Live Events

Ascension Gateway Frequencies

18600 INR
240 USD
Healer Vidya Kaval
About Ascension Gateway Frequencies Event

Register for this workshop if you are looking to clear your physical channels completely to move into your higher consciousness.  New chakras are opened up and as you align with them, you raise your consciousness to the next level. These chakras help us to create our LIGHT BODY.

What do you learn in this class:

  • An awareness of your Light Bodies: blue, violet, white and gold and to merge them into your current light body
  • New chakras to activate Light Bodies
  • Release and Dettachment from everything that binds you down like fears and insecurities in any area of your life
  • Karma Clearing
  • Balancing Chakras within a minute
  • Enhancing your intutive abilities
  • Connecting to your Divie Soul's Blueprint
  • Opening the Gateway to different timelines

What do you receive in this class:

  • 7 Ascension Chakra Symbol Attunement
  • 4 powerful Symbols of Karma Clearing, Heart Opening and Key symbol to the Gateway of Ascension
  • Transpersonal Chakra Clearing, working with Soul Light Chakra and creating Earth Sun Body
  • Clearing of spine with Breathwork to help you with further clearing of your Ascension Channel
  • Opening of Heart Chakras for manifestations and abundance
  • Learn distant healing, healing self and others

The COUNCIL of LIGHT and the SOLAR LOGOS help you with this awesome modality if you have set your goal on ASCENSION in this lifetime


Workshop is facilitated by Vidya Kaval

Watch Video to know more

Value packed events conducted by verified healers.
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The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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