Live Events

Healing & Guidance for Soul Development

14750 INR
210 USD
Healer Dr Disha Ghosal
About Healing & Guidance for Soul Development Event

You have taken energy healing, done yoga, taken reading through tarot, numerology, astrology…and yet challenges refuse to go away. You feel stuck in whatever you do, your life does not move forward.

Chances are high that you are stuck at the soul level. Do you know many a times we are at cross roads where our soul is faced with multiple choices and waiting for us to make a choice that will determine the next path in this lifetime.

Soul healing is a powerful system that works at the soul level and helps you in your soul development. Soul Healing is like other forms of energy healing, just that it works at a soul level. It focuses on your soul purpose, your destiny and helps you align to your true self, thus helping you excel in all areas of your life.

In this 6-month program, the healer will guide and heal you to,

  • Address the root cause of the challenges that you are facing at soul level
  • Understand the choices that your Soul faces
  • Possible consequences of the choices that you make
  • Tools and Techniques to make the right choice that your Soul desires
  • Empower you to make the right choice
  • Answer questions that you have always had about your journey through lifetimes
  • Empower you with tools and techniques that you can use in your practise and daily life
  • Align to your true potential and self
  • Daily energy scans and checks at physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and soul level.

Prerequisite to registering for this program is Energy Scan Reading at Soul Level

Registering for this program, requires commitment from your end

  • for minimum 6 months
  • to your soul development
  • to attend the sessions when planned,
  • to give regular updates on whatsapp
  • to complete the given work

Disclaimer: It is your soul journey, the healer will guide, mentor and handhold you but the responsibility of working on self is yours. The progress will depend on your committment, intention and effort.

Facilitated by Dr Disha Ghosal

Charges = Rs 12500 + 18% GST (per month)

Limited Slots, Book your Seat Now!!

If you pay for multiple months in advance, special prices available


Value packed events conducted by verified healers.
Reiki, Tarot, or anything your heart desires.

Healthy Living

Through alternate therapies
Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
Annual Guidance for 2025 using the tools of Astrology, Numerology or Tarot Cards
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