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In the month of February a harried mother contacted us, it was regarding her  daughter who was to give her 10th exams in the next few weeks. In her words, “She has lost the interest to study, keeps getting distracted which leads to anger and frustration from both ends.”

We recommended Reiki healing (typically for exams we recommend a 3 month plan, two months before exams and a month of during exams). Reiki energy helps to align and enhance our mental health, as well as physical and emotional. Thus, reiki for exams helps the students during the stressed out exam period with a positive attitude, enhanced concentration, and an ability to sit for a longer time to study. Every student has a different style of studying, and reiki energy helps accentuate and align the student to their specific style.

Also Read: How Tarot reading helps in exams

Post session with Reiki master, the daughter recounted how the past two months went by for her,

“My 10th grade boards recently got over. A couple of weeks back, i was busy stressing about my exams, not able to concentrate, not able to eat anything. That was when my mom suggested reiki healing for exams. I had no idea what it was and was unwilling to try something so new. Soon, I caught onto the idea and asked my mom to move forward with the healing. After all, with whatever research I did, there was no harm in reiki healing (if taken from a certified reiki practitioner). At first, I didn’t feel any change and thought it wasn’t helping me at all. But gradually I started realising that I had stopped shouting at my family, I had stopped taking out my exam stress and crankiness on them. I had begun to feel lighter and definitely happier. I managed to stay up every night and wake up early without being as sleep deprived as I usually would be.

Also Read: How does Reiki help?

My appetite, which had noticeably decreased, returned to its previous level. These are the changes I felt I had benefited from. My family added on some points, saying that I had a rosy glow to my skin which had dulled in the past few weeks. Of course, the healing didn’t change the fact that I had to study and work hard to do well in my exams but it made the process much easier for me. I’m really glad that I decided to opt for Reiki healing as it really aided me during this period of turmoil. This experience of energy based healing has also opened me up to different types of therapies that I hope to try in the future. ”

Have an important event coming up and need help to relax or ensure that you get the desired results, get a customised reiki healing plan. 

Sandhya (name changed on request) came to me one day with the following symptoms,

When I started taking her case study, it came to light that 8 months back she had gone through a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) after a prolonged issue with her periods being irregular and other associated problems.

These days it is very common for doctors to recommend hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Infact it is one of the most common surgeries for women living in the United States and the instances are increasing in India too.

As per Sandhya, “I was advised to remove my uterus due to prolonged history of irregular periods, cramps, constant fatigue, anger issues and many other symptoms which indicated the necessity of the operation. I underwent the operation and felt like shit as removal of an organ, though internal, felt like a big part of me was missing. And post the operation it was not like I did not have any issues, as it led to other emotional relation issues.

No one really understood what I was going through. As per everyone now that the surgery was done in a few weeks I should have been back to normal.  So soon I learnt how to hide my symptoms from everyone at home. I would be on my feet inspite of being bone tired and learnt to cry when alone.”

Also Read: PCOD / PCOS: How to manage it without medicines?

Hysterectomy is one of the many options if you have fibroids, (non cancerous tumors), excessively heavy periods or uterine prolapse (a dropped uterus). Depending on the severity of the issue, the surgery and the extent of the surgery is recommended. However very rarely are the side effects of after effects of the surgery discussed, especially the emotional part of removing an organ from the body.

She came to me when she could no longer sustain herself and felt utterly miserable. Being a Healer/Psychologist, the first thing I explained to her that, “Removal of uterus creates menopause kind of situation in the body, since you can no longer have periods. So I have to treat it like menopause in addition to a missing organ which your body is missing.” I gave her reiki healing for 3 months and it helped her settle down and accept herself as a whole person again.

