ThetaHealing® Advanced Course prepares you for faster healings and advances your connection to the divine by releasing Oaths, Vows & Commitments made on other planes. It also helps in healing the Broken Soul, creating Feelings you’ve never known before, understanding Initiations, opening your Psychic Centers and clearing more Fears & Resentments. After successful completion of this workshop you are offered a ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Practitioner
Advanced Understanding of Beliefs: A further in-depth understanding and review of the four levels of Belief.
Grounding: Learning how to feel balanced and present in the now, opening your Kundalini.
Creating and Downloading Positive Feelings: Learning to instill positive feelings for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes.
Facilitating Advanced Fear Work, Removing Grudges and Resentments.
Initiations and Death Doors: Understanding initiations and learning how to move forward on the path of evolution and ascension.
Advanced Understanding of Planes of Existence: And an Advanced Understanding of ThetaHealing® techniques to help comprehend the works of the world on a physical and spiritual level; and their relationship with you.
Downloads of Feelings by the Instructor.
The Equation of Planes of Existence: Learning to use more than one plane at a time for healing.
Clearing of Vows and Commitments: Learning to utilize the Seventh Plane by clearing beliefs and vows you may have, but do not realize (e.g. I have to work hard to earn money) and connect to the Creator.
Advanced Understanding of the Three R’s: Advanced Understanding of why Resentment, Rejection and Regret act as a barrier between your healing and you, and how they cause physical distress.
Free Floating Memories: Learning to clear imprints that become a part of our subconscious when the conscious mind is shut down. For example, if parents of a child are having a heated argument and the child wakes up as a result; the child will unknowingly replay the trauma associated with the waking state, every time a similar sound or word is spoken.
Sending Love to the Baby in the Womb: From the moment of conception, you are aware of everything around you. Feelings, emotions, and thoughts of the mother are transferred to the baby. This exercise is an amazing healing process as unwanted emotions and feelings are replaced by positive programs.
Healing the Broken Soul: Harsh events in your life can irreparably hurt your feelings. Lack of time to grieve may cause a fracture in the energy of the soul. Learn how to heal the broken soul. Find the Theta Healer within you.
Meeting the Second Plane of Existence through the Seventh Plane: Meet a plant!
Downloads of Feelings by the Instructor.
Connecting with your ancestors: Learning how to connect with your ancestors.
Belief work on Non-Organic Material: Learning how to clean your houses, lands, offices, cars, jewelry, clothes etc.
Tones from the Heart: Learning how to release sorrow and anger from the past and present using a tone from your heart.
Talking to your Higher Self: Having conversations with your higher self and the Creator.
Prerequisites to be a Good Healer
Learning how to Bend Time
What our past participants have to say about this course:
"This was a very intense course with hundreds of downloads and a blessed opportunity to rewire past, present and future in so many ways using the advanced Theta techniques. I’m taking home a lot of rare knowledge that I will apply to live the desired life of success and fulfillment for myself and others. Thank you so much Ruchi! "
"This is my second course with Ruchira and it has been a great exploration. This course has many learnings and is actually digging deeper into the beliefs and learning the downloads. The topics covered are beautiful and intense. It has been a journey of boundless explorations and possibilities. Thank you, Ruchira for being our guide and teacher through this soulful journey."
After successful completion of this workshop you are offered a ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Practitioner Certification.
Prerequisites to do this workshop: Basic Theta Healing
This workshop is facilitated by Ruchira
Healclinic is a wellness platform which offers energy healing therapies like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Theta, Past Life, Inner Child, Family Constellation, Redikal, Graphotherapy, Akashik Records, Tarot Reading, Numerology, Astrology, Chakra Healing, by expert Healers.
Some of the energy healing therapies which we offer are reiki, pranic healing, past life regression, theta healing, redikal healing, family constellation, akashic records reading, astrological healing, inner child healing, hypnotherapy, tarot reading, numerology, astrology and many more. The basic tenet of all these therapies is that the human body is self healing and a person needs to be treated and not the disease.
They work on the cause of an ailment rather than the symptom and are more holistic in nature. It uses body’s own power to heal. These theraies are execllent ways to become aware of why you are facing a particular challenge and start healing from the root cause