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Ways to Improve your health at Work – Part 2

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Aug 26

In Ways to Improve your health at work – part 1 we saw how increased working hours in front of our laptops and every free minute spent on the phone can create health issues for us. Though these issues start small, with minor niggling pains and aches, they have a tendency to over a period of time snowball into major health issues.

Today, there are expert practitioners who are available online and offline who can help you with various health issues without the use of drugs and chemicals.

Lets look at some more ways how we can help ourselves lead a healthier life,

  1. Give your eyes a break

Most of us don’t know this but it is important to keep the eyes at an arm’s length away from the laptop/computer screen you’re using at work. If you are unable to read the screen properly, consider increasing the font size instead of moving closer to it or hunching your back over the screen.

Another thing you can do while taking a break, is exercising your eyes. Simply palming, massaging, making the figure 8 with your eyes or doing directional eye exercises can go a long way. They will strengthen your eye muscles, improve focus, eye movements and keeping the vision center of your brain stimulated.

Alternative medicine:

Naturopathy and nutritional therapy can help you keep your eyes healthy for a longer time. Herbs such as coleus, cannabis, gingko, green tea and eyebright are known to improve eye health.  Yoga is another therapy which can help you relieve stress from eyes through different eye exercises.

  1. Stretch regularly

When you sit long hours in the same position, your joints and muscles remain immobilised for prolonged periods that might result in them becoming weaker. Most working professionals experience neck and back muscle pains on a regular basis, and that’s indication enough to give your muscles a break!

You might have a lot to achieve during the day, but give your body a break every now and then. Simply stand up and stretch every 30 minutes or walk around your cubicle a few times. You can even set a reminder for the same!

Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking up to a colleagues cubicle instead of mailing or messaging them, can also help. Controlling the level of physical activities through a sedentary day, is entirely in your hands.

Alternative medicine:

Practicing yoga therapy – breath control, meditation and adoption of specific bodily postures, even for 10 to 15 minutes a day can go a long way.  For those who have chronic neck and lower back pains, acupressure and acupuncture, could bring lasting relief.

  1. Don’t binge eat

Next time, your colleague offers you a pack of chips because they’re on a break, refuse! Constantly binging on chips, biscuits, samosas, etc through the day to keep boredom at bay can cause harm to the body. It is the reason behind weight gain, high cholesterol levels, fatigue and even mood swings at work!

Stick to fruits and soy-based chips, if you are hungry. Have green tea at regular intervals daily to detoxify your body. Avoid juices in carton boxes and fizzy drinks.

Image credit: guysandgoodhealth.files.wordpress.com

Alternative medicine:

Diet planed under an expert nutritionist, can ensure that you have the right food and snacks at the right time and stay away from binging.

Please remember that this is your body and you’re responsible for it much longer than your current job’s requirement. While performing at work is becoming increasing important with the rising competition, it is also a fact that an unhealthy body is not going to take you anywhere. Being healthy and happy leads to a productive and efficient employee.

Make convenient and conscious changes that will steer you in the direction of a healthy, balanced and a successful life.

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