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About Us

Pause, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and focus on your body. Look for that one place in your body where you feel discomfort or pain. Focus on that part for a while and check what is it trying to tell you. With a little practise, chances are high that you will receive some form of communication. This communication and connection with your body is your subconscious connecting with you.
And this is our story, of connecting with our sub conscious, connecting with who we truly our and healing our challenges from the root.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Our journey started in 2010 when our founder Deepti started looking for answers to medical challenges which were beyond modern treatment. In her quest, she realised that challenges whether medical or non-medical are often rooted in deeper emotions, traumas, beliefs, memories, abuse, etc stored in our physical and energy body. And we have become used to living a transactional life. We get so involved in our day to day struggles that we never look beyond at what is causing these struggles and how to move ahead from them.
Healclinic was born from her passion to provide a platform and create a global community where all of us get access to therapies and healing modalities. In line with our vision that each of us operate in our unique way which can change over time, at Healclinic our counsellor's handhold you through your personal journey.

Our Values

Believe in the Goodness
Honesty in Everyday Life
Own Your Choices
Express Your Truth
Accept the Differences

Our Commitment

One of our core values is giving back to society. Healclinic facilitates few sessions pro bono every month to those who need and are unable to afford at that point. We provide group healings, meditation sessions and other free resources. We constantly strive to give opportunities to our healers and our partners to move their skills to the next level.

Our Tribe

We are constantly working to grow our tribe, people who want to move towards living a healthy balanced life. Our aim is to touch every global citizen to move towards a life of potential and possibilities. A deep gratitude to healers, clients, partners and employees who have been part of our journey.

Founder Deepti's Views

How do Therapies work
Identifying Therapies for which Clients
Most Challenging Case
My Perspective on healing
What motivated me to start Healclinic
Connect with a healclinic counselor who will guide you to different energy healing therapies and healers.  We are a community of  healers who work to make a difference in your life. 
The content on this website is for information only. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If in a medical emergency or crisis please contact a medical doctor / hospital immediately. 

The brand 'Healclinic' operates under the company Simplimetric Consulting LLP and Healclinic Healthcare Pvt Ltd which are registered under ROC. Our Registered office is in 7th Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, India. 
Copyright © Healclinic.in
Annual Guidance for 2025 using the tools of Astrology, Numerology or Tarot Cards
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