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Kavita Freedom

Average Rating: 5.0 stars (based on 266 ratings)
NIBM Road, Pune
12 Years of Experience
15+ Years Experience
English, Hindi
I help people understand the root cause behind their issues and help them resolve those core issues through different methods that I am trained in. This helps them to change their life and achieve whatever they want to.
About Healer Kavita Freedom
Kavita is an internationally certified and accredited workshop facilitator, therapist and life coach with over 12 years of experience, specializing in dealing with physical and psychological diseases. She conducts various workshops on Money and Finance, Relationship issues, Boundaries, Communication, Procrastination, Loving yourself, Bach Flowers, etc. She is a speaker on various global and international platforms.
Therapies Offered
  • Decoding your health - healing beyond your symptoms
  • Intuitive Healing
Issues Focused
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Eye Issues, Infertility, Schizophrenia, Thyroid, Physical Ailments, Psychosomatic, Career related issues, Relationship Healing, Financial Healing, Animal Healing, Blood Pressure, IBS, Digestive Issues, Endometriosis, Back Pain, Cervical spondylosis, Vertigo, PCOD And PCOS, Insomnia, Weight Management, Entity Release, Arthritis, Frozen shoulder
  • Inner Child Therapist - I.I.I.T
  • Trans Personal Regression Therapist - TASSO Institute, Netherlands
  • Angel Card Reading
  • Bowen Practitioner - Bowtech Academy, Australia
  • Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Life Coach - Hay House, USA
Book an appointment with Kavita Freedom

I have been having irregular periods due to PCOD since past 12 years. I have gone through various medications including laproscopy of ovaries to set this right. When I met kavita in 2011, I would not get periods without medicines. After I started meta therapy and healing with Kavita, I started seeing improvements in my menstrual cycles. The periods came after every 45 days, that too without medication. The therapy helped me heal the trauma caused due to various infertility medications and procedures where i felt as a woman i had lost all my energy. Once this trauma was released my sonography reports showed considerable shrinkage in both my ovaries which were bulky, for many years and the cysts had broken down. After few more sessions my periods were regularised. For past 3 years I am having periods regularly every month.Also my vaginal infection which was a frequent occurance during all these years was cured. Thank you Kavita for showing all the love, gentleness and understanding through this journey. In much gratitude 🙏.

Consulted for :PCOD

I have been working with Kavita for the past two months, and the experience is something I cannot fully
articulate. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and never really came to terms with it in the way I
needed to. I was having severe mood swings, lot of fear to move forward, procrastinating out of fear of failure. I came across Kavitas practice through my mother, who suggested I keep an open mind
towards her techniques. I was initially sceptical of the process, but I quickly settled in as I started to feel
a difference in how I felt. Slowly my mood swings became very mild which i could manage easily. I am now proactively looking for a job, and not feeling helpless and powerless to my issue. The process was very different and something that i had never imagined, but what I found was
how safe I felt with her that I was able to open up about my thoughts without the fear of judgement or prejudice.
My advice to anyone working with Kavita is to go in with an open mind and commit to the process. A
diagnosis or a mental health label is only a part of your life, yet it tends to dictate most of it. With
Kavitas help, I could shed the label and focus on my strengths that allowed me to live my life.

Consulted for :ADHD

My journey with Kavitha began when I attended one of her sessions @ healclinic that dealt with cutting cords. And the free session I had with her after that .
That's when I realized I was carrying so much baggage in me. I had anger, feelings of helplessness, sometimes feeling overwhelmed because I couldn't say what I wanted to say, feeling bullied. I became a people pleaser to avoid controversies. I was afraid of being blamed If things went wrong. As a result, I ended up with BP and thyroid. To top it all I was petrified of water.

I decided to go with Kavitha completely trusting her as she took me back in time gently clearing energies, my negative beliefs, fears, apprehensions, and traumas. She made me understand why I went through certain things, helped clear issues at every stage of my growing life, and showed me a new path. She also took me back in time, my past life. It was here that I realized why I was petrified of a few things even now.
Today, I am more at peace with myself and everything around me. And most importantly, my Bp and thyroid medication which was high,has been reduced to the minimum.

All of us go through issues, and we learn to mask it or suppress it. Unfortunately it shows up as problems in the body, which is not worth it. I would highly recommend Kavita. There is peace in the end.