Also Read: How Endometriosis was Cured through Energy Healing

Reiki in this case was given more for the emotional alignment than other aspects, as that was the need of the hour. Over the months as Sandhya settled down emotionally so did her physical symptoms

If you need more information, or looking for managing periods problems without the side effects of medicine through any healing modality, you can contact us at 8050003237

For the past three years, Mira [name changed] had been struggling with Endometriosis. She had underwent heavy medication & invasive surgery, which is the only known treatment in allopathy. However, it proved to be a temporary measure that focused more on managing the symptoms.

Determined to live a healthy & joyful life free of disease, Mira contacted healclinic. Healclinic team created a solution integrating therapies:

Reiki + EFT + Counselling

Also watch: Video series on EFT

For 3 months, our healer worked with Reiki energy and Emotional Freedom Techniques along with talking and counseling her, in bringing alignment to her body, mind, emotions & spirit. Mira is based in Sydney, Australia while the healer was based in Bengaluru, India – energy healing works very well remotely. Her core issues were suppressed emotions from the past, unaddressed negative thought patterns, and self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs.

Also Watch: How reiki works over distance in this video

In the fourth month Mira did her ultrasound which showed a healthy pelvis and no signs of endometriosis. Kudos to Mira for deciding to take charge of her body and willingness to deal with her emotional blocks until resolution.

When talking with Mira, it became clear to us that women tend to be very tight-lipped about anything concerning their reproductive system. There is a lot of stigma attached to menstruation, women’s hygiene, & reproductive infections.

There is no shame here, talk to us and we can help.

Get started here: Do you know how healthy your menstrual cycle is? Take our quick questionnaire 

Share your experiences. We want to hear from you!

For thousands of years, people have used crystals to release physical, mental, and spiritual blockages. As they come from the Earth, Crystals can help you to connect to the healing energy of our planet, making you feel more calm and balanced. You don’t have to be spiritual to enjoy their benefits, which are many – each one offers unique properties that can heal various aspects of your life.

“The power of crystals and other stones have been long recognized, since the dawning of civilization – prized for not only their beauty but for their healing and spiritual power.  Healers, and priests have long used them for their unique and special properties. It is widely believed that crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans – such that the resonance between the stone and the human either fights off the vibration of the illness or enhances the vibration of health. There are crystals that can improve your love life, crystals that can help you attract money, heal, improve your career, help you let go of anger and sadness, release self-doubt, and so much more.1. Boosting Energy2. Clearing the Mind and Optimizing Health3. Enhances Creativity4. Relieve Stress and Anxiety5. Letting Go of Anger and Resentment6. Improving Your Career7. Bringing Abundance and Prosperity8.Cultivating Love

Crystals are used in different forms like Angels, Anklets, Bracelets, Bowls, Pyramids and many more. Lets look at some of the forms and their uses,

Crystal Angels:  Angels act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth…They are eternally bound to the perpetual blissful energy radiating from the Divine. Typically the crystal angels are charged with Reiki Healing energy and can be used during meditation to manifest or clear negative energies. After setting the intention to align with angels, place one (or more) of these on an angel altar, wear it or keep it with you, or hold it in your hand while you meditate.

Crystal Anklets : Anklets are made from grounding crystals like Black Obsedian and Tourmaline, Hematite, Lava stone beads, Red jasperTry wearing “the Grounding anklet” every day to keep grounded and balanced. Feel the grounding energy all day long! Some benefits,– They absorb Negativity , help you Balance and Center– Wear your Grounding Anklet when you want to feel connected to the Earth.– Wearing the beaded stones as anklets gets right to the source of the Root Chakra.– To live an abundant life, you must be grounded and connected to the Earth.– Helps stay balanced and recharged.The healing stones absorbs all the negative energy from your body to eliminate stress, anxiety and worry and enhances courage.

