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Geeta Dhagay

Average Rating: 5.0 stars (based on 274 ratings)
Secunderabad, Hyderabad, India
12 Years of Experience
16+ Years Experience
English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu
I have a spiritual approach to all my practices and my intention is to help people connect to their soul and reach their higher purpose. I teach Reiki and Spiritual astrology besides healing.
About Healer Geeta Dhagay
Geeta integrates all her learnings and experience to give the client what they need not necessarily what they want
Therapies Offered
  • Age Regression Therapy
  • Angel Card Reading
  • Astrology
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Chakra Healing
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Inner Child Work
  • Past Life Regression
  • Pendulum Dowsing And Spiritual Counseling
  • Reiki
  • Spiritual Astrology
  • Theta Healing
Issues Focused
Mental Illness, Emotional Issues, Physical Ailments, Trauma Care, Relationship Healing, Belief Work, Career related issues, Abuse
  • Certified Hypnotherapist from CHII
  • Reiki Grand Master (William Lee Rand Japanese Reiki techniques)
  • Theta Healer (Vianna Stibal Schooling)
  • Vedic and KP Astrology ( PG Diploma from OU )
  • Spiritual Astrology (reading and teaching)
Book an appointment with Geeta Dhagay

Very Good

Consulted for :Astrology

I approached Healclinic after I met my doctor for a prolonged health condition and for a final opinion and healing sessions . That was my primary goal for trying theta healing method while I had no clue on what it had to offer for me. Geetha a spiritual healer and astrologer was a wonderful person and she reassured me on this condition. She came at a time in my life when I needed utmost clarity on taking the most important decision and didn’t have a clue that inspite of working so much on myself , I was holding beliefs and patterns that seemed to taken control and cause of the illness and. Blocking my abundance & Prosperity. She is a patient listener kept giving me support and hope and faith everyday for almost 3 months. Infact due to these sessions , I met a doctor who really helped give clarity and such simple solutions for this age old problem that seemed almost a miracle and I need to thank so many people on that journey to reach to this point. Awareness leads to majority of the problem solved . In this case I would say 75% is already solved and I was able to make peace with the condition and with myself. This is a supreme state of mind to attain with respect to a health condition. Also many other benefits came along with this session like 5kgs emotional weight loss , heightened intuition, Reinforcement & outward validation on me walking the right path towards my souls purpose, alignment to understanding moon phases and how it impacts emotions and feelings and brought my dream journey into crystal energy and mandala alchemy! Thank you Geetha and Healclinic for providing me the required support. I highly recommend Healclinic for exploring the power of theta healing !

Ranjini Rao
Consulted for :Health issues

The Theta healing session with Geeta was really good. I had not realised but I was carrying a lot of emotions of other people, jealousy and insecurities which had resulted in me having constant headaches and creating blockages wrt my job. She cleared the emotions, and instantly my headache was gone. Then she helped me manifest what i wanted in my work space. Its been a month and I can see myself moving towards what i want. More importantly i am no longer stressed and my daily state is happier

Consulted for :Professional blockages
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Annual Guidance for 2025 using the tools of Astrology, Numerology or Tarot Cards
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