Consulted for :BP, Thyroid and Fears

Kavita was amazing. I had almost given up on myself and was dealing with multiple sclerosis symptoms that were impacting my daily life.
Kavita patiently took me through a series of self realizations. She helped me see the connection between each emotion and the physical symptoms in my body. I can now check myself and heal alot of problems I had physically.
From not being able to walk 5 mins without limping or tripping. I am now able to walk 5 to 6 km and spend the whole day on my feet.
My physiotherapist also noticed a marked change in my movements.
I still have alot of work to do. But seeing the results with Kavita I am confident I will be able to lead a better life!

Neha Roy
Consulted for :multiple sclerosis

I participated in Cord Cutting workshop. The facilitator Kavita Freedom ensured that it was a safe space to share our issues and concerns and in turn it became easy for me to absorb all the knowledge shared in this thorough, well structured and interactive session. Thanks a lot for helping me in healing myself

Devangna Tiwari Malhotra
Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

I took one month healing from kavita ma'am for my 10 year old daughter. She use to get up at night with fear screaming and shouting, was emotionally imbalanced, was not being able to focus on her studies, was very low on energy and had indigestion problem. Since the healing she is studying well, her digestion has improved she is now not aggressive or suppressed but emotionally very balanced. She is a much more happy child. Most important she was drawing from the last 3 years. She now got opportunity in competition and is also making small drawings and selling them for 30rs to her friends. She has also found her passion in yoga and has already decided that she will pursue her career in this field. She has very good energy levels and is able to do everything very well.
Thank you so much Kavita ma'am for helping my daughter become a normal happy healthy child.

Divya B
Consulted for :Emotional issues in my daughter

My life was a mess due to multiple addictions i had. My performance in my job was very down. And i was underpaid. I used to be people pleaser and always acted like a doormat. I always felt people were there to get me. I was almost running away from humans. I got introduced to therapies by Kavita. I still remember in just couple of therapies i had control over my addiction. It was a pure magic. As if somone switched off the fan and its gone. I started putting more trust on these therapies. I am amazed by the openess , support , care and persistance showed by Kavita. She is ready to go in the roller coaster journey with you. Slowly my other aspects of life started changing. I got a better job with higher salary. My health improved, my outlook towards life and people started changing. My relationship with my friends improved and few non serving relationships simply went out of my life. There is constant support , monitoring and guidance given by Kavita certainly helps to overcome the difficult times.

Professional from Bokaro
Consulted for :Addictions career and money issues

I have been working with Kavita for many of my health issues. One of the issues that I was facing for long time was vaginal infection. I had been having this infection for more than 8 years. All the help that I got from medicines was temporary and the infection would come back once the medicines were over.
Once I started working with Kavita on my issue I was able to understand the conflict behind this infection. My body was using it as a defence to disconnect myself from people around me. Since I did not know how to create boundaries, my body was creating it through infection. The infection would keep me shut from the outside world.
Kavita worked with me and helped me understand and brought to my awareness that I don't need to create this infection to protect myself.
Once this understanding came in, the infection was gone. Its been about 8-10 months now and the infection hasn't come back .
Thank you Kavita.I express my gratitude for bringing in the awareness of self love and the importance of boundaries into my life.

Consulted for :Severe chronic vaginal infection.

I was detected with thyroid post abortion and went into post partum depression. I was adviced medicines. But I decided to take sessions instead. So I started taking sessions from Kavita.
After taking sessions and working on myself with kavita I got to know that I never vented out my feelings out and kept it to myself which was choking me. Also I could not and didn't speak up in front of the authority figures even when they were traumatizing me were reasons behind my thyroid. But today after working on myself I'm thyroid free and that too without medicines😊 Thanks to kavita for helping me to come out of this thyroid problem.

Consulted for :Thyroid

My healing journey with Kavita began in 2013 when I first attended heal your life workshop conducted by her. I had already undergone a few surgeries. But the root cause of my problems was fear and anxiety which I realised in my therapy sessions with Kavita. I am really blessed to have met Kavita who has helped me rise above my fears and anxiety.

