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What is Reiki energy healing?

Reiki is a Japanese word which means Universal (Rei) Energy (Ki). There are multiple versions of stories about how the practice of reiki healing evolved. It is believed that everything in the environment exists due to Universal Energy and it is this energy that births and empowers us.

Have you seen an age old, nearly collapsed, unattended facade which needs to be repaired and restored. What do you do, first remove the debris, strengthen the base, fortify the damaged walls and then plaster it.  Right, we don’t straight away start plastering the walls.

So, what is reiki energy healing? It works on our body on a physical, mental and emotional level to restore it. Reiki healing is a divine, intention based, balanced and ultimate relaxing practice wherein the Reiki channel (Reiki practitioner) directs the flow of energy to the recipient. It can be administered hands on or via distance healing, the effectiveness remains the same.

Since it is the same energy that builds us, it has the intelligence to reach the root cause of the issue and restore the balanced state. The Reiki master does not control the volume and flow of the energy, since the energy follows and manifests divine intention. Reiki can be channeled to the respective ailing body parts or can be used to treat the energy vortices (chakras) within the body. Since every individual is unique, the flavor and Reiki healing experience can vary from person to person.

Read: Reiki and its simplicity in everyday life

How Reiki Healing Works?

Reiki healing works beyond the paradigms of time and space and works on all the layers that constitute us – mind, body and soul. Once the energy is channeled, it will cross the barrier of time and space and will address the root of the issue – which can be from the current or previous life times.

On its course, it will heal each and every aspect that needs to be resolved and released, peeling out the layers of emotional and mental scars that have accumulated so far.

As every individual and manifestation of disease is different, the course and nature of treatment of any illness will vary. In general, the Reiki channel (Reiki practitioner) may start with balancing the 7 chakras. The channel may even directly target the affected part(s).

Irrespective of the method of treatment, Reiki with its own divine intelligence will take its own divine course to bring relief to the recipient. Since Reiki is very soothing and relaxing, recipients may experience altered state of relaxation and may sleep during the course.

Reiki on its course will help the recipient by balancing the emotions. It will scrub the soul of all the emotional debris it has accumulated from ages. As the soul releases emotional debris, the mind will experience a change in belief pattern. It is very important for the recipient to have faith. It will always honour the intention of the recipient, if the recipient doubts the course, it is considered as a barrier that Reiki respects and will not flow through.

Hence, it is important for the channel to understand if the recipient has any mental barriers and help clearing the barriers so that the recipient accepts the flow of reiki with utmost love and gratitude. As the energy flows, the recipient will witness tremendous downpour of spiritual guidance which further accelerates healing.

Read: What should I know before a Reiki session?

Read: What should I keep in mind before receiving Reiki energy?

Thanks to ground breaking explorations in the field of Quantum Physics, now even science has proved that our belief pattern plays a significant role in structuring our physical realities. Thus, if one’s mind and soul are balanced, the resonance will be echoed as the physically fit body.

Read: Do’s and Dont of Reiki healing

Reiki healing is very simple yet it facilitates very powerful divine healing. Even though there are no side-effects, it is necessary for recipients to observe a certain level of discipline while receiving reiki energy healing. Some of the precautions to be followed while during reiki healing session,

❏ Recipient should honor the instructions given out by the Reiki channel.

❏ ReRecipient should always trust and acknowledge the flow of Reiki with utmost love and gratitude since it will always manifest the divine intention

❏ If the recipient is emotionally and or physically distressed, Reiki channel can engage in counselling / coaching sessions with the recipient to provide instant belief in Reiki healing.

❏ To accelerate healing recipient can practice affirmation, meditation and creative visualization 

Reiki energy healing complements other healing methods like Allopathy, Ayurveda.

❏ Since, Reiki healing session will scrub the soul of emotional debris, the recipient may witness emotional swirl or turbulence. It is requested that the recipient understand that these are the old emotions that are coming to surface and are getting released.

Read: What is Reiki energy healing and How does it work?

In short, Reiki is a holistic approach of healing that transcends the dimensions of time and space. During the course of a Reiki healing session, energy is channeled into the recipient and it is completely the interaction between the recipient and the energy resulting in a healing experience. The Reiki channel never transfers his own energy into the recipient's system. 

There are stories from the personal experiences of many individuals that Reiki healing has done wonders and improved the quality of their lives. It is an ancient methodology of healing and is devoid of any adverse effects.