Crystal Bowls – Hand made and hand polished crystal healing , energy amplifying bowls.  They are a wonderful addition for meditation, reiki, spiritual work, metaphysical uses, crystal grids, devotional offerings or altar work. They also work well for manifesting desires, charging stones, jewelry or other small items or to hold a prayer and intentions request. They generally have an average diameter of three inches, so they are large enough to hold a small flower or simply water and can be placed on your desktop and excellent for gifting. They can be placed on your altar, desktop, windowsill, or bedside the table to keep your favourite set of gemstones, for daily wear jwellery  or trinkets, a flower, or just for display. Gemstone Bowls are used as a container in various rituals and are crystal healing /energy amplifying bowls.

Crystal Pyramids – Pyramids are a form of Sacred Geometry and help to amplify and generate vibrations and energy. The shape of the pyramid is inherently powerful to focus mental, physical, and emotional energies through its apex, or tip.  The base of the pyramid provides a very grounding influence. They are– useful in affirmation as they carry manifestation powers– useful for all healing modalities and energy work– useful during meditation on your forehead or specific chakra points to activate each Chakra and auras– useful in Crystal Grids as the centre as they can help to collect and focus energy– pyramid crystals can be “programmed” or “charged” to maximize its focusing power,– Feng Shui – Pyramids at home can uplift the  spiritual energy and helps in space energising– Pyramid Vastu recommends keeping crystal pyramids in the house or any room as they are built for storing and charging energy– Generate higher energy to manifest desires and dreams.– useful as gifts for the home or office, where they can be placed to create a strong healing vibration and clear the atmosphere of negative energies, enabling us to awaken the gentle art of living in harmonyThey are generally available in various crystals, sizes and forms (Orgonite pyramids, generator pyramids, pyramids  etched with Reiki symbols and the 7 Chakra symbols)

If you are interested in crystal healing or buying crystals, contact us here or give us a call at +91 80500023237

We also offer online Reiki healing for different challenges, consult our healers.  Or if you are looking for learning Reiki, call us at +91 8050003237

A client who had taken reiki healing for his daughter's board exam stress, writes this of his experience,

” When my daughter was in 10th grade, by Dec my wife and I realised that her focus was not her studies,  she was extremely distracted by social media and her friends. She is an intelligent girl, but I think she became a little overconfident of her studies,  and decided that she did not work too much for her exams. With 3 months to go for her exams, we got worried and also realised that somewhere she was under exam stress. I read this article on how reiki energy healing helps students during exams, so I approached healclinic whom I found on facebook. Honestly I was not too sure, but after speaking to their counselor, I felt quite confident that they can help. They created a 3 month reiki healing plan for my daughter which covered her study period and her exams period. .

She was given a distant Reiki healing session and my daughter or any of us did not have to sit in one place when Reiki was given. The healer would give her a reiki healing session daily and we were constantly in touch with the healer through whatsapp. Over the next few weeks we found my daughter's focus and discipline coming back. She became  relaxed about her exam stress. I am still not sure how reiki healing worked, but those 3 months she studied, and the best part of the healing was that any other issues that my daughter had whether not feeling well, or being disturbed by some emotion was taken care of.

Based on my experience, I went back to healclinic in her 11th and 12th grades too and was not disappointed. I am extremely happy with the results, and recently I myself got attuned to reiki level 1 and 2 through healclinic. The reason I like healclinic was that they have healers who do different healing and depending on what I needed they created the plan accordingly.”

Read: Tackle Exams through Tarot Reading

Read: How Reiki can help during exams

Read: Reiki for students

As part of our #Wellnessstories, a client who was having issues in her married life/family relationship approached us for help. Our counselor understood her challenges and as a person what she would be comfortable for. Below is her journey with us.

Disclaimer: Healing never guarantees that a relationship will work out positively, but yes you will see things moving in some direction.

A 41 year old female was going through a bad patch in her married life, and unable to decide if she wanted to end her marriage or not. Lot of her childhood insecurities and financial fears played a role in her indecisiveness. When she approached healclinic, we did a 2 pronged approach. We started her healing with theta healing sessions which helped her in identifying beliefs around love, partnership, finances and societal pressures. Post which we moved her to a 5 month reiki plan.