I would also like to mention about my daughter who suddenly got psoriasis during the pandemic times. We consulted many doctors My daughter underwent therapy sessions with Kavita which helped in healing her. Today she is completely free from psoriasis. No amount of words are enough to express my gratitude to you Kavita.
It's really difficult for me to express in words how you transformed my life

A worried mother
Consulted for :Psoriasis

I am an 18 year old student from Frankfurt, Germany and for the past year I personally have been dealing with severe stress issues that started to affect my physical and mental health as well as my relationship with my family.
My mental state development such badly that I couldn’t enjoy life and was in a state of constant worry and tiredness. I lost my period and developed multiple physical illnesses such has thyroid and diabetic issues all at the unripe age of 18.
I’ve been in therapy before, however it never dealt with my problems to the core like Kavita does. Through family therapy we could work countless ingrown issues, we never thought would face the surface. My thyroid reports are better than ever and my period is regular.
Kavita knows how to communicate with every type of person and I am so grateful to have sorted my problems with her.

Student, Germany
Consulted for :Multiple health issues

I had the opportunity to experience her professional and intense therapy work. Kavita ma'am creates the safe ambiance to open up and share our thoughts. Tapping into hidden emotions that we generally mask away in our own convenience is something that she does so intuitively and with a raw honesty. So much to learn from her workshops. Her sessions are very valuable address the inner issue and help us shift our perspective and overcome emotional block

Housewife from Bangalore
Consulted for :Therapy Sessions

The cord cutting workshop was very informative and Kavita was patient and taught the techniques well. She explained the various techniques in detail and made us experience them as well. I would definitely recommend the workshop to anyone looking to learn about cord cutting

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

I have been doing therapy and healing with Kavita for last 4 ½ months. And the experience is completely worth it. I was suffering from depression, anxiety attacks, low self esteem and may other things. In therapy I gained wisdom, got back my energies. Ans yes those anxiety attacks and depression are fully gone. I am so happy. If I compare my energy back then and now, there is a hell and heaven difference. My energies and vibes are more positive now. I feel more content, relaxed, happy and confident. I know that I am already back to my real self again. I am so thankful to God and healclinic that he has made me meet Kavita.

I will 200 percent recommend her.

Consulted for :Depression, Anxiety, Self Worth

The Cord Cutting workshop was really good. An awesome experience! The takeaways were many. Went back feeling light and clamouring for more. A lot of clarity on why things happen. Kavita is extremely patient and has a lot to share.
Thank you. It was great.

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

Thank you for the interesting session; you opened our eyes to a world of cords!  assumed it would be a simple procedure.. I somehow imagined it to be on lines of pranic healing.. very different lot of learning..

Now comes the part where we need to understand this and put it into practice and make it a part of our daily lives. Thank you Kavita🙏🏼

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

Kavita's 'Money Realignment' offers a holistic outlook towards money. It is created based on personal experience and that gets communicated in the n umerous techniques that I could learn through the course of it. One of the best aspects of this workshop is the healing space held by Kavita which allows many of our detrimental beliefs to surface, so that they can be dealt and transformed completely in a gentle and a non judgemental manner. It offered life changing insights about my own patterns with tools to deal with the same. It is a powerful, effective and a comprehensive workshop that deals with the concept of money at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level with equal importance.

Aspects of Money Karma and Ancestral patterns regarding money which are usually unspoken, were explained in a very lucid manner by Kavita and her wide array of client experience makes these concepts easily comprehensible.  The importance of freedom in terms of time and money really helped me frame my aspirations better. Her insights helped me explore my own patterns independently as well l, just by being aware of myself through the tools learnt in this workshop. It has given me a big boost towards my creativity living a life full of abundance.

Consulted for :Money Realignment Workshop

Hi, I am Sorabh Jain aged 55 years. I am very happy to have attended the Money realignment workshop conducted by Kavita Freedom during March-April, 2022. The program is well structured and gives new insights in the way we look at money & abundance. It also makes us understand the logic and science behind the Indian traditions, beliefs, and customs around money. The Laws of Money, money energy realignment were a revelation and I have started following and imbibing these principles. Realization of my money beliefs that I carry and process of changing and overcoming old beliefs is something which will help me overcome my blocks & impediments. During the workshops the way Kavita incisively deduces amongst a diverse group and helps in realignment is amazing. There is possibly anything which goes unanswered by her which is commendable. She makes the workshop enjoyable with her impeccable sense of humor.

Correlation of Mind and matter or Mind and body in terms of our mental state and problems manifesting in the physical body was also a revelation to me which I learnt during the workshop and how to balance yin and yang energy is very helpful and effective. The aspect of meditation for Money Karma was a novel concept for me. I am still a novice at it and am hoping that I will gain immensely from it. Kavita’s patient ways of helping us through the process of meditation is nice, pleasant and easy to follow.