Recipients should note that, reiki will facilitate healing only if they allow it to and hence should always trust and acknowledge the flow of reiki. In some cases, immediate results may not show up and hence the recipient needs to practice patience and trust.

They say that what you hold in your mind, the universe delivers it. So if your mind is loaded with negativity, the universe will manifest more of negativity. But, now if you start to reprogram your mind with positivity, the universe will mould your current situation into a positive one. Hence, one should never focus on the disease or healing. Reiki energy healing is a process that will walk you to a balanced state.

Many pioneers in energy healing like Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton have at some point of time have undergone physical pain and they worked on themselves

Read: What should I know before a Reiki healing session?

Healclinic offers online Reiki healing for different challenges being faced by clients.

“Don’t shout, this is a classroom, not your house”, “You are a boy, you cannot cry”. “You are supposed to sit with your legs crossed”, “You are grown up, you cannot laugh like this, it is not done.”

Remember the opening scene of 3 idiots, the above sentences are our versions of what each one of us go through since the day we are born. And then we are guilty of saying the same things to our kids. We live in a society where we are taught to suppress our inner child and behave in a certain way as that is what is expected by the society.  As a result though physically we may grow to become adults, emotionally and psychologically we never reach adulthood. Somewhere inside we still crave to be children and “want another chance to grow up”

At every age we want to feel and be told that we are loved unconditionally and are lovable. Many a times these needs are not met, and this leads to many insecurities, fears, belief’s about ourselves and the world which creates life and health challenges.

A lot of these challenges can be solved by “Inner Child Therapy” which is given at the subconscious level, since it is innocent as a child.  This therapy helps the person look at thinks in a different perspective and it eventually changes the thought process and has a positive impact on the health and life challenges. Whatever the conscious mind thinks or does gets imprinted in the subconscious level. Hence it is important to rectify the issue from the subconscious level and this can be done by the Inner Child Therapy.

The first comprehensive method of reparenting the Inner Child in therapy was originated by Art Therapist, Dr. Lucia Capacchione, in 1976.

In the Indian context, we go back to the story of Krishna and Subhadra, how Abhimanyu learnt the technique of breaking the Chakravyūha while he was in his mother’s womb. The journey begins at the womb stage and the fetus can understand mother’s pain and problems. Hence it is often said that whatever a mother to be experiences in her pregnancy has an impact on the baby’s personality.

Some areas, where this therapy is helpful,

Inner Child has origins in India from yogis, but now has become popular all across. Inner Child is a study of past (childhood) experience of a client, here we give more importance to know how was the mothers experience before and after the birth of baby. This problem can be also related to her past life experience. The sessions can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the issue and how receptive the client is.

This should be done under a trained healer, he or she should have the knowledge and experience to analyse the problem and treat accordingly.

We have multiple healers who do Inner Child Healing session online, if you feel there is something blocking you from moving forward, try a session.

We have an old world saying that goes ‘the earth laughs in flowers’. No one has understood this saying better than Dr Edward Bach who in his wisdom developed Bach Flower Remedies as an alternate and definitely the most fragrant form of alternate medicine.

Dr Edward Bach an eminent Physician, about 80 years ago, let go of his flourishing practice of Homeopath, decided to venture into knowing and extracting the essence of flowers full time. He left bustling London and put in all his efforts into finding out the affect plants especially flowers have on our health and daily life.

According to Bach, illness is a result of deviation from a soul’s purpose in life and the personality’s outlook which often result in energy blocking causing loss of harmony and an ongoing internal war within our body.

When negative emotions such as fear, worry, stress, indecisiveness prevail in our body, our being finds it difficult to heal itself. By the essence extracted from flowers, Bach aims at creating an environment conducive for the body to mend itself. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting our negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole.

Bach classifies the flower essence into 38 categories based on 38 flower extracts. He did so instinctively and with the help of his psychic connection with the plants rather than on the basis of scientific data. He then through much research later termed the final essence as ‘mother tincture’ which needs to be diluted before use or sale.

Another feature of this treatment is that it is completely safe to use. It can be safely administered to both children as well as the elderly. It can also be used along with other forms of medicine be it conventional or alternative. It can be taken either in a 30ml/1 once treatment bottle filled with spring water or as 4 drops 4 times a day until relief is obtained. Incase water is unavailable, you can take it undiluted either in the mouth or rub it behind the ears or the insides of your wrists. As a preservative option, brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin can be used to dilute.