In her words,

“I was sceptical as I had never experienced healing before. The 3 theta healing sessions were good as it helped me understand where I was coming from and why I had the fears that I had. However I could not implement the action plan that came out of those sessions. But when we started the reiki healing, things moved really fast for me. I had not realised that theta sessions had opened me up to receiving healing the way I was and since I had already identified areas to work on, it became easier for me.

After 2 months of healing and counselling I found the courage to have a conversation with my partner which I have never had before.  Just having that conversation was such a relief for me and I felt that I had finally started taking ownership of my life. I found the courage to start working on my family relationship the way I wanted to.

As a result of the conversation, my partner for the first time realised where he was going wrong and agreed to most of what I said. Post which we started working together on our married life. I would not say it was magic and everything happened quickly but yes with the healing things started falling in place for me and gave me the courage to take actions which I did not before. It’s been a year since I took the healing, and thanks to the sessions my family life is back on track.”

Read: What do you do when your relationship is not working?

Read: Healing and manifesting relationships

Healing can be done for any area of your life. Different forms of healing work differently and help a person for their highest good. At times the change is tangible but most of the times the immediate change is intangible and hence people feel that healing has not helped. But over a period of time, they start seeing the difference, especially if you take action towards what has been guided during the sessions.  If you wish to get healing done, contact us at +91 8050003237

Many a times we are asked about how different modalities work and what can they expect when they go for a particular healing therapy. Our expert practitioner Vindhya Asthana has given an insight into some of the therapies and healing modalities – Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Switch words and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.
A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

What is clinical Hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is an empowering state of consciousness. In clinical hypnotherapy process, the individuals are in a pleasant state of relaxation. In the process, the individuals allow themselves to enter so that desired, beneficial suggestions may be given directly to the part of the mind known as the subconscious. Under hypnosis, the conscious, rational part of the brain is temporarily less active, making the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions, more active and receptive to therapy.

What are Switch Words?

People are still new to switch words! They are no less than magic and are referred to as Modern Mantras.

Switch words are basically positive affirmations which are manifested by powerful frequencies, phrases and codes to attract what we want in our lives, be it happiness, health or wealth.

As you advance in your practice of Chanting SWITCHWORDS, you will notice many changes within.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a blend of Chinese acupressure and psychology and is used to clear emotional traumas, phobias and stress from the energetic body.

During a Tapping session, you use your finger tips to tap on these meridians or acupressure points, to help stimulate the flow of energy again.

As you tap on these special meridian points, you also use mantras or affirmations to help bring to the surface any unresolved emotions or stress that may be contributing to energy blockages. Take a look at common Tapping Points.

Read: Know more therapies

Healclinic has reiki masters and practitioners practising other therapies based in different locations. So if you are looking for treatment in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Be it healing depression, physical ailments or relationship issues, contact us here

We offer consultations in different areas, workshops in healing modalities and plans for different therapies.

A recent study by WHO found that more than 75% of Indians under the age of 40 suffer from stress-related illnesses. They stem not only from poor lifestyle choices, but are also symptomatic of a stressful work environment. Increasing pressures of tight deadlines, team disharmony, project overload and work disengagement are just some of the daily challenges that characterize the modern workplace.

Employees suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels. It is imperative with such an epidemic to ensure the mental and emotional welfare of employees.

Truly enlightened businesses put holistic employee welfare first. They seek to address workplace tension head-on, creating a culture of harmony, engagement and creativity. This is the bedrock of all highly productive trailblazing companies. Companies such as Apple, Google, McKinsey etc., craft programs that embrace holistic well-being for their employees.

McKinsey partner and meditation aficionado Michael Rennie says, “What’s good for the spirit is good for the bottom line.”

