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Let Reiki Shield your house with love and light

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Aug 26


  • Do you travel frequently? 
  • Have you shifted to a new house recently? 
  • Do you not  sleep well in your own house? 
  • Are you experiencing fights, arguments and anger between family members?
  • Would  you  like your house to be cleansed by the divine universal light?

If you have answered any of the above with a yes, then Reiki energy therapy has a solution to all of these issues.

Reiki and energy healing is the most creative tool you have with you which can be  effectively used to  shield your house, protect your loved ones,  and create an atmosphere of love and joy. 

Most of our reiki healers  have worked with many cases where a house needed to be cleansed and blessed. There have been cases where a certain degree of dampness remains in the house — notwithstanding the best of civil engineering that has gone into the building’s construction. There have been instances where the inhabitants of the house never feel refreshed even after a good night’s sleep or  some houses which had cancer or other chronic patients residing in them.

In all such cases and more, Reiki energy healing works very well, to cleanse and balance the house energy and get the light and love back.

In addition there can sometimes be another factor which causes stress in the house. 

Your little, cuddly home that you so lovingly built may not remain one if some forces —  that you cannot easily comprehend — are at play. Even your daily routines could be infinitely thrown out of gear for no apparent fault.

Read: What is Reiki energy therapy and how does it work?

These instances are better understood by a concept called ‘Geopathic stress’. This is based on the widely-accepted premise that the Earth is a living entity and is governed by electromagnetic lines. Call them ‘Earth Grid’ for an easy understanding.

In some areas of the property you are staying on, the electromagnetic lines may have been distorted or disruptive.The natural frequency of the Earth may have been disturbed by high levels of pollution , winding railway tracks, electricity, water lines and mineral deposits, among other reasons. These are often reasons  why inhabitants of a certain house or a certain area sense or feel strange events and occurrences happening around them. . This is called Geopathic Stress

Is there a solution to this or do we accept the reality as it is? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, and there is, indeed, a lasting solution - Reiki energy shielding.

The effects of Geopathic Stress lines can be eased or completely removed by the power of Reiki and its symbols. Some of the Reiki energy tools that could be used to remove the stress and negative lines are Pyramids, Reiki box and Reiki prisms. Reiki pyramid or prism technique can be used to visualise the well-being of the house and its inhabitants. This can be done by visualising the sketch of the house inside a large pyramid and showering it with light. Alongside, draw powerful symbols on all sides of the house so that your sweet house has a powerful shield around it.

Also, it’s effective to have a rough sketch of the house and work around, using it to bless and shower divine light on it. The Reiki energy Master symbol works wonders in such situations. In some cases, we seek the assistance of Archangels to bless and protect the family. Reiki and energy healing programming can be used to ensure Reiki is sent to the house round the clock. Programming as a method is abundantly helpful for healer and healer as it allows  sending and receiving Reiki at odd hours and for long duration. 

Read: How Reiki energy principles can help you simplify your life?

When you approach a Reiki energy healer for this, make sure you have a powerful intent to resolve these issues and feel safe. Nothing is more powerful than your thoughts and intent.

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