To help us understand Bach Flower treatment better, below are a few illustrations based on case studies. The first case study is of a meek 10 year old who was always nervous and constantly complained of tummy aches. She suffered from low self confidence and also indecisiveness. According to her mother, she for many days struggled with the decision as to whether she wanted to go to the school trip with her friends or not. Her mother, after a colleague’s recommendation introduced the little girl to Bach Flower Remedies was shocked to see the change in her meek little girl. She was much more confident and strong. She ultimately decided to go to the field trip and had a gala time there.

Second is the case of Romita, who is a breast cancer survivor. She suddenly seems to lose her appetite and her resistance to pain. A woman with a positive outlook was a shadow of herself; she experienced frequent blackouts and was depressed all day. After a recommendation from a friend, Romita started using Back Flower essence as instructed by her practioner. She used it on and off for 48 hours and felt a vast difference in herself. She was calmer and more enthusiastic. Just a few sips of the formula was needed to calm her and soon she was back to being herself.

Read: More case studies

We, from time in memorial have understood the importance and influence of nature and also the role it plays in prevention and cure of various diseases. Bach Flower Remedies reinforces this belief system. The essences can help us to improve our emotional and mental state thus balancing the body and the mind. As Dr. Edward Bach so eloquently put it “healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely one method of all which appeals to most of us”.

To know how bach flower remedies can help you, call us at +91 8050003237

Yeay!!! You are now a MOTHER. The struggles of pregnancy now seem irrelevant. The days of morning sickness, achy backs, insomnia seems like a thing of the past once you set your eyes on the tiny miracle that you brought into this world. Now that you are responsible for another life apart from yours, it becomes very essential that you care for your health. And what is better than Postpartum yoga for health?

Postpartum care is the first few weeks upon delivery where the body heals itself from the harrowing experience that is childbirth. This is the time to take it easy, rest as much as possible and heal. The period after delivery is sometimes referred to as the fourth trimester and this is the time to recover physically with yoga after delivery and a great time to bond with the newborn. 

Some women think that they will return back to their pre-pregnancy bodies as soon as they have given birth. But your body has seen enormous change- there are bruised and torn tissues that need to be healed, labor itself is pretty hard on your body, you need to recover from it, milk production needs to get underway. Plus the uterus that has been stretched to its limit needs to contract to its pre-pregnancy size.

According to our Yoga therapist, women with vaginal deliveries  can start after 2 months and C section moms after 3 months can start Postnatal or postpartum Yoga. Mommies are encouraged to take light walks and also advised to wrap their bellies with postnatal wraps. This not only helps stabilize their stomachs but also supports lower back and boosts confidence.

The key word here is taking it slow. Everything has to be done in a slow and steady pace so as to not shock the body. Care has to be taken while practicing asana and yoga for new moms as the pregnancy hormone Relaxin, which helps in relaxing of joints and thereby allows for widening of hips to facilitate childbirth, is also elevated and will remain so for the next six months or so. This means all of your joints are looser hence less stable.

Read: Preparing childbirth with pre natal yoga

The pushing done during labor makes for a compromised pelvic floor. Shishuasana or child pose asana helps in not only strengthening of the pelvic floor but also provide the hips and the spine with gentle stretching that it needs. One of the major joys of motherhood is tending to the every need of the newborn from breastfeeding to rocking her back to sleep. This results in a tired neck and shoulders to loss of endurance. Gomukhasana and Virabhadrasana not only help build stamina but also provide well needed relief to those tired muscles.

One of the most common physical changes a new mother finds is her protruding belly. There are a lot of asanas and yogas and breathing exercises which go a long way in strengthening your abdominal muscles. But remember, it took nine long months for your stomach to increase, so don’t expect results overnight.

The advantage of  postpartum yoga is that it not only boosts your immune system but also improves your posture and balance. Lack of sleep is one of the features of a new mom. Sleep deprivation not only results in depression but also adversely affects the quality of breast milk and decreases your memory and focus. Yoga for mommies not only helps you to  focus but also ups the production of serotonin which decreases the chance of postpartum depression. Balancing of wayward hormones and stress can be tackled with various asanas and yogas and breathing exercises. Although, all exercises and post pregnancy yoga  should be done under supervision as the wrong type could have an adverse affect on your body and sometimes leads to umbilical hernias.

In conclusion, giving birth is a life changing experience. It is also a body changing experience. Postpartum Yoga may be the last thing on your mind but a few minutes a day practicing it can help you reconnect with your mind and body and help you stay in shape both mentally and physically for the adventure called Parenthood.