Our practitioner Upasana takes you through some of the techniques that are being used by corporate to empower their employees

What are they including in their corporate wellness programs? Embracing these 9 phenomenally powerful ‘New Age’ methods and training:

1. Meditation: The simplest and most transformative tool is a 15-minute meditation. From the United States Marines to high-performing companies such as Google and General Mills, the benefits of workplace meditation are universally praised. It helps reduce hypertension, increase clarity and improve interpersonal communication. Passive meditation calms the nervous system and brain, overcoming anxiety and stress. Active and mindful meditation brings the goal into focus, increasing positivity and creativity. Group meditations are especially powerful. The ‘Maharishi Effect’ is proof of its transformative power. They generate waves of vibrational flow that rapidly improvebiology, collective culture and creativity.

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): NLP provides practical tools to gain clarity on goals as well asstrategies to achieve them easily and creatively. NLP uses 2 powerful forces that determine the very fabric of our lives — neural patterns in the brain, and language cues across all modes of communication. Through “trance” communication and imagination, the subconscious mind is focused on the desired results. NLP skills are especially highly valued in marketing, sales, client management and leadership development. The tools of NLP have helped countless people, from overcoming fears to improving strategic skills to devising market-disruptive technologies. In the words of Tony Robbins, “the only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”

3. Silva Mind Control Method: The Silva Method goes beyond the subconscious mind to activate and harness the power of higher brain functions. This method leads the brain into alpha and theta states that open up access to higher wisdom.Further techniques dramatically increase one’s intuition, focus and extra sensory abilities. And then goes a step further giving you the power to heal your body and manifest your vision. At the core of manifesting is your intent. When that intent is focused, extraordinary things can happen. Successful authors such as Jack Canfield and Richard Bach have experienced phenomenal breakthroughs in their writing using the Silva Method.

4. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping): How many times have you let fear stop you from doing something you love? Beliefs that you are incapable or people will criticise you can sabotage your efforts and happiness. EFT is a simple yet effective tool. Lightly tapping on specific acupressure points on the body immediately begin to helps release negative beliefs and past traumas from a cellular level. And when paired with affirmations, this process becomes extremely powerful. Recently, one of my clients who was visiting a prospective customer, tapped out her worries on the way to a meeting. When she sat for the meeting, she was so calm and confident with the customer that she was able to get the business.

5. Access Consciousness: With Access Consciousness, we foray into the world of ‘energy work’. Every thought, emotion and belief has a vibration. Even desired results such as revenue, customers, smooth operations have a vibration of their own. Access Consciousness primarily uses questions and statements that bring up these energies to have a profound cleansing. Through the ‘power of the question’, it further attracts the vibration of the desired results. One of my friends had a particularly difficult co-worker. Every time she had to interact with the colleague, she mentally used the simplest question-tool, “How does it get better than this?” Within two weeks, their team work had improved to such an extent that they were able to complete their project ahead of schedule.

6. Law of Attraction: Many books and articles have been written in recent years on the Law of Attraction. The most popular of course is ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. Through emotion-based visualisation, you raise your energy to vibrate at the frequency of what you want. But how this applies to an organisation is even more spectacular. Every corporation vibrates at a certain frequency. This attracts certain types of customers, employees and keeps it at a certain operational level. Many times, despite new strategies and action plans, the business does not grow. When employees come together and channel the law of attraction, the entire frequency of the business changes. With higher energies, come the right opportunities, cohesive operations and rapid business growth.

7. Energy HealingReikiPranic Healing, Theta Healing etc., may not be new concepts to you. Receiving energy healing is a relaxing and uplifting experience. When medication or therapy is supplemented with energy work, people have experienced faster and deeper healing. Recipients enjoy holistic well-being at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The basic foundation to all energy work is that everything is naturally biased towards growth, well-being and expansion. The healer and healee simply facilitate this process. The body returns to health. The mind returns to stability. The heart returns to joy. Is there anything better than happy employees?

