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how fathers can participate actively in improving child’s health

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Aug 26

how fathers can participate actively in improving child’s health

Fathers are every child’s superhero. Children believe that their fathers don’t have any limits. But when it comes to caring for they are inclined towards mothers. Today’s generation dads have to be aware of the care and knowledge required to take care of their young ones especially when they suffer from any health problems So fathers time to read on.

As per psychologist Eirine Flouri, “An involved father figure reads to his child, takes outings with his child, is interested in his child’s education, and takes a role equal to the mother’s in managing his child.” Children with these types of dads are more likely to get better grades in school and fared better overall.

The need for fathers to be involved has become very important in the last decade as in many cases both the parents work and need to be equally capable of handling a child’s needs. Tips to get involved in a child’s life –

  • Encourage your child to have a healthy lifestyle, accompany them to their sports event or to the park.
  • Introduce the importance of exercise or yoga from an early stage, so that the kids start enjoying them.
  • If you follow a regime, it is quicker for the child to adapt, follow a disciplined life and manage your lifestyle.
  • Healthy eating also keeps a lot of diseases at bay. Go natural and teach your kids to eat vegetables and importance of natural herbs like ginger, turmeric, tulsi.
  • But remember your child copies everything you do, so if you want your child to eat or live healthy, it should start with you.
  • An equal involvement with your child on a day-to-day basis helps you read signs of illness at very early stages and create a connect to communicate better with your child.

A study has proven the fact that children, who have continuous involvement of fathers in their lives have lesser cases of behavioural disorders, overall wellbeing and feel less victimised by the society. The psychological study also reveals that fathers who are involved in their children life, health wise or other feel more satisfied with themselves, and are more to participate among the members of society.

This also makes their relationship with their spouses’ cordial as the feelings for each other deepens with empathy and mutual agreement when it comes to their child’s wellbeing. So in whole it’s a win – win situation for all.

Fathers don’t get left behind in the race, time to get involved with your child physical, mental and emotional growth. If you are finding it difficult as to how to get involved take relationship advice from our experts

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