I was excited to attend this workshop and am charged up to continue the process of changing Money Karma by having the correct emotions, correct thinking, correct energy for abundance. I would recommend that people who want to understand the correct way to live life and have abundance should attend this workshop.

Sorabh Jain
Consulted for :Money Realignment of Energy Workshop

Aapka workshop karwane ka jo method tha itna simple tha pata hii nai chala life ke itne complicated issues kaise easily resolve hoo gaye.  Aap technical chizo ko bii itna simple bana detti hai kii lagta hii nai kii ye karna difficul hai.

Aapke har session and workshop ke pehle main sochti ho kii sab resolve hoo gaya hai but after every workshop or session i realised nai abhi toh maine start kiya hai, abhi toh bhut kuch baki hai

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

I loved the cord cutting class today. I learned so many things which I didn’t even know affected me in day to day life, felt so content and light afterwards

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

This was my first time at such a workshop and obviously, I was a bit anxious as to how it would be. Frankly, there were 2 instances when I felt a bit lost but then got back on track quite soon thanks to Kavitaji.

The workshop was an eye opener to me in so many ways. It was very professionally done and in a way that was easy to follow too.

Kavitaji handheld us so well, I dint feel like it was my first time.

Thank you for what I think will be a life changing workshop for me.

Consulted for :Cord Cutting Workshop

Here I would like to start as does miracles happen? Then I would say yes... with the help of. Kavita’s healing therapy "Miracles do happen" . I would like to start right from beginning, one day massive bleeding started as my periods were gone I was like how come so much bleeding is there that too after 2 yrs when I approached gynaecologist and after all checkup and reports done, it was concluded that my uterus wall is thickened by 21mm, which is 3 times the original size and gynaecologist said that u must remove the uterus as it may give rise to cyst which is dangerous and I was like zapped and from inside was crying for not to remove uterus but according to reports and suggestion of family members decided to operate and remove uterus. I informed my sister abt the operation and she reminded me that why you are not taking a therapy from Kavita and I talked with her took therapy sessions from her. After 3 months when I did the reports my wall was in the original size from 21 to 9 mm and it was like OMG this is amazing and from that day till today I have not visited gynaecologist. I mean truly Kavita is awesome healer and therapist ;  I mean no words 🥰luv you Kavita.

Homemaker, Ahmedabad
Consulted for :Endometriosis

Yes got rid of thyroid with the help of Kavita she is an amazing therapist and healer. My thyroid was say around 5-6 and the doctor prescribed me dosage of 37.5mg of Thyronorm and my thyroid was hypothyroid. With the therapy sessions with Kavita my dosage was reduced to 12.5mg. Also I didn’t gain weight which was simply amazing because in this kind of thyroid first change comes in body is weight gain so all thanks to Kavita. She is awesome

Consulted for :Thyroid

I took therapy from Kavita for a few months to overcome depression issues that no amount of affirmations, Internet tips, meditation apps and psychology books had helped with. It was through these sessions that I realised the extent of my childhood trauma, how it was affecting my present life without my knowledge, and most importantly, how to HEAL them. Apart from that, I also learnt a lot of tools to help me cope with day to day life and to protect my mental health at all times. Kavita is an extremely intuitive therapist and has helped me understand myself better than I did before I met her. She has been instrumental in my healing journey and I will be forever grateful for her knowledge and guidance. My depression medicine and mood stabilizer have been reduced to half by my doctor.

Anonymous from Mumbai
Consulted for :Depression

I was diagnosed with blood clot issues in my stomach and liver. I had to undergo endoscopy and doctor suggested medication and some surgical procedures. That's when I approached Kavita and I took therapies  to heal my issues with blood relations. I also was having trauma and fears associated with the clots. But after taking therapies I saw a significant improvement and was also able to address my fears. Currently I am not taking any medication and have no fears about it. Other than these there are also lot of other emotional issues which Kavita was able to address.

IT Professional, Pune
Consulted for :Blood Clots

No words to explain the session, I feel like I have woken up today to really start living my life. I have been suffering from the last so many years, yet today during and after the session I feel like there is hope and I can live a healthy and happy life. My BP which was always low, has come back to normal. I cant thank Deeptiji and Kavitaji enough for the way my life is transforming and i have started breathing

Consulted for :PCOS and other health issues
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