Angel Healing: What would your life and business be like if you have a team of angels managing everything? We all have Guides, Angels and Mentors in the subtle dimension. They’re waiting to help us and seek ways to communicate their happy presence to us. All we need do is ask for their help. With their higher wisdom and ability to assist in manifestation, they are a formidable team working on our side. Recently, I asked my team of “business development” angels to help me connect with the best client for me. A few days later I suddenly got the impulse to attend an informal meet-up. With the utmost ease and grace I was able to meet and sign on a client who was also attending the same event.

9. Power of Stories: Stories spark emotion. They are great healing tools that help us make sense of the world we live in. They inspire hope and passion, igniting us into creative action. Stories speak directly to the subconscious or what in academic circles is called the ‘psyche’. Jungian psychology explores the various archetypes and symbols that pervade every individual’s psyche. The right story can help us articulate how we feel and find creative solutions to challenges. Various agencies, from corporations to the military to prisons use the power of stories and storytelling. They are a powerful tool to initiate change.

Read: How healclinic can help you with customised holistic wellness workshops

“It is a burning issue in corporate India that everyone has to address. Our entire society creates stress, right from childhood exam results to making a career. Organisations must understand that there is this serious factor called stress and proactively deal with it,” said Harsh Mariwala, chairman of Marico. 

A study found that 43% of corporate employees with skewed BMI (body mass index), of which 30% with diabetic risk, 30% with hypertension risk and 46% high on stress.  

Corporates who are investing in wellness for their employees have been able to reap rewards. 9 new age tools being adopted for employee wellness are – Meditation, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Silva Mind Control Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, Access Consciousness, Law of attraction, Energy healing, Angel healing, Power of stories.

Share your stories of how you deal with stress or what is your company doing for stress management in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.

If you want to introduce stress management workshops in your company, or experience any of the above therapies, give us a call at +91 8050003237 or write in to us at consult@healclinic.in to start the partnership.

For thousands of years, people have used crystals to release physical, mental, and spiritual blockages. As they come from the Earth, Crystals can help you to connect to the healing energy of our planet, making you feel more calm and balanced. You don’t have to be spiritual to enjoy their benefits, which are many – each one offers unique properties that can heal various aspects of your life.   Our Reiki grandmaster and crystal healer Jagruty has the following to say about crystals,   "The power of crystals and other stones have been long recognized, since the dawning of civilization – prized for not only their beauty but for their healing and spiritual power.  Healers, and priests have long used them for their unique and special properties. It is widely believed that crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans – such that the resonance between the stone and the human either fights off the vibration of the illness or enhances the vibration of health.   There are crystals that can improve your love life, crystals that can help you attract money, heal, improve your career, help you let go of anger and sadness, release self-doubt, and so much more. 1. Boosting Energy 2. Clearing the Mind and Optimizing Health 3. Enhances Creativity 4. Relieve Stress and Anxiety 5. Letting Go of Anger and Resentment 6. Improving Your Career 7. Bringing Abundance and Prosperity 8.Cultivating Love  

Crystal Healing

  Crystals are used in different forms like Angels, Anklets, Bracelets, Bowls, Pyramids and many more. Lets look at some of the forms and their uses,   Crystal Angels:  Angels act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth…They are eternally bound to the perpetual blissful energy radiating from the Divine. Typically the crystal angels (check image above) are charged with Reiki Healing energy and can be used during meditation to manifest or clear negative energies.   After setting the intention to align with angels, place one (or more) of these on an angel altar, wear it or keep it with you, or hold it in your hand while you meditate.  

Crystal Anklets : Anklets are made from grounding crystals like Black Obsedian and Tourmaline, Hematite, Lava stone beads, Red jasper Try wearing "the Grounding anklet" every day to keep grounded and balanced. Feel the grounding energy all day long! Some benefits, - They absorb Negativity , help you Balance and Center - Wear your Grounding Anklet when you want to feel connected to the Earth. - Wearing the beaded stones as anklets gets right to the source of the Root Chakra. - To live an abundant life, you must be grounded and connected to the Earth. - Helps stay balanced and recharged. The healing stones absorbs all the negative energy from your body to eliminate stress, anxiety and worry and enhances courage.  

