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Why does healing not work for me?

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Feb 17

I am often asked, why does healing sessions bring a drastic change in some peoples lives, while for some there is hardly any change. Why does this happen, when the therapy and the healer have been the same for both?

In my experience, a session gives us awareness of where the challenge is coming, what are the emotions related to that challenge that we are holding unto, tools to release those emotions and move on, but finally you have to make the choice of what you want to do with that information.

Most of the solutions that you're looking for in life isn't out there, it's in you. No amount of healing or therapy will help you if you refuse to make choices from the new awareness.

The healing is done only by the person being healed and not by the healer. The healer only presents the environment and state of consciousness or high vibration frequency required for the healing. How much to use it almost always depends on the willingness of the person being treated.. The outcome primarily depends on whether he/she wants to explore the root cause, make the right choices, release suppressed emotions and accept the gift of good health. Else no matter how many sessions are done, there's no change observed . In contrast, for those who are ready to heal, a single healing session can get a 40 year old health issue cured overnight just like a miracle.

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