Read: Make your pregnancy easier through Reiki

We offer different alternate therapies, so speak to our counselor who will help you create a customised plan 

You are getting Sleepy..!!! You can only listen to the sound of my voice!!!  How often have we seen a hypnotist say such words in a movie or play and dismissed it as some kind of a hoax. Most of us, thanks to such a portrayal, associate hypnosis to some sort of magic, especially dark magic. But Hypnosis is in reality an effective tool to deal with anxiety, stress, pain and  in medical conditions.

Let’s find out more about healing hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is a guided relaxation technique with intense concentration and focused attention in order to attain a heightened state of awareness like in a trance. When in such a state, the person is so focused that he blocks out everything around him. This helps the therapist suggest and explore the subconscious mind. Hypnosis acts as an aid to psychotherapy. Hypnosis is usually done by the therapist using verbal repetitions and mental images. Under hypnosis patients are usually very calm and open to suggestions.

People have been entering into hypnotic trance for thousands of years in different religions and cultures. But the scientific concept of hypnotherapy wasn’t until the 1700’s. In conventional hypnotherapy, you approach the suggestion of the therapist or your own as if they are real. For example, if the therapists suggest that you are a bird, you think of yourself as a bird and start chirping like a bird. Essentially, you are playing pretend at a very intense level. In this state we are uninhabited and relaxed maybe because we block out our surroundings including our worries and problems and only listen to what is suggested by the hypnotising  therapist.

Though sleep hypnotherapy is a controversial subject, most  therapists agree that it can be used as an effective technique towards a wide range of mental health conditions such as anxiety, mood disorders, depression, sleep disorders, phobias, fears, stress ,post trauma anxiety, grief and loss etc. Since it can be used to change one’s perception and sensation, it becomes an effective method in dealing with pain. As people under hypnosis are open to change, we can use it to modify behavior like quit smoking, nail biting, over eating, bed wetting etc.

Certain dermatological conditions can also be helped by hypnosis as it taps into the autoimmune system of the body which controls the blood flow, breathing, digestion and the body’s immune system. It is also used to manage pains of chemotherapy in patients suffering from cancer.

Hypnotherapy is also used as an analytical tool for mental health. It can be used to explore causes for some disorders or symptoms which have been subconsciously suppressed .It could be a trauma or event which is hidden from her conscious memory. Once the trauma is ascertained, it can be then addressed in psychotherapy

Under hypnosis, the doorway between the conscious and the subconscious mind is open and hence access to certain stored memory can be approached and negative imprints reframed. So, it becomes an effective mental health tool. Many times it is used as a tool to understand the root cause of the physical ailment which the client has been suffering. This helps the hypnotist to heal the cause and speeden the recovery of the physical ailment

Hypnotherapy is one of the most respected forms of alternative therapy for both the mind and the body. We now see many therapists, medical doctors, psychotherapists recommending hypnotherapy to their patients in conjunction with mainstream medicine.

Need help with your health or life challenges, Healclinic has certified hypnotherapists. Get in touch with us.

An expectant mother is often bombarded with horror stories of labor pains. Birthing is always assumed to be highly painful and extremely uncomfortable. Infact most women get so traumatized by these negative stories that they start to dread childbirth. This can lead to unnecessary stress and complications. The answer to all questions related to birth pain is mindful hypnobirthing. There has always been a debate among birth keepers around the world as to whether pain does or does not exist in childbirth with each group sticking firmly to its stance. We still do not believe in a pain free childbirth and the mothers who say that they had comfortable or minimal pain childbirth are assumed to be extremely lucky or having high threshold for pain. Or maybe we can say that they have practiced hypnobirthing! Most women are encouraged to take pain medications or epidurals in order to have a comfortable birthing experience.

When a person undergoes hypnosis, her mind is in the state of deep relaxation blocking all outside distractions. In this state, a person is more open to suggestions and hence certain beliefs and behaviors can be modified. When a woman opts for hypnobirthing, suggestions are made to replace fear and expectations of pain into a painless, safe and comfortable birth. Hypnobirthing is a method that prepares and guides a woman into giving birth in a natural, gentle and pain free manner. It is a program where the physical and psychological well being of the mother, the birth partner as well as the newborn is taken into consideration and this can be done anywhere from a hospital setting to even the quiet  comfort of your home.