Crystal Anklet
Crystal Bowl

Crystal Bowls - Hand made and hand polished crystal healing , energy amplifying bowls.  They are a wonderful addition for meditation, reiki, spiritual work, metaphysical uses, crystal grids, devotional offerings or altar work. They also work well for manifesting desires, charging stones, jewelry or other small items or to hold a prayer and intentions request. They generally have an average diameter of three inches, so they are large enough to hold a small flower or simply water and can be placed on your desktop and excellent for gifting. They can be placed on your altar, desktop, windowsill, or bedside the table to keep your favourite set of gemstones, for daily wear jwellery  or trinkets, a flower, or just for display. Gemstone Bowls are used as a container in various rituals and are crystal healing /energy amplifying bowls.   Crystal Pyramids - Pyramids are a form of Sacred Geometry and help to amplify and generate vibrations and energy. The shape of the pyramid is inherently powerful to focus mental, physical, and emotional energies through its apex, or tip.  The base of the pyramid provides a very grounding influence.   They are - useful in affirmation as they carry manifestation powers - useful for all healing modalities and energy work - useful during meditation on your forehead or specific chakra points to activate each Chakra and auras - useful in Crystal Grids as the centre as they can help to collect and focus energy - pyramid crystals can be "programmed" or “charged" to maximize its focusing power, - Feng Shui - Pyramids at home can uplift the  spiritual energy and helps in space energising - Pyramid Vastu recommends keeping crystal pyramids in the house or any room as they are built for storing and charging energy - Generate higher energy to manifest desires and dreams. - useful as gifts for the home or office, where they can be placed to create a strong healing vibration and clear the atmosphere of negative energies, enabling us to awaken the gentle art of living in harmony   They are generally available in various crystals, sizes and forms (Orgonite pyramids, generator pyramids, pyramids  etched with Reiki symbols and the 7 Chakra symbols)

Crystal Pyramid

If you are interested in crystal healing or buying crystals, contact us here or give us a call at +91 80500023237

We also offer online Reiki healing for different challenges, consult our healers.  Or if you are looking for learning Reiki, Contact us here

As part of our #Wellnessstories, a client who had taken reiki healing for his daughters board exam stress, writes this of his experience,

" When my daughter was in 10th grade, by Dec my wife and me realised that her focus was not her studies,  she was extremely distracted by social media and her friends. She is an intelligent girl, but I think she became a little overconfident of her studies,  and decided that she did not work too much for her exams. With 3 months to go for her exams, we got worried and also realised that somewhere she was under exam stress. I read this article on how reiki helps students during exams, so I approached healclinic whom I found on facebook. Honestly I was not too sure, but after speaking to their counselor, felt quite confident that they can help. They created a 3 month reiki plan for my daughter which ws to get over on her last exam day.

The reiki was given distantly, and my daughter or any of us did not have to sit in one place when reiki was given. The healer would give her reiki daily and we were constantly in touch with the healer through whatsapp. Over the next few weeks we found my daughters focus and discipline coming back. She became a bit more relaxed about her exam stress. I am still not sure how reiki worked, but those 3 months she studied, and the best part of the healing was that any other issues that my daughter had whether not feeling well, or being disturbed by some emotion was taken care of.

Based on my experience, I went back to healclinic in her 11th and 12th grades too and was not disappointed. I am extremely happy with the results, and recently I myself got attuned to reiki level 1 and 2 through healclinic. The reason I like healclinic was that they have healers who do different healing and depending on what I needed they created the plan accordingly."

Read: Tackle Exams through Tarot Reading

Read: How Reiki can help during exams

Read: Reiki for students

Reiki Healing can be done for any situation in your life, be it personal or professional. If you think there is any area in your life which needs help, give us a call at +91 80500023237

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
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