other emotional relation issues.

No one really understood what I was going through. As per everyone now that the surgery was done in a few weeks I should have been back to normal.  So soon I learnt how to hide my symptoms from everyone at home. I would be on my feet inspite of being bone tired and learnt to cry when alone.”

Also Read: PCOD / PCOS: How to manage it without medicines?

Hysterectomy is one of the many options if you have fibroids, (non cancerous tumors), excessively heavy periods or uterine prolapse (a dropped uterus). Depending on the severity of the issue, the surgery and the extent of the surgery is recommended. However very rarely are the side effects of after effects of the surgery discussed, especially the emotional part of removing an organ from the body.

She came to me when she could no longer sustain herself and felt utterly miserable. Being a Healer/Psychologist, the first thing I explained to her that, “Removal of uterus creates menopause kind of situation in the body, since you can no longer have periods. So I have to treat it like menopause in addition to a missing organ which your body is missing.” I gave her reiki healing for 3 months and it helped her settle down and accept herself as a whole person again.

Also Read: How Endometriosis was Cured through Energy Healing

Reiki in this case was given more for the emotional alignment than other aspects, as that was the need of the hour. Over the months as Sandhya settled down emotionally so did her physical symptoms

If you need more information, or looking for managing periods problems without the side effects of medicine through any healing modality, you can contact us at 8050003237

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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