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Tips for physical and mental health in exam season

Healclinic Team
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Last Update : 
Aug 26

When exams are around the corner, children and parents both come under stress. Exhaustive study requirements, improper planning and pressure from parents cause physical and mental problems in children. One should make a timetable and plan the study pattern. Parents should encourage the child and plan for a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent the stress.

Dos for physical and mental health

Using food made up of whole grains at home with lots of fruits and vegetables is highly recommended. During the exams, stress will be high and a lack of exercise may lead to improper weight gain. The above pattern will help in maintaining health.

According to Ayurveda consumption of ghee with food will help in the nourishment of brain. Dry fruits like almond and walnut etc can be consumed as snacks which will help lubricate the body naturally.

To keep the child hydrated, parents should give fresh fruit juice, green tea, tender coconut, sugarcane juice as well as churned and butter extracted buttermilk. Ayurveda says that the buttermilk helps in digestion and controls excessive heat.

To keep the mind relaxed and to improve concentration, parents should be supportive and they should be relaxed in front of the child.

In between the studies, students should take small breaks of ten minutes or so and involve themselves with some other activities like listening to soothing music, reading something entertaining, dancing or indulging in any other hobbies they have. This activity makes the mind relax and improves concentration.

During evening playing shuttle badminton or some outdoor game will help in staying fit, physically and mentally. The entire family can involve themselves in indoor games like chess, monopoly etc.  to build a congenial atmosphere.

Waking up early in the morning can also help in improving the concentration. Ayurveda highly recommends studying during the Brahmi Muhurta during which, the mind is fresh and can absorb the knowledge imparted quickly.

To get good sleep, one can undergo head and body massage once a week and only head massage and bath at least twice a week. Abhyanga or massages can improve both physical and mental health according to Ayurveda.

Don’ts for physical and health

One should reduce junk food, outside foods and deep fried items. Due to stress during exam, the metabolism (digestion and absorption) will not be proper. These foods will lead to indigestion or obesity.

One should not consume soft drinks, carbonated drinks and tea or coffee in excessive quantity.

Putting pressure on the child or always talking about the studies will increase the stress on the child.

Studying for exams should not disturb the sleep; erratic sleep pattern will affect the health. Sitting idle in one place for long duration is not advisable.

These are the few simple tips to follow during exam times. These will help to maintain both physical and mental health as well as keep the child relaxed during the study holidays.

Read: How Reiki helps students

Read: How simple yoga poses can help in exams

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