 Hypnobirthing is a unique prenatal program that teaches expectant mothers simple but specific self hypnosis techniques which include special breathing techniques, relaxation, visualization, affirmations in order to foster a much easier, gentler birth which is often associated with significant reduction in pain.  Hypnobirthing does not teach mothers how to give birth because according to therapists give a mother an undisturbed and safe environment and her primal brain takes over and her body automatically gives birth.

Most of our lives we are conditioned to believe that pains are associated with childbirth. This extreme fear causes the body to tense up and normal physiological functions are affected which results in exactly what they feared- painful and sometimes interventional birthing. Hence birthing mothers are taught to relax and banish fear so that ‘feel good’ hormones like endorphins and serotonin are released. This they say relaxes a mother to a point where she feels less pain or no pain at all.

Advantages of hypnotherapy birth which are supported by evidence are fewer cases of preeclampsia, fewer intervention or surgical births, shorter first and second phase of labor, happier and content mothers and babies which result in healthier kids when they grow up. Also no postpartum depression was found in hypnobirthing mothers.

Read: prenatal yoga to your rescue

Couples who followed hypnobirthing, say how easy and gentle their birthing experience was. Some have reported that  how empowered and proud they felt and went on to describe their child birth as one of the most memorable experiences of their life.

We can conclude in the words of Ms Marie Morgan who is credited to being one of the founders of hypnobirthing who says “when a healthy woman gives birth to a healthy baby, experiencing a healthy labor, trusts birth, is free of fear and is appropriately relaxed, her body will function normally without pain or incident.”

Read: Enjoy motherhood with postpartum yoga

Healclinic has hypnobirthing practitioners on their panel. If you are looking at making your pregnancy and the birth of your child easy, happy and healthy Contact us

Many a times we are asked about how different modalities work and what can they expect when they go for a particular healing therapy. Our expert healers have given an insight into some of the therapies and healing modalities – Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Switch words and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.
A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

What is clinical Hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is an empowering state of consciousness. In clinical hypnotherapy process, the individuals are in a pleasant state of relaxation. In the process, the individuals allow themselves to enter so that desired, beneficial suggestions may be given directly to the part of the mind known as the subconscious. Under hypnosis, the conscious, rational part of the brain is temporarily less active, making the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions, more active and receptive to therapy.

What are Switch Words?

People are still new to switch words! They are no less than magic and are referred to as Modern Mantras.

Switch words are basically positive affirmations which are manifested by powerful frequencies, phrases and codes to attract what we want in our lives, be it happiness, health or wealth.

As you advance in your practice of Chanting SWITCHWORDS, you will notice many changes within.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a blend of Chinese acupressure and psychology and is used to clear emotional traumas, phobias and stress from the energetic body.

During a Tapping session, you use your finger tips to tap on these meridians or acupressure points, to help stimulate the flow of energy again.

As you tap on these special meridian points, you also use mantras or affirmations to help bring to the surface any unresolved emotions or stress that may be contributing to energy blockages. Take a look at common Tapping Points.

Read: Know more therapies

Healclinic has reiki masters and practitioners practising other therapies based in different locations. So if you are looking for treatment in India or anywhere around the globe, we can help you. Be it healing depression, physical ailments or relationship issues, contact us

When noted British artist Adrian Hill was convalescing from tuberculosis, he discovered how therapeutic painting was to him. His mind and body were so engrossed while painting, that he for a while forgot about the illness that had weakened his body. He described it as “completely engrossing the mind (as well as the fingers)…..realizing the creative energy of the frequently inhibited patients which enables the patient to build up a strong defense against his misfortunes” .Hill found it so beneficial that he suggested art work while recovering to his fellow patients. Thus began his Art Therapy work which was documented in 1945 in his books. He is credited with coining the term Art Therapy

So, what is Art therapy? “Art therapy can be explained as a mental health profession, wherein clients with the help of an Art therapist express themselves using artwork to understand their feelings, solve any emotional conflicts, manage certain behavior and addictions, polish social skills, reduce anxiety and increase self esteem. The goal of Art therapy is to foster a sense of personal well being and can be expressed through any art form be it painting, sketching, sculpting etc. In short, Art therapy aims at promoting physical as well as psychological well being of an individual.

Art therapists are usually trained in both art and therapy and use art in treating, assessing and for the purpose of research. The main advantage of Art therapy is that it works with all age groups and can be conducted at the community level or at a family level or just as a couple or individually. Also there is no restriction in the settings where Art therapy can be conducted. It can happen at a medical or wellness centre, schools or at independent practices.

In a world where there are multiple forms of therapy to cater to every need Art therapy stands apart due to its unique nature. The main difference between art therapy and conventional talk therapy is that there are no boundaries like words or language which restrict expression but emotions are allowed to free flow freely using any medium be it drawing, sketching ,sculpting or photography.

The uses of Art Therapy are many. It has been found very useful in treating kids with PTSD, recovery from eating disorders, helps at-risk children deal with body imaging etc .It helps pre adolescents and adolescents freely express themselves with colors rather than conventional talk. This has led to children being more willing to participate in this form of therapy than talk with a therapist. Children who are autistic have found art therapy to be useful in bettering their social skills as it provides an outlet for their feeling rather than resorting to tantrums when communication proves too frustrating.

Read: Autism Awareness and Healing

Art therapy has been used as a coping mechanism among cancer patients especially when it comes to expressing pain, fear and altered social relationships. It not only helped them express their self worth but also enhance it symbolically especially when in chemotherapy.

Read: Alternative Therapy and Cancer

Art Therapy has proved especially helpful in tackling mental health issues like depression, dementia, schizophrenia etc .Research have proved that creative therapies like art therapy stimulates many areas of the brain at the same time thereby promoting healthy brain functioning. Due to reduction of stress and depression amongst mental health patients their overall well being is promoted.

Read: Depression and Healing

The therapeutic value of art is much underrated in our society. Drawing and paintings are seen as a waste of time rather than a way to express one self. Art therapy is definitely one of the most popular forms of therapy as the means to express is limitless. Also it helps clients bring in positive change and growth within a safe and comfortable environment.

healclinic has many expert practitioners in different therapies including art therapy. Want to know more about how it can help you, contact us

Life they say is a box full of colors and no one celebrates colors better than us Indians. From our clothes to our festivals, colour is celebrated in every phase of our lives. So, it would not be surprising that colors have been used as a medium for healing since centuries and finds its mention even in ayurvedic scriptures.

World renowned Scholar Avicenna in his book titled Canon of Medicine wrote that “color is an observable symptom of disease”. He also developed a chart that relates to the temperature and physical condition of the body. His view was that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it and yellow reduced muscular pain or inflammation. An Indian born American scientist named Dinshah P Ghadiali observed that by knowing the effects of different colors on different organs and systems of the body one can use it to restore the imbalance occurs in its condition or functioning.

Color therapy dates back to thousands of years as a holistic, non invasive and powerful therapy form, evidence of which can be found in scriptures of India, China and Egypt. Colors simply put are different wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particular wavelength and energy. Light energy affects all living cells and as we know without light all living things is affected. When used in the right way, these different frequencies of light i.e. colors have a profound and healing affect on all creations. Color therapy aims at restoring the balance in our chakras by using the colors of the light spectrum to stimulate and speed up the body’s healing mechanism.

According to our healer, “The seven spectrum colors namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and orange are associated with the seven energy centre’s or chakras in our bodies. There has to be a proper balance of these chakras in order to maintain health and well being in an individual. Red is associated with the base chakra, orange the sacral chakra, yellow the solar plexus chakra, green the heart chakra ,blue the throat chakra, indigo the brow chakra and violet the crown chakra. Colors are absorbed by the eyes, skin, our aura and the skull thereby affecting us emotionally, physically and spiritually. There are many different ways of giving color therapy including solarized water, light boxes or lamps with color filters, color silks and hands on healing using colors.”

We first experience colors as fetuses in our mother’s womb, where we are engulfed in nurturing and comforting pink. As we grow older, we tend to attach different feelings, memories both good and bad to certain color which gets set in our subconscious. We also build up prejudices against certain colors. Life gives us impressions and these in the form of experiences can be both positive as well as negative. Negative  experiences manifests itself into diseases over the years,Eg if, over the years one has been unable to speak his mind or express the truth, then this can manifest into disease related to the throat chakra as our self expression has been blocked thereby restricting flow of energy in this area.

Color therapy can be used safely and effectively as a standard form of therapy or along with other forms of therapy. If has been found extremely successful not only with adults but also with children and non humans. Color therapy acts as a catalyst for our healing process and encourages normal and healthy workings of the body.

Colors are all around us, we just have to sit back and reap its advantages. Mother Nature is full of colors; we just have to increase our awareness of the energy within the colors to help transform our lives.

Colour therapy is used in isolation or as part of other therapies depending on what works for you. Healclinic has colour therapists who can help you in different areas of your life, be it personal or professional. Contact